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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. CHI has an awesome team so it will be a good measuring stick. On that note I am extremely nervous to watch the game lol
  2. He's an RFA in 2 years so the smart thing to do is see how consistent he is over this year and the next. No reason to rush a contract now.
  3. I don't get you. All you do is criticize the current line up. Why would you care about tomorrow?
  4. I do. And play sports much. Perfectly reasonable to believe the Canucks players are speaking truthfully.
  5. Again? They have the whole time and have repeatedly said that to the media. I think you're the one confusing things How easily you people forget
  6. Liking the Canucks practice lines, especially Burr on 3rd line with Kassian/Richards.
  7. Another Kassian type people gotta be patient with. He has the drive so a couple of years in the AHL will do him good
  8. for CDC it is not allowable for the canucks to be in a slump. ever. even though they are playing good hockey.
  9. Cue the MG hate/bandwagon panic in 3....2.....1...
  10. true but all of our prospects are along ways from being either Kane like players or solid NHL'rs. With Kane playng well I don't think WPG would accept anything less than at least 2 solid roster players and a blue chip prospect. Trading Kane is insane unless a trade makes the team better now. Basically any team would have to overpay to get him, but that is the price of doing buisness for a player like Kane
  11. Yeah but what makes you think WPG wants anything to do with un proven prospects? Jesus....
  12. ROFL Try Horvat + Tanev to even get WPG listening. You seriously think they are going to trade their young elite franchise power forward for B+ at best prospects and late draft picks? Hahahaha
  13. NYI must really want to make a push for the playoffs this year. Could go well or REALLY bad. If Vanek doesn-t re-sign that is a heck of a lot to give up.
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