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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. I dunno why people are clamouring to trade Luo. With Luongo and Lack the Canucks have another awesome goalie tandem. It's a luxary that the Canucks don't need to get rid of yet.
  2. PHI fans hate most of their defence, but again they do not want to give up their prized youth for a good but not great (relatively speaking-Imo he can be great when he wants to) D man like Edler. My guess is they would rather dangle a B prospect like Read for Edler. Kesler MIGHT snag one of Schenn or Courturier, but I bet they are extremely hesitant unless they want to make a serious playoff run. More likely that the Eklund rumour of Simmonds, Laughton and a 1st is more likely. I think that works well for the Canucks too now and later. If Edler can snag a roster player C then the Canucks are in a very good position moving forward. All eyes on you MG....
  3. First, I don't know (just my opinion) that it is about Kesler wanting to leave. I see it as something similar to Luongo's past situation where moving forward, it might be the interests of both parties to seek a trade. When Kesler said "he loves it here...son was born here etc. etc" I believe he was being genuine- the city and the team are full of fond memories for him. That said, he is a competetive player, and a player that if added, would make certain teams e.g. PIT chalk full of skill and talent e.g. CHI. People crap on MG all the time but if there is any truth to these rumours and reports, and MG is seriously entertaining a trade then kudos because it shows he is learning from other teams mistakes e.g CGY when trading older vets and getting low returns. A trade, if done now and correctly could really turn things around right away for the Canucks, or, further MG's plan of injecting more youth into the line up.
  4. He sweats alot meaning he is probably well hydrated. Drink your water folks.
  5. That is an option I'm sure MG is contemplating. As for trading Kesler, I think the Canucks still have about the same chance of making the playoffs which is pretty steep. Keeping Kes in the line up doesn't guarantee them playing lights out hockey, but who knows. They played a pretty good game without him versus STL.
  6. assuming that, does Kesler's value drop significantly since the playoffs and hence playoff contending teams drop out of the picture?
  7. He suits PHI's need for a strong 2 way 3rd line C than Schenn, and is on the 1st year of his EL deal, but with that said both are very good players and PHI fans are very worried about Holmgren trading either. A deal probably never happens, but I would love to see Schenn in a Canucks uniform. Simmonds too
  8. PHI is my favorite team after the Nucks, and judging by the games I've watched and from what I've read, PHI would be better off trading Schenn and keeping Couturier. Schenn is like a poor man's version of Kesler but much younger which bodes well for the Canucks, and Simmonds helps even out the deal with his scoring and grit. Hard to say though if PHI is game to move 2 very good roster players (34 goals between them) for a possibly injury prone Kesler. Hate to say it but the Canucks MIGHT have to include someone like Hansen to help even out the deal.
  9. And as already mentioned, that equates to three more playoffs + ample time to talk extension or trade again if need be later down the road.
  10. LOL touche! All this hype surrounding a Kesler trade is definitely interesting but I wonder if it is all for nothing? Really hope a team steps up and makes a trade that makes sense ala PHI (Schenn/Courtier + Simmonds) or DET (Nyquist + Tatar). A trade with PHI would be sweet. I think VAN would be a much better and tougher team with those two.
  11. Post #718 succinctly summarizes the point at issue. As far as facts go, I'll definitely agree that Columbus is a bubble playoff team now, and maybe even for the next year or two. I'll also with Kesler's history in Ohio because that is factual as well. But based on these facts, your claim that this indicates a move to Columbus is agreeable with Kesler, in argumentative terms is a non-sequitur. Sure, it sounds like it all follows, but as post 718 states, it isn't necessarily the case. So as a matter of argumentation, there is reason to believe either my argument or yours could be true, of course all depending on what happens with Kesler. I'm fine with that because I know all I am offering is my opinion.
  12. First, if any trade were to happen, Kes holds all the leverage with his NTC. To waive that to goto a non cup contender like Columbus is a stretch. It is not like he is desperate to get out of VAN or else he would have different things to say in public. However, so far all your trade proposals are always spot on right? You can't be wrong in this case either right? ROFL
  13. Ignoring Kesler's falsification of the rumours, I see no way in hell kes waives his NTC to goto Columbus. Not even a remote chance that happens. Dare to dream though CDC
  14. Love how people talking about trading Edler and Kesler assume McDavid is going to end up in VAN. Wishfull thinking at it's best. Kesler won't be traded this year no matter how much the CDC general manager's think he should be. Take note Warhippy
  15. Still bad. Trading for this year's draft picks means (most likely) getting players that won't be impact players 2-3 years plus down the road (especially if it is a D man which normally take much longer), and there is NO guarantee such players will even be impact players like you presume. If that weren't enough, I doubt any of this years top 5 draft picks give up such picks for Kesler OR Edler. It's not like they are trying to win now. You're living in a dream world. IMO the smarter thing to do is if either player is going to be traded, they are traded for prospects 2 years into their development, that can play in the NHL now and play well. That way, the Canucks instantly get younger but still remain competitive now, and allows them the time to develop current prospects like Horvat/Shinkaruk etc. while most likely drafting in the top 15 at this years draft.
  16. Yeah and potentially turn out like EDM or FLA. Real smart. I'm not gonna watch this team tank. re-tool is the way to go
  17. Keyword "Lockout" people.... You can put your fantasy Luongo trade proposals to rest now MIght as well add Kesler too
  18. Trade Kesler.....when he is easily the best 2 way forward on the team right now? Maybe in a couple of years before he becomes an UFA and Horvat has been nicely groomed to step in and play. Trade Luongo.....after everything both Luongo & the orhanization has been through? Luongo is playing great and is more than capable of being a leader on this team. Trading him makes no sense.
  19. and of course it probably all boils down to this
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