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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. Bautista is rumoured to be a surprise entry in the Rumble.
  2. Harding deserves to be the 3rd stringer for Team Canada if Crawford is unavailable.
  3. I don't get why people compare Sakic, Yzerman, etc to Lucic. Different era, different type of players. Sakic and them played in a time where social media didn't exist. We don't know what they did after games, or if they had any altercation with fans. We only saw what they did on the ice and made are own conclusions that they were class acts (not saying they aren't).
  4. Yeah, instead he attacks them on a personal level. Great role model.
  5. So I'm guessing, no? I can't believe you can defend someone as arrogant and as egotistic as Kesler. But whatever floats your boat, buddy.
  6. Where did he paint the whole city as one? He just said "he's done defending his city and the people of my city." Meaning, if people want to trash Vancouver verbally, then so be it, he's not going to intervene. I'm sure most if not all his family members, relatives and friends still live in Vancouver. So, is he labelling them as that loser, that punched him as well?
  7. I guess you haven't seen him play with the Giants before. I mention several times, he has always played with an edge dating back to his junior days. If he's a classless player, then so is Kesler and Burrows.
  8. I bet if Lucic wore a different logo on his chest, people on here would be defending him and don't act like you wouldn't. But since he's a Bruin, he is labeled as a classless piece of turd and a dirty player. Just. Move. On.
  9. Ummm..so are you saying if you moved to a different city for work related purposes, Vancouver isn't your city? Last time I checked, Lucic was born and raised in Vancouver, his family/relatives live here, and still resides here during the off-season. So, technically it's still his city, and if he wants to have a couple of drinks with his buddies, who are we to judge him? I'm sorry to break it to you, but life doesn't revolve around hockey. Lucic didn't threaten to kill him. Here is what I got from listening to the video. Drunk Guy: Do you know who you're f**king with, MFer? Lucic: What? Do you know who YOU ARE f**king with? Drunk Guy: I'll f**cking kill you. -cops arrive- Lucic: Buddy, here we go. Here we go. Cops: How about you leave? Lucic: How about I leave? He f**king hit me twice.
  10. For those who say Lucic has no class, do you guys know him personally? Or are you guys just making an assumption because he plays for the Bruins and plays with an edge (something he has done his entire career). I remember, during the Olympics, one guy on this forum posted a story about Lucic offering him and his girlfriend a ride in his limo, because it was late at night and they were intoxicated. Yep, that's something a guy with no class would do. I also had the chance to meet him a couple of times and he seems like a humble guy.
  11. RR is a perfect time to break them up, setting a triple threat match at WM for the US title. That being said, I hope they go for another year or two, before that happens. There's so much stuff they could still do with them...feuding with the Wyatts (which clearly EVERYONE wants to see), being the Authority's henchmen, maybe even adding a new member from NXT.
  12. I'm not going to be a happy camper if they break up the Shield.
  13. Who is this clown on SNet? Where the heck is Erin Hawksworth?

    1. Apples


      Probably fired

  14. It's not a work, he's done with TNA when his contract is up, on the 16th. Warning: Do not click, if you don't want to know the results. Probably will eventually sign a new deal in the future, when TNA gets their shat together.
  15. I think the match of the year should have went to Bryan vs. Cesaro.
  16. That was when Orpik got KO'ed and laid motionless. I'm talking about when Thornton slewfoot'd him and threw those his jabs at him. Watch this replay and start at the 2:30 mark. youtube.com/watch?v=8VEz9p8-L3s
  17. Not once did Orpik's head hit the ice. Not even when Thornton pinned him to the ice and threw those jabs. For those who are comparing this to the Moore incident, give me a break. Bertuzzi clocked Moore from behind, loss his balance and put his entire weight on his neck, causing him to break it. If you watch the replay at a different angle, Orpik actually had time to defend himself with his right arm, when Thornton slewfoot'd him and pinned him to the ice.
  18. No, he didn't. Thornton slewfoot'd him and Orpik fell on his rear, and then Thornton came on top of him and started throwing jabs.
  19. Grasping at straws, here. Come on, you have to admit those were weak sauce jabs. Not to mention, Thornton had his gloves on.
  20. A knee to the back of the head could paralyze someone. A sucker punch to the head would give you a concussion, a few cuts and a broken bone, at worst.
  21. For a big, tough defencemen, Orpik sure does get knocked out easily. I mean, those punches didn't seem that hard.
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