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Alex the Great

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Status Updates posted by Alex the Great

  1. I'm as pissed as the next Canuck fan but trade proposals solely because of this game? Get off the wagon.

    1. stonecoldstevebernier


      This is exactly why MG is the GM and not one of us. Maybe he's made some iffy moves over the years, but none of these bandwagoners would do better.

  2. Pronounce Bieksa right, you idiot.

  3. Absolutely embarrassing.

    1. Alex the Great

      Alex the Great

      Completely embarrassing

    2. Alex the Great

      Alex the Great

      Colorado Avalanche embarrassing

  4. I'm always worried that I'll lose IQ points when I come on here after a loss.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tearloch7


      :D .. be well

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Ah CDC where ignorance truly is bliss and knowledge is blisters :P

    4. Kumquats


      I try to keep my mind sharp with sarcasm.

  5. Shiiiet, I think my teacher knows I plagiarized some of my Lord of The Flies Essay...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Master 112

      Master 112

      Bye Jordan, it was nice knowing you. Maybe we'll see each other again in twenty years or so.

    3. Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Scott Hartnell's Mane

      oh please...if plagiarism were a jailable offense Thomas Edison would have died in prison for all the crap he stole from Tesla.

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Dont you mean Marconi ? He was the real thief lol

  6. So now, do fans realize how important Bieksa is to this team?

    1. Xbox


      I hope so. He has been my favourite for a long time.

    2. Sestito29


      Yes...his unwarranted pinches and glaring defensive mistakes would have made a huge difference in this losing streak

    3. Alex the Great

      Alex the Great

      last game he played, they won.

  7. Can Chicago recover once they finally lose in regulation?

  8. I cringed watching the Marc Staal incident, hope it's not as serious as Manny

  9. Can't understand why some people can't post a tweet on mobile, I can do it just fine

  10. Canucks are lower than the Leafs in the standings. I am now sad. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/standings/?show=league

    1. MayRayDown


      They have played 3 more games than us and only 2 points ahead..

    2. Alex the Great
  11. Brilliance by Hamhuis..

  12. With Rene Bourque concussed that puts the count up to 10 concussions in 15 days. E.Johnson,Nash,Skinner,Petrell,Gallagher,Carter (NJD),Tarasenko,Anisimov,Malkin and Bourque

    1. Aladeen


      Don't forget Hossa,although divine intervention saved his life.

    2. Alex the Great

      Alex the Great

      11 now forgot Darrel powe

  13. Omg gais let's tried Sedans for liek, vanek and merlot

  14. This is the appreciation Roberto Luongo deserves.

  15. Sami Salo is the league leader in +/- ! Glad to see him having a good year with Tampa!

    1. Master Mind

      Master Mind

      If only we kept him!

    2. Aladeen


      MG should have looked at the canucks win % with Salo and that without! ;)

  16. What'd everyone think of Kassian tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PlayStation


      Sarcasm btw...

    3. Drew1


      Zack is an amazing kid , he didnt have to fight but he did for the team . I just hope we can end the road trip with a awesome win on tsn and come back home :)

    4. Drew1


      Zack is an amazing kid , he didnt have to fight but he did for the team . I just hope we can end the road trip with a awesome win on tsn and come back home :)

  17. Rose coloured glasses yo.

  18. Rose coloured glasses to.

  19. Rose coloured glasses to.

  20. Kassian!!!!!!

    1. Drew1



  21. Gonna rock the Kassian jersey to school tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I Got A Boy

      I Got A Boy

      waste of dough get burrows or booth

    3. Alex the Great

      Alex the Great

      Bought it in the summer

    4. ManUtd


      Wow. I'm surprised anyone else has one. Although I think you win for just outright buying one.

  22. So, I have almost admitted my applicationto SFU for communications, Im looking to be a analyst of some sort around hockey, is this the right course? I cannot find Journalism in the program selection

    1. SkeeterHansen


      I'm looking along the same career path, friend! I've looked into it extensively, your best bet would be to get your communications, at some point in future you will more than likely want some sort of journalism course, BCIT supposedly offers a wicked Broadcast Journalism program which I've been thinking about. Good luck!

    2. Alex the Great

      Alex the Great

      Thanks! Good luck to you as well!

  23. Realistically, where do Gomez and Redden sign after they've been bought out?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aladeen


      Redden - Red Wings,

      Gomez, NJ or back to Justin Beiber's bed oh wait maybe that's a different Gomez

    3. nuckin_futz


      No it's S Gomez, you were right.

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      LMAO Ari i hope you are joking. Why would we want a total washed up gumby like Gomez ?

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