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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. shiznak


    He broke back, which is good.
  2. Lol, did I just hear a Y2J chant during that segment? Jericho, save us from this new corporation.
  3. shiznak


    Looks like Federer is done. Loss in straight sets to a 21 rank player.
  4. dat pop, mmmmmmm. This was truly my favourite mark out moment, bro.
  5. Jeff Hardy done it a couple of times before, though he kept on botching it.
  6. The guy who is suppose to be the face of the franchise was making less than 5 guys, what does that tell you about the company? It's a good thing AJ is genuinely a nice guy, or else I would have bolted to somewhere else, when they brought in Hogan, Sting, etc.
  7. http://stuntgranny.com/2012/10/08/possible-tna-salary-information-floating-around/ According to this, his old deal was fifth highest (not including RVDs), with no accomodations, but merchs bonuses. He could easily double, if not triple that with WWE, depending on his performance. His new deal won't be as big as Kurt or Sting, but somewhere betweens Hardy's and Anderson's.
  8. AJ wont get a development deal with the WWE, if you think that, then you're fricking nuts. They know AJ is well known guy in the wrestling business, he'll probably get what a midcard guy gets, which is somewhere between 200,000 - 500,000 (that doesn't include merch sales or incentives from winning a title), with hotel accommodations and first class flights. That's more than what TNA could offer him.
  9. Well, good for AJ for staying loyal, I guess, but he really needed to test the waters at the E. He really could have been better than what he is, over at the WWE. Wider audience, bigger stage, and more money.
  10. Isn't Punk a huge star, already? He held the title for 430 some odd days, and was headlining matches with The Rock, The Undertaker and Lesnar.
  11. Raven is golden on the mic, but he wasn't that big of a name. Especially coming from the minor, minor leagues of ECW.
  12. The Invansion angle sucked, because all the big name WCW stars didn't accept their buyouts to their contracts, and the alliance basically were filled with WCW midcards aside from Booker T.
  13. Raven wasn't that big of a name. He was used exactly how I imagined, midcard status. DDP was in one of the biggest angle in the business, at the time. But yeah, he kinda of fizzled after that, though.
  14. Name one guy who came in, who is a bigger name than Styles that got buried? RVD was in ECW and he eventually got pushed, before he frack up his own fate by getting busted with marijiuan. Jeff was a midcard wrestler before TNA made him into a star, and WWE capitalize on that. I don't know why you bring up being buried by Cena, no one is going to dethrone Cena, you just got to accept that. This is a different era in the WWE, and your assumption of WWE pissing on other company talents is a bit over-exaggerated. Kharma was in line of a huge push, before she got pregnant and didn't tell anyone before she signed. So, she got released.
  15. What makes you think they aren't going to push him? I already said that people know who he is, and if he's over with the crowd then he's going to be pushed (look at Daniels). Jeff Hardy went to TNA, came back to the WWE and he didn't get buried. In fact TNA made Jeff into a star, and WWE use that to their advantage.
  16. There's always a saying in wrestling that you have to get buried in order to get pushed. Look at The Rock, Austin (in WCW), Triple H (Madison Square Garden incident, lol), CM Punk, etc.
  17. Wrestling wise he should sign with WWE. For me, I don't really care, if he wins any championships or if he's being pushed as the top guy. He's at the point of his career that he doesn't need to rack up titles and wins to justify how great of a career he has had or how good of a wrestler he is. People know who he is, they know he's a big deal in the wrestling community. So, they'll milk everything that they can out of Styles to make money. For Styles sake, I would sign with WWE as well, if they're willing to invest on him. He gets a bigger paycheck to support his family, he gets to wrestle for the #1 company and get exposure, and he gets a chance to wrestle at Mania. Those reasons alone is enough to make the choice easier for him.
  18. The WWE can't contact him yet, because he's still under contract with TNA, silly. Or else TNA can file another lawsuit against them.
  19. I'm pretty sure thats what they want us to think, he's giving a little tease that he's leaving, but he's probably going to stay with the company.
  20. Here's praying and hoping he jumps ships. I don't care what TNA marks think, he needs new competition and possibly a bigger paycheck.
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