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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. They settled the lawsuit, so the WWE should be able to use his name. Doubt he gets inducted in 2014, but I think he will eventually.
  2. I'm pretty sure, the reason why Savage isn't in the HoF is because he wants the entire Poffo family to be inducted into the Hall, which Vince isn't too keen on doing.
  3. I didn't like Black Machismo, but Sharkboy Stone Cold was hilarious.
  4. I hope they push hard to get Halladay back in the off-season. He might be up there in age and lost some of his velocity, but he still has command of all his pitches and actually has had success against AL East teams, something none of the Jays' pitchers have.
  5. The Warrior might be HoF bound in 2014, woooooooo. Used to be my favourite character back in the days, every promo he did always pumped me up, even though I had no idea what on earth he was talking about.
  6. I don't like the panel's projected team. A lot of question mark picks, like Boyle, Couture, Marc Staal, Boyle, Carter, and Kunitz. They were pushing hard for Kunitz to be on the team, because he had success with Crosby last year. But there's no guarantee that he will repeat his success. My personal preference projection: Line 1: Nash - Crosby - Neal (I think sometime during the regular season Neal will be bump up to the first line with Crosby and Kunitz will be bump down.) Line 2: Stamkos - Giroux - St. Louis (Giroux played with Stamkos at the Worlds this year and had instant chemistry.) Line 3: E.Staal - Getzlaf - Perry (Had some chemistry in the 2010 Olympics) Line 4: Sharp - Toews - Bergeron (This will be Canada's shutdown line) Extras: Tavares, Spezza* Keith - Weber (played great together in 2010) Hamhuis - Doughty (I would put Seabrook in here, but after hearing Babcock in his interview that he doesn't like his dmen playing on the opposite side. I'd rather have Hamhuis on the team then Bouwmeester or Staal.) Letang - Pietrangelo Subban/Seabrook Luongo Price Ward* *- Not an invitee.
  7. My body tells me no, but I won't quit cause' I want more. Damn, Michelob commercial.

  8. Zeb Colter is sooooo good. We the people, catchphrase is catching on to the crowd.
  9. Yeah, Axel yelling at Punk was pointless and ruin that segment.
  10. Also, Brad Maddox actually made me chuckle. "For those who can't figure it out. Miz you're tagging with Cody and Sandow with Fandango."
  11. Triple H is golden on the mic. One of the best on the current "roster".
  12. Not really he could always chase the World titles and be IC champ, just like how Triple H, Austin, and The Rock did.
  13. Nah man, the IC title needs someone with star power to make it relevant again. Triple H had it in his prime, so did Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, etc. If Punk holds the IC title, he needs to break Honky Tonk Man's record, though.
  14. Cara botched a move last Monday and will be out for awhile, lol.
  15. Or maybe they'll sign more washed up MMA guys, har har. I heard BJ Penn needs a job.
  16. Made the today's top 20 posters, for the first time. So, proud of myself.

  17. What comments? I'm pretty sure RVD made those comments. Also, Triple H is known for pushing hard to get TNA talents, once their contracts are about to expire (Sting, Roode, and Storm). I forgot Kharma, as well.
  18. I agree that at the end of the day, he'll stick with TNA, due to the schedule. Even, if he goes to NXT it will only be for a short period of time. There's no way he'll be there for more than a year. They know he will be the biggest free agent out there, if he doesn't re-sign. He's at the point of his career, that he needs to test the waters and try out different things. He doesn't need any championships or the spotlight, because he's been there and done that. It all boils down to if he wants new competition or not. He can always go to ROH, if he decides to leave TNA, but he won't get the moolah there. He can go to NJPW, but he won't get that much exposure.
  19. Honestly, if you're a Styles fan. You wouldn't really care if he's being buried by Cena or in the IC/US scene. You just want him to find new competitions. I don't want to see him face Christopher Daniels or Kaz or Roode 50 billion times, no matter how entertaining it is. Cesaro vs. Styles would be an awesome match to watch. Same with Kofi, Ambrose, Rollins, Jericho, etc. All those would be as just as entertaining as his TNA matches.
  20. 36 years old is young in the wrestling business. Just to put it into perspective Edge won his first ever World title at that age. AJ has about 4 to 7 good years left in him. He's rarely injured and is in his best shape of his career. I'm not sure if he'll get buried as much as you think he will. Right now the WWE is moving in the right direction, pushing real talent (the CM Punks, the Daniel Bryans, etc). So, this is the best time to jump ship, for him. Not to mention, I said the other day, that Trips is a fan of his work.
  21. No one is going to dethrone Cena as the face of the company, until he says he quits, that's just how it is. I accepted and realized this, a long time ago. AJ doesn't need to be the face of the company to be notice, heck I don't even considered him the face of TNA, I think Sting and Hardy gets a better reaction from the crowd than AJ does. He needs to showcase what he can do in "big leagues", like you said, he needs the exposure that he deserves. I don't really understand, what you mean by watered down AJ, he a Christian so he doesn't really fit in with what TNA brings, whereas the WWE is more PGish, so the values is there. Or do you mean his movesets? The only real move he wouldn't be able to do is his Spiral tap finisher, which he hasn't done in years. Most of his moveset are safe if he doesn't botches it and he's no Sin Cara.
  22. More news on AJ Styles status: Here my thought on the whole AJ Styles situation. While I'm pretty sure he'll stick with TNA, he should really explore "the other option" (WWE). He basically done everything he could do with TNA, and wrestled everyone who has come and gone with that company. You can only do so much with a company that you're just doing it for the paycheck. He needs a new challenge and find new guys to wrestles, even if there's a possibility of him being buried. He could say, at least he tried it out and return to TNA, since he's still fairly young. Plus, there's a chance of him wrestling at the grandest stage, Wrestlemania, which is a dream of every professional wrestler.
  23. Her mic work isn't all that great. Heel trish was pure awesome.
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