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Everything posted by AppleJack

  1. I want E.Kane on this team as much as everyone else does but sending Kesler over to Winnipeg won't do us any good and pretty much makes no sense.. We need help scoring so why would we send Kesler whose pretty much our best player to Winnipeg? I also don't see see why we can't trade one of our prospects alongside HIggy or Hansen and perhaps add Kass to sweeten the deal? Even add draft pics if the jet fans aren't happy with that..
  2. Any one else on here like anime and is a cosplayer?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Alchemy Time

      Alchemy Time

      I watch anime but don't cosplay.

      FMA FTW

    3. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      My favorite anime is yu yu hakusho

    4. AppleJack


      Okay since a few people keep asking for the photos here is my DA. I will have new cosplay coming up in the next few months :P


  3. KESSSSSSSSSSSLER!!! I wonder if the pred fans are getting flashblacks heheheheheee
  4. Richardson is awesome he pretty much called Nashville boring hahahahaha awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. AppleJack


      You guys aren't going to let me say ANYTHIGN about any of our players are you?

    3. Warhippy


      I will. I missed the comment myself but I do find it ironic that a guy that has played for some very boring teams would call out the preds for being a dull team to play. They are a dull team to play but Torts isn't exactly uptempo, and he plays a faster system than Sutter in LA

    4. AppleJack


      He pretty much said how playing against them makes them sleepy, then started going on about what a good team the preds are....but it seemed like ...he realized he had just insulted them lol. It was rather funny

  5. Both Richie and Santo have been really good for us so far I have been very pleased with how they have been playing and if they continue to improve and play the way they have been then yeah they will be up there for some of my favorite players as well, though obviously Kes and Tanev are my favorites.
  6. That explains why I didn't recall him playing since I missed the 1st. I am not sure how I feel about him not getting ice time, on one hand I don't see him getting better if he's only getting 4 1/2 mins through 2 but if he's playing badly I don't want him out there maybe they should send him down? Sighs. I really was routing for him, I want him to do good. He has so much potential but I am not seeing any improvement at all this season.
  7. I don't recall seeing him on the ice at all wow is he playing that badly tonight or was I am just blind or something?
  8. Wait is Kassian even playing tonight or is he still in Tort's doghouse?
  9. Edler is being evaluated ....so he's hurt or...trade. Have they ever pulled a guy out half way through a game because he was traded??
  10. Yeah I suppose that makes sense just they tend to rush players back and it makes me wonder... I hope burrows heals up fast and is back out there he really is important to the team. I know some people are ragging on him for not scoring any goals and I agree that sucks but he also does a lot for this team, we would have possibily lost that game if he hadn't saved that goal! So get better soon Burrows.
  11. I can't believe the canucks medical staff didn't realize he was actually pretty seriously injured during the game. Correct me if I am wrong but if a player gets hurt during a game do the staff not have to clear them to play? He left the ice why did they let him back into the game without checking it out. If this was the first time something like this happened I would totally give the medical team the benifit of the doubt but as we are all aware this isnt...
  12. Going miss the first period due to work Burrows and Kes tear up the score board and combine to score the three canuck goals. 3-0 Nucks. That Preds Kes jersey I kind of wonder what was said when they brought that pred jersey into get a name plate then asked for Kesler.....
  13. I am a hockey fan not a puck bunny :(

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. Baka


      And no one's complaining about that Sparkles ;)

    3. Twilight Sparkle
    4. AppleJack


      um how do you post pics and I will. I also cosplay Twilight sparkle but Aj is my main MLP cosplay. Mostly cause i have a dashie to do shippy stuff with lol

  14. why does everyone throw Tanev's name out there in trade proposals. I thought you guys wanted to keep our young guys..and he's so awesome <3

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AppleJack


      Just because we could get good value for him doesn't necessary mean we should do it. If we are going to trade away a young D why not trade Corrado? Both Tanev and Staton (sp?) are super good and I find it silly to trade them instead of a prospect. Really the only way I would think we should trade him is if it some how got us Kane...and that's pretty much because Everyone but Kes and the twins should be expendable if it meant landing Kane.

    3. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Silly tanev is not the end all be all. Infact corrado will be a better player. If you can get a team to overpay for a player you gotta do it. To help the team. Corrado and stanton could easily replace tanev.

    4. AppleJack


      Corrado is unproven in the NHL...and why does everyone feel the need to compare Staton and Tanev...shouldn't we be happy we have both of them...

  15. Guys I need a hug TWD hurt tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Hugs. And here's a Colt Python to keep the zombies away...

    3. AppleJack
    4. Watermelon


      lol great episode

  16. Super awesome victory. Phew. This feels so good right now.
  17. oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so tense. GO canucks go
  18. an insurance goal right bout now would be really nice come on boys...
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