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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. What I love about Santo is his 2 way play. Guy is so dependable defensively, and lots of take aways per game/wins puck battles. Guy is a trooper. Hope he can stick around.
  2. AGreed he is looking better, and I had no doubt he would work his way up from the 4th line. IMO 3rd line minutes are perfect for Kassian.
  3. I don't want to be the negative nancy here but unless Guance starts stepping up his physical play, I don't see him fitting into Torts vision of an aggressive/physical bottom 6
  4. love how supportuive some of CDC are when the Nucks can string some wins together but want to tear the team to shreds when they face some adversity. hilarious
  5. Yep. The Canucks actually have a 4th line that can play meaningful minutes with him on it. I'mnot ragging on Dalpe's effort because it has been good, but if a better 4th line C came their way then the Canucks could feasibly roll 4 solid lines
  6. he's gotta earn more ice time from the bottom up. you can tell he wants to be out there more. that should light a fire under his ass and that's a good thing.
  7. do you seriously think a patch makes an iota of difference? maybe he wore white instead of black underwear?
  8. LOL. Player gets injured and you're ragging on who? Burrows? MG? If you can't handle the fact that injuries are a reality for ANY player you need to go grab a blankie and take a nap.
  9. I don't know where to begin with nonsense like this. You only have a vague idea, at best, what it is like to manage a professional hockey team, let alone negotiate with other NHL GM's. And other GM's are getting it done like who? Holmgren? Tallon? Shush kid. How accurate Botchford's report was is questionable. Maybe MG wanted 4 decent pieces or 3 really good ones who knows other than there was no deal. Who really knows what DET was willing to give up so rather trying to enlighten us on how to run an NHL team, keep your rants short. Thank you.
  10. maybe, but Gillis doesn't have much to deal. more like if it is hopefully shortish (1 month and a half) Kassian will draw back in and improve on his play.
  11. dude talk about a jinx. and Canucks are in no position to say they'll slaughter ANYBODY
  12. People should look to Kadri as an example. Everybody was writing that guy off a couple of years ago, but all he needed was a tough coach i.e. motivator. Natural talent can only take you so far- you need hard work as well to reach your full potential. And given some time and a close eye of the coaching staff Kadri has come a long way. People need to think of Kassian the same way. He has improved and will keep improving under Torts. It takes time to become a successfull professional athlete for some people.
  13. wow hansen back. must be a lucky day in general. should go buy a lotto ticket
  14. 4 game road trip. win the next two and it's been a good trip overall
  15. weight does not = strength His off season training focused on explosive power and agility (which he lacked). He is a much better skater now and more agile. He's still young and can definitely get better. Don't trade him
  16. Gonna be a long day of Canucks bashing........
  17. blah blah it's embarassing to hear you talk about how to manage the team
  18. The assumption being that your 'analytical' reasoning is sound. Is it? In many cases it is not (laughable at best). Just because us CONSERVATIVE reasoners call out your snap judgements doesn't mean we are more "cheerleaders" than "real fans". Talk about BS
  19. dude the puck deflected off a block shot to Nash in the HIGH SLOT. Everyone was in position just a bad bounce for the Canucks
  20. you can care about the team all you want. it's certain negative criticism that is un-waranted. Canucks are down 2-0. Do they need to play better? Sure. Does Edler have to be traded? Or Kassian sent to the AHL? That's jumping the gun a bit...........
  21. If you feel insulted go grab a blanket. I was merely pointing out the fact that over-reactive opinions are closer to 'opinion' rather than truth
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