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Everything posted by SabreFan1

  1. That one had a happy ending though for Sabres fans. It was the Leafs that lost, and even better, Babcock got tossed out on his as* afterwards.
  2. *sigh* ...and of course, the Sabres lost this game tonight by 1.
  3. I'd imagine there will be walkthroughs posted on the net by the time you get back to it again. That'll make things easier for you. You could also hex edit your cash amount if the game is too difficult for you and you need some free upgrades to your weapons.
  4. Whoops. Just noticed this post now... I wonder how I missed it in my notifications. I assume you've beaten the game by now. It was very entertaining, but entirely too easy. I've moved on to Wasteland 2.
  5. No. They already have a coach the players like plus there are still hard feelings by the organization because Babcock used the Sabres to inflate his Leafs salary.
  6. Somebody here with a cat needs to try this and see if it works...



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alflives


      I thought this was going to be a recipe!  :towel:

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      alf was getting hungry.

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      Alf likes eating p.....errr...:ph34r:

  7. The lady actually ends up getting money for seeing Matthews in his underwear and the DA drops the case. https://www.tmz.com/2019/11/15/auston-matthews-nhl-pants-drop-charge-dismissed-apology/
  8. You're naive if you think that financial advisors don't steer their clients to investments that they and/or the company they represent don't have a stake in. When you turn control of your money over to another person they will always have their own interests above yours. Look up the word "cursory". I said with a cursory read of the details, the only clear-cut argument that he has in the article is the illegal use of his signature. If someone uses copies of your signature without permission, it's considered forgery/fraud. If he can prove that they did that, the standard of proof for the rest of his allegations will be lowered. I'm more than happy to pay the fees that I do to handle my own portfolio. It'll be a cold day in h*ll before I ever turn control of my portfolio over to another person. I've had people try, but after I get through with them, they don't ever ask a second time.
  9. We were all just being nice and not pointing out your original post. The whole dman thing kinda gave it away on who you though he was talking about.
  10. It was the first year of his 2nd contract which would have made him 21-22. He still has bricks of gambling money that he keeps in his Las Vegas penthouse. He just stopped posing on social media with them after the blow-back that he got for that picture. The YouTube video where he was interviewed by a hot blonde was funny when she pretended that she was going to walk away with his 50k brick of gambling cash. You see the irritation flash across his face for a second before he realizes that he's being recorded still.
  11. You're mimicking Alf. Not a good sign. If you think that Florida actually has millions in cash to burn on a whim, you're nuts. They can't even manage to turn a profit with the rest of the NHL subsidizing them.
  12. I talked to my father earlier and asked him if Jacobs still lived in Orchard Park. He said he didn't think so and that his main home is in nearby East Aurora. That would make sense since there are former Sabres and Bills that live in that area as well. I've only seen him a grand total of one time and that was years ago at a restaurant called Eckl's. He spends winters at another home that if I remember correctly is in Florida. He's actually been very generous to Buffalo. He could have moved his company Delaware North to Boston if he wanted to but never did. He's also donated tens of millions to the University at Buffalo (UB) as well as to local hospitals and other causes.
  13. I think it's also cultural. You don't see a decent percentage of NHL players skating around with giant diamonds on their ears and gold around their necks. Whereas in the NFL, you have players like Odell Beckham Jr. whining because he lost a large diamond earring on the football field. That day he wore the 6 figure watch, I was seriously hoping someone would collide their helmet into it in a pile-up. It would have sent a message to others in the NFL to not be stupid.
  14. Jacobs signed over the Bruins to his kids last year. He no longer runs the team. He left Boston and moved back home to here in Buffalo. Fun trivia, my parents actually live near him in Orchard Park (Suburb of Buffalo).
  15. Very cool. He's a smart man. Gronk never spent a penny of his NFL paycheques. He lived on the money that he got from endorsements. He even brags about how he still wears his favourite jeans from high school. Though I doubt he still wears them these days with all of the weight he lost after retirement.
  16. Yep. He was the first NHL player that came to mind when I wrote about NFL players trying to be cool with their cash. Between his money phone and now dropping half a million in Vegas in 2 days, Kane has reached NFL player status of trying to be "cool" but ultimately being stupid with money.
  17. Lu isn't getting paid millions by Florida. I still think Florida is doing it as a culture thing rather than a cap thing. There are plenty of Sabres that are still working for the team even after their playing days are over especially now with Pegula owning both the NFL and NHL teams.
  18. Does Shaq p*ss away his money? I don't follow the NBA or it's former players that closely.
  19. That would be perfectly fine if Aquilini was ok with parting with that kind of cash and Loui agreed to it. Thing is Billionaires don't become Billonaires by giving millions away for nothing. If it were to happen and became a trend, eventually too many teams would do it too and the NHL would make a rule on hiring former players immediately after retirement.
  20. My post and opinion overall is geared more towards these players having more self-sufficiency in their finances. Too many hockey players get screwed out of their money and/or make poor decisions like Garrison looks like he's made. I've given up on NFL players being smarter with their cash, but not NHL players. The NFL is a rat race of who's the coolest with their cash. The NHL doesn't have that issue anywhere near to the same extent.
  21. By a cursory read, it looks like the only decent claim that Garrison has is if he didn't give Jones' company permission to use copies of his signature. The rest sounds like just poor investments agreed to by Garrison. Hockey players really need to learn how to manage their money. The NHLPA really needs to get these guys into seminars and classes and stress to them how important it is to take it seriously.
  22. I doubt Skinner is going anywhere within the next couple of years. The Sabres had no choice but to sign him at that premium. They put themselves in a weak bargaining position with past GM's incompetent moves. A lot of salary is going to fall off after this season, but even so the Sabres are going to have to lose someone like Reinhart in order to sign Dahlin to a long-term contract. Someone like Reinhart could do some serious damage with the Canucks. Stick him on a line with Bo and EP40 and watch the sparks fly. The problem is, Reinhart and GM Eichel are best friends and if the Sabres can't fit Reinhart under the cap, GM Eichel could make rumblings about wanting to leave. Jason Botterill has some serious decisions to make this off-season.
  23. Nah, not worked up. Ask anybody. Like I said I'm a bit of a prick. I know it was a joke, but I picked on myself with the laughing emoji for not getting it.
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