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Everything posted by Baka

  1. Just finished episode 4 of Life is Strange. Wow that ending =o
  2. They should have signed Ray Rice. The team chemistry would be unmatched.
  3. With Randle all you have to do is swap out the word injured with arrested.
  4. Wasn't Greg Hardy also suspended for the entire 2014 season in addition to these now 4 more games?
  5. On the topic of building PC's I am about to build one though it is not for gaming it's for video editing and it is for my father not me. Does anyone know of any decent motherboards that have an IEEE 1394 port on it?
  6. IMO it depends on your situation. Typically the only students who usually need macbooks are art students and getting one is mandatory. Do you have a specific benefit from going macbook over PC? if not why not go PC if youre going to spend that much. And do you you already a console that can handle these games? (if you don't then it would be cheaper to get a PC over a Mac and a console.) With that said those gaming laptops are likely higher than you need to spend unless you truly want ultra settings. You could go a bit cheaper and still run those games at a solid level. And of course keep in mind as far as building goes it is more difficult to build a laptop than it is to build a desktop.
  7. I also got the same ending xD Its interesting as the difference between the 2 "good" endings is mainly decided by casual conversation options you have in the game.
  8. Doesn't the game have 3 different major endings?
  9. I'm surprised they gave Rocket League away as the free PS game. That game is gold with friends.
  10. I have 100%'d the Arkham Knight. I have no life.
  11. Phillies GM Ruban Amaro Jr. also known as Ruin Tomorrow Jr. to Phillies fans really loves talking about how know one understands his job. He said this earlier this year about the fans "They don’t understand the game,” Amaro said. "They don’t understand the process. There’s a process. And then they [b****] and complain because we don’t have a plan. There’s a plan in place and we’re sticking with the plan." Now said this after Papelbon groaned about Ruben not making moves yet again. "Papelbon doesn't know anything about the front office"
  12. And that Tampa DB reportedly blew 2 of his fingers off with fireworks. The NFL really doesn't need help in making its players look not so bright
  13. Only a little bit over a $100 for me and I have some free miles to use =D Though I feel that will be a sausage fest.
  14. DeSean threw himself out the door. To his credit he was forward but it became excessive. He openly said he takes routes off across the middle as he doesn't want to get hit (in all fairness the last time he cut across the middle this happened) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKD7s6TpAAk The problem was DeSean was a 1 trick pony he did one thing very well and nothing else. But he wanted money and milked the angle of big plays. He wanted a new contract and caused a stink over it but ultimately still got one making him the 6th highest paid WR in the NFL at the time which in itself was excessive. He had a lousy season then followed it with a strong season and went back to threatening to hold out for more money and a new contract. DeSean was talented but not talented enough to keep dealing with his ego. Keep in mind he was released before Kelly had full control. As far as the Eagles go they never spoke about gang ties or supported that claim only saying it was a football decision to let him go. The Gang report was released by a local media outlet not the team. And to the Eagles credit the Offense averaged 27.6 points with DeSean and 29.6 points without DeSean
  15. Ah so that is why Arkham Knight was selling for only $15 on g2a
  16. One of my friends has been working the sales and I have just been mooching off his games. I just need him to bite on Kerbal now.
  17. The story and universe is very deep full of lots of lore and stories even in places irrelevant to the story line and beyond the current shown map. But even if you were to take the Azor theory as destiny and unstoppable fact Jon isn't even the most fitting character for it, Dany is. I also see why the pieces could align for Jon but how is confirming that theory good writing? It would just confirm he is Azor and then give you a drama free storyline where you know he is going to win because destiny says so. As far as Mel goes like I said I still don't see why everyone is head over heals for her. Unless she was playing Stannis from day 1 to get to Jon (not utterly impossible she once gave a very cryptic quote about a sheep and its awareness of the blade under its throat, I forget the exact quote) then Mel misguided the entire time and showed how pointless her views are by backing Stannis as Azor. As far as killing Snow at this point it goes along entirely with the story. A story that has established that anyone can die, fail, or disappear no matter how much development they have or how long they have been on the show. At this point it seems silly to think more big characters wont be dying next season and the one after. Of course I could be wrong and Snow may get revived I certainly dont write the story but to me the story is better off leaving him dead and not raising him like some unstoppable Jesus who is going to save the world and fill a prophesy.
  18. I do not get the Melisandre theory with Jon Snow. Melisandre has never brought anyone back from the dead and in the one case we saw it only Thoros could do it for Beric. If anything she only looks like a fool now who mislead Stannis trying to recreate a prophesy with fake acts and realized how &^@#ed they were and retreated first chance she got. Unless she is playing an act or Stannis is still alive and will rise up to take winterfell (possible as off screen deaths are often misleads) she just seems like a weak mislead woman who defied the gods and got rekt. But even when she seemed powerful she still wasn't ever doing feats like that. Plus the whole concept of reviving so many people seems very dragonball Z and kind of boring. Even in this show though when it has been done no one seems to have came back the same. From the wights to stoneheart they didn't seem to come back much like the same people they were. Beric was the only one somewhat similar but had thoros their to handle things as soon as he died. And even if Jon was revived what would be the point? The watch already turned on him why go through that arc just to have them accept him now and land at the same place? Or is he going to ditch them and single handedly handle the Walkers? To me he is dead and he is best dead. To me it would just seem cheesy to have him revived and come save the world. But that is just me. I do feel the show in general has slipped greatly and have come to realize even as far as books go GOT is topped by many others in the fantasy genre so who knows.
  19. Dragon Age, Witcher, and Fallout seem like the closest series that I have played. With DA I would go 1st and 3rd games, Witcher I would go 2 and 3, and Fallout I would go 3 and New Vegas. DA and Witcher are at least dealing with similar era and concepts.
  20. Hate to say it but the show feels less interesting to me as the season goes. That episode seemed like 95% filler and overall it feels slow like you know exactly what is being implied and happening for weeks at a time now. Still a good show but dipping IMO.
  21. LoL NY Knicks dropped from #1 to #4 in the lottery.

  22. I had to work most of the day. I loaded it up and set my graphics settings but I was so tired I got off and will play tomorrow :'( My body was not ready
  23. The Witcher 3 is downloaded. My body is ready.
  24. I know nothing. But on the topic of foreshadowing being big this season, religion is a large recurring theme that keeps coming up i almost every story line.
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