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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle


  2. i dont like spiders .__.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      lilz if someone pushed me in to that thing i would rage quit. screw you guys im going home

    3. Heretic


      We have Wolf and Black Widows here in Armstrong...

    4. peener


      we have those here too the wolf spiders would get as big as your hand it was awful

  3. i have a devious idea. i will post myself in drag if there is no movement in "post yo face!"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BananaMash


      Are you Dropping it like it is hot?

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      more like this post will either make or break my cdc for the future (not ban worthy) but it depends on the community to chip in CMN just a little bit

    4. Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Scott Hartnell's Mane

      dude...please don't. haha

  4. you and me, baby, aint nothin but mammals so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. BananaMash


      me too

      sometims i pat the beavers it makes them very happy. lovely creatures

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      omgg i was with a friend and a beaver swam up to us and i totally gushed. cutest thing ever. i love stanley park. most romantic place ever

    4. peener


      they like having their heads touched i love the buck teeth they show am i right

  5. this is now my all time favourite drinking song. i love humming along to it even if i dont really know what the song itself means, yet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b0XZLBB9To
  6. awwww dun say that. everyone is beautiful. you should have seen me post my first pic in the old thread here like 5 years ago, i got trolled out for how much of a mess i was. times have changed
  7. mmmm you guys should step up. i'm running out of material
  8. i'm getting phanton "reputation points' how is this. no one ever thumbs up my ****

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      o__O i'm going to bedd~ bai <3

    3. stonecoldstevebernier


      this just in, Olias' butt is 'esteemed'

    4. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      :o nice thing to wake upt oo(!)
  9. if you're like me, and have had unfortunate run-ins with life-- like have someone close to you pass away, this tune is for you. really helps me put things into perspective my favourite lyric, "All that dies, dies for a reason; to put its strength into the seasons" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0RHg5N-APA
  10. HAD LIEK THE BESTEST NIGHT EVER WITH MY HOMIESS <3 but damn you translink *shakes fist* someone stole my hair clip, LIKE WHY

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      well as far as i know the original bjb site is dead cause of invisionfree's upgrade or something. something i had no controll over of, but they have a zeta version i have a couple years ago when kmad and serge was like, yeah the site is gonna go kaput pretty soon. once that place died, they went there. i managed to make it back on cdc x__x

    3. BananaMash


      Yeah I just mean the promo is still there.

    4. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      freaking voucher. good times

  11. Celebs: then and now. pretty fun. what the hell happened to val kilmer

    1. Crom!


      Mickey Rourke.

    2. Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Kilmer's asking the same question. *rimshot*

    3. Aladeen


      One word: MacGruber

  12. No more tears... It's a waste of good suffering

    1. Ghostsof1915


      I see the man around the corner waiting, can he see me? I close my eyes an wait to hear the sound of someone screaming here....No more tears...

  13. would rather the shield remain unchanged. those 3 work so well together here's a new aj siggy i've been working on. didn't come out quite how i wanted it, it's a work in progress but i kind of like how it's taking shape. yay or nay?
  14. it's funny, cause even though they weren't 'technically 90's. maybe in the states? but i was raised on the proclaimers in my early years one of my favourite oasis songs. great tune to listen to when i'm drinking. very lennonesque
  15. dude i was just listening to achy breaky heart. that song is so unfairly infecting
  16. this forum needs some interesting trolls. come on, guys. humour me

  17. this forum needs some interesting trolls. come on, guys. humour me

  18. jets faught hard down the stretch. my heart... it is broken

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SterlingArcher


      ladd hasnt even had a 30g season yet and failed to carry his team into the post season. ov>ladd

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      #internet logic: LADD HAS 2 CUPS WURRS OVIS LOLOLOL

    4. SterlingArcher


      riding coattails

  19. go jets go!

    1. Drive-By Body Pierce
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      First time in my hockey life i am cheering for the Jets too lol

  20. you have no idea lol i died when she sold that super kick. best ever.
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