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Everything posted by coryberg

  1. Salaries go up every year. Most of the players who make similar money signed their contracts years ago or were signed while being a RFA. Not many players sign at respectable rates a week before UFA. Another factor is guaranteed money, players can get hurt and their career is over in a blink of an eye. The ones like Clarkson, Savard and Pronger get paid throughout the deal on LTIR. I have no doubt in my mind that another team would have offered Alex 7x4 on the open market. Therefor Edler left 16 million dollars (28-12) of guaranteed money on the table. Even if he stays relatively healthy throughout these 2 seasons he likely won't be able to command over 5 on his next deal. So let's say his next deal is 4x2 with the Canucks, that is an 8 million dollar hometown discount and huge favor to the Canucks as far as the expansion draft goes. This contract has nothing close to do with market value and I'm sure JP "Slime Ball" Barry shed a tear when he signed it.
  2. I'm hoping he's gone... I'm hoping bunch of teams reach for players that are ranked 15-20. That means we will get a 4-9 ranked talent.
  3. That's strange... I didnt know that every other team was looking for a new coach. Thanks for the inside info. There are also plenty of stingy owners that wouldn't pony up that dough for a coach. He probably had his choice of 3 teams at the time.
  4. If he refused to go to Ottawa we could get around it by waiving him... guess who has first dibs on him? Ottawa
  5. “things get said in the heat of emotions, Loui is a professional and will play his best wherever he is, including the Canucks” Three years too late you lying sack of garbage.
  6. Imagine the roller coaster of emotions for the Buffalo management. In January it looked as if they would have a sure fire top 4 pick, 6 months later and they got worst case Ontario. **as pointed out by D-money it was protected** My bad
  7. Maybe we get up to 8 and then move down for extra picks... At the 2008 nhl draft the islanders had pick #5 and moved down twice. They traded #5 to the leafs (who then drafted Luke Schenn) for pick #7 along with #68(that they flipped for #72 and #102) and a 2009 2nd rounder. Then they traded #7 to the preds for #9 and #40. Long story short they traded down 4 spots and received two 2nds, a 3rd and a 4th. Not to mention the player they drafted at 9 ended up being better than the 4 players drafted from 5-8.
  8. I have no dog in this fight, was just helping you Google since you were having such a hard time of it. You're welcome BTW.
  9. https://www.coastreporter.net/benning-canucks-looking-for-help-on-defence-heading-into-draft-free-agency-1.23847198
  10. Sounds like he is going all in on the Loui Eriksson sweepstakes
  11. Yep. There is a precedent for this kind of move... Pavel Datsyuks contract (1 year left, same as Clarkson's) was traded along with #16 overall for a dead weight contract spot (Joe Vitale), #20 and #53. Because the insurance company is picking up the salary any team that is far under the cap and has no intention of hitting it before the season starts could paper him onto their roster without blinking an eye. Now if the player was healthy dead weight like Lucic that would be a totally different animal as they would have to pay his salary and pay it for a long time. All things considered? I would put the value of taking Clarkson at a 4th round pick.
  12. Can't find a single credible article. Only one I found was https://www.nhltraderumors.me/2019/05/nhl-trade-rumor-dallas-stars-trade.html?m=1 Total garbage.
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