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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. I think I've seen this episode before.
  2. I wouldn't trade Bautista, just because there really nothing out there that can replace his fielding and power. Unless AA is pushing hard for Robinson Cano (apparently Reyes and him are really close friends). AA needs to find 2 legit starters, who has had success in the AL East *cough* Halladay *cough*. He could be a low risk, high reward type of player.
  3. If we lose tomorrow, it's because of the refs, amirite?
  4. Makes perfect sense, actually. If your opponent lands 5 big power punches and those still don't knock you out, why should your opponent get rewarded for that round? In the judges' eyes, a punch is a punch, regardless how powerful it looked. Sure, if you look at GSP's face, you'd think he should have lost that fight. But his face has always looked battered and beat up, post fights. He probably has thin skin tissues which causes bruising/cuts a lot easier. In matter of fact he has looked a lot worse than that, before (see his post fight interviews when he fought Condit and Shields).
  5. People bitch about GSP not finishing his fights or his fights always go to decisions. Yet those same people still orders the PPV to see his fights.
  6. Looks like Sparky gets his wish of a Wyatt vs. Shield feud. :D
  7. Yes, I would consider Shinkaruk a B prospect, pre-draft he was jumping up and down the prospect ranking by scouts, he got passed by 23 other teams, and is pretty one dimensional. There's only a few that I would considered "A" prospects (Monahan, Mackinnon, Drouin, Jones), I don't think Hunter falls into the same category as those guys.
  8. Yes, let's trade our junk players and unproven B prospects for a proven 30 goal scorer.
  9. Luke and Bray are pretty agile in the ring for big men, actually.
  10. I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Oasis+Whipped Cream+Chocolate = winning

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      great idea bro. i'd join you, but that's kind of g..

    4. kodos


      ^ all class..

  11. Here we go again with Barrett stealing his gimmick. It's not a gimmick, when it's a fact that Barrett is a bare knuckle boxer. They mentioned countless times on RAW, when Barrett debuted that he used to fight in the undergrounds in London. If you say Wade stole Kassius gimmick, then Kassius stole the boxing gimmick from Bart Gunn.
  12. I heard he had some sort of an attitude problem (Hero), and wasn't in that great of a sharp in-ring or at least to their standards.
  13. It wasn't in his hometown, since they haven't done a RAW overseas in 6 months and it sure wasn't in Canada either. The crowd loves Santino, he's the modern day Eugene.
  14. Santino gets a huge pop, because people find him entertaining in the ring with his antics. Watch his return a couple months back, the crowd pop huge for him. Christian is a veteran guy, they pop for him as a sign of respect, because he "paid his dues". Sorta like how RVD, Jericho, Show, Goldust gets huge crowd reactions.
  15. Has nothing to do with being buried. A lot of superstars gets buried, but still manage to remain popular with the fans (Kingston, Santino, Truth, Christian).
  16. When he comes out the crowd is pretty much dead, no reaction whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, I like Ziggler and want him to do well, as long as he's a heel or maybe a tweener. His show off gimmick doesn't work well as a face.
  17. It might be rigged but the truth is, no one cares about a face Ziggler. He needs to go back to being a heel, where he has had success, even if he's jobbing.
  18. The WWE is always horrible around this time of year, It'll pick up when WM season comes around.
  19. My god, I would do naughty things to Erin Hawksworth.

  20. Because he's Hulk Hogan. He was still in his "prime" years and was still one of the top draws in the business.
  21. Lol, Vince bought WCW for less than 4 million according to the book "the Death of WCW", which isn't saying much. Hogan said himself, that he was shocked Vince paid so little for WCW and had he of known the figures, he would have made a pitch to buy WCW for himself.
  22. Much rather have tweener Jericho. The egotistical, rock star, Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla Y2J.
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