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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. How many more times does Kesler have to try that dangle move in the offensive zone, to realize it's not going to work?
  2. Scoring chances says otherwise. Letang could've had 3 or 4 goals alone.
  3. I'm more surprised that Mike Richards didn't make the cut. Played great with Bergeron in a shutdown role, in 2010 and he has a ton of chemistry with Carter. I guess they didn't want those two to party it up in Sochi after games.
  4. Kunitz - Crosby - Stamkos Getzlaf - Tavares - Perry Sharp - Toews - Nash Marleau - Bergeron - Carter Benn, Duchene Keith - Weber Bouwmeester - Pietrangelo Vlasic - Doughty Subban, Hamhuis Luongo Price Smith
  5. I said this many, MANY times. We were still losing when we had all those players in the lineup.
  6. Let's be honest, Daniel isn't going to be in the family for very long. I'm thinking Bray is just using Daniels for the time being, then he'll brutally attack him; writing him off TV, so he could plan/have his wedding with Brie. Once he's done that, Daniels could just randomly show up, attack Bray, and finish off what he started with him.
  7. Guys like Benn, Duchene, Couture, Seguin, Giroux, etc shouldn't be on the 4th line. If any of those guys make the team, they should be slotted somewhere in the first three lines, not playing in a shutdown role.
  8. There's a chance we could see Warrior in the Rumble. He's rumoured to be the first inductee into the HoF, this year.
  9. I have to disagree with you. They kept those surprise entries, an actually surprise. Everybody thought they figure out the surprise entires, like previous years, but they fooled us. Plus, I don't want to see guys in their mid 60s in the ring, just for the cheap pop. I want to see guys who can actually go for 10-15 mins and have their moment. I'd like to see Warrior be one of the surprise entries. That would make my entire year.
  10. I hope the MitB match returns to Wrestlemania, now that they only have one world title. With all these big names, rumoured to be returning, this match would give the upper midcard guys a match on the card, rather than some goofy segment backstage.
  11. This is why Kesler is highly overrated, when is comes to his offensive game. On the last shot he was wide open, had room glove side, and he shoots right in the logo.
  12. Nothing is announced, but all signs point that he's going to re-sign with TNA. He could be back as earlier as the January 16th, taping of Impact.
  13. Because you're one of those kids who thinks wrestling is real, and only cheer for the babyfaces.
  14. Merry Boxing Day!

    1. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      im staying in and drinkin. i have all i need already

    2. Apples
    3. LuckyLuciano


      Bewbs r awesome! Forget Boxing Day

  15. The Barrett Barrage had the most potential. They could have done something like the APA thing, he gets paid (whether it's from a heel or face) to take out other wrestlers.
  16. I always thought those were just myths, but after listening to the interview, I'm surprised how much input Cena gets in how the match is finished.
  17. TS pal, did you listen to the second part of Edge's interview on Talk is Jericho? There's a part in the interview that pretty much sums up why I hate Cena, he buried Barrett.
  18. When I look at Bryan, he doesn't scream "the face of the franchise", sorry IWC. Good in-ring skills, average mic skills, bad look and personality. Heck even, Shawn Michaels had a bigger built than Bryan.
  19. Anyone listen to the second part of Edge's interview on Jericho's podcast? An interesting part of the show is where they briefly talked about the Nexus angle with Cena.
  20. Never really fan of Batista, but one of my favourite promo of his, was when he told Cena to keep on kissing babies and hugging fat chicks.
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