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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. That's pretty average for a WWE house show. Depending on the arena's capacity and city, house shows can range anywhere from 1000-10,000. When Raw, has around 4000 in attendance, then we can talk. Let's make things clear, I'm not hating on TNA's product or talents. It's just that TNA fans think it could survive with the state it is in. But in reality it's losing a ton of money each year, and sooner or later I see Mr. Carter pulling the plug.
  2. Maybe not the entire state, but Southern California is. People come from LA, Mexico, and Arizona to see shows.
  3. In an arena that hold up to 12000? Especially, in a state that's a hotbed for wrestling, those numbers aren't that great.
  4. If you call 3000-4000 in attendance good numbers, then sure.
  5. I didn't go to the Fozzy, apparently it was sold out, and no one wanted to go with me. He was doing a meet and greet at scrape records, before the concert.
  6. Didn't get a picture of him, he seem a tad pissed off, so I didn't wanna ask. Plus, I was a bit in a rush to make it to the bar for the game. Got him to sign my Jerichoholic T-shirt and his book.
  7. Actually, Roy did pretty well the first few games with Higgins and Hansen. Then, he got bump down to the 3rd line, when Kesler came back, and kinda disappeared along with Higgins.
  8. Hogan put wrestling on the map, but he's a horrible wrestler. No sell Hogan.
  9. R-Truth might be in line for a heel turn, hooray.
  10. GTA 101: The SUV should have made a quick turn onto another street, after he got off the freeway. Probably would've avoided getting his window smashed open.
  11. Call me crazy but they should repackage Barrett as a babyface, because clearly they're not utilizing him properly as a heel. Plus, every championship is held by a heel, right now (technically). So, when he does return, he'll just be back where he started, lost in the shuffle.
  12. I don't think we will ever see Jericho wrestle on a full-time basis, his schedule revolves around Fozzy. It's not even a sure thing that he's going to return after this Fozzy tour is done. He's working on his third book right now and also writing songs for the next Fozzy album. So it might be a while until Y2J saves us again.
  13. Hmm, she seem so out of place with the space background, idk. But I do like that picture of her. <3
  14. Honestly, Heyman hasn't been that great since returning to the WWE aside from his early stuff, in the Lesnar-Hunter feud. His promos are way too long and it just drowns the segment.
  15. Umm, all his promos are non-comedic. Depending on how you look at it, his mannerism and tone are always serious.
  16. Zeb Colter is easily the best talker in the entire business, right now.
  17. Owen was pretty underrated on the mic. None of his promos would dazzle you or anything, but he did have some golden moments on the mic. The Owen 3:16 said I broke your neck, and when he "won" his second Slammy, both of those were improvised and wasn't scripted.
  18. Ehhh, aside from Dusty's promo it wasn't that great of a show. Man, I thought someone huge was going to come out and make the save, someone like Shawn Michaels or something. They kind of hinted that Michaels might be part of the storyline when Trips said, "Shawn should have taught you better."
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