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Status Replies posted by Ronalds.Kenins41

  1. Kesler decided to help us out since he is best friends with Burr and Juice.

  2. Watch the kings win it in OT

  3. If LA loses can we start Markstrome. PLEASE

  4. Miller won't be back for regular season. Playoffs he will.

  5. I'm first in my pool and trying to hang on to the lead. I have Lack dressed against the Flyers tonight, but I need to fill one more goaltending spot. Should I start Crawford against the Isles or Hiller against the Blues?? tough...

  6. AV has to be one of the best coaches in terms of regular season achievment.. Not sure about playoffs though.

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      Daniel said out of all the coaches he's had so far in his career AV was his favorite and he wasn't kidding. They met before the New york game

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Well it looks like we will be "that team" that gets sweeped in 4 games in the first round.....

  8. Why oh why cannot they not put someone on the 1st powerplay unit to just stand in front of the net??? The perimeter powerplay cycling the puck is clearly not working.

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      There is a video showing all the goals in 2011 on youtube that we scored and the major difference you see is that our defensemen got their shots through cause of net front presence on the powerplay which ended up as goals or rebounds which led to goals. I mean look at our defencemen point totals this year compared to 2010 2011 2012. It's night and day. That's what net front presence can do but unfortunatly we aren't allowed to do it too much without getting called.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Why oh why cannot they not put someone on the 1st powerplay unit to just stand in front of the net??? The perimeter powerplay cycling the puck is clearly not working.

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      cause whenever they do, they get called for goaltender interference a lot when the goalie bumps into them. We have had at least 8 goals off the top of my head waved off in the last 2 seasons because of this.

      Sometimes they screen but when they do its not close enought to the goalie to have an effect.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. Anyone know a decent stick I could use for Ballhocke? Not looking to spend much.

  11. Was watching the Boston game and noticed a TON of empty seats. Makes you wonder how attendance is doing this year around the league.

  12. Hedman is such a chill player. I wish we had him

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      We have had that luck too. Naslund, Linden, Sundin and Ohlund were great influences on the Sedins. Now it seems that The Sedins, Burrows, Bieksa and Hamhuis are poised to have a great impact on our young core.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Quiznos or Subway

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      The one that's closer. I have specific subs for both that I enjoy.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  14. Fight me, Gstank29. 3 o'clock at the flag pole.

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      no one dares fight torts. But Gstank will release a smell you will never forget. If I were you I would be more careful.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Someone explain to me why Ottawa keeps playing Anderson?

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      same reason AV took off kassian off the sedin line when they were doing so well at the start of 2012/2013 season.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. If LA beats us in regulation tonight, they'll make the playoffs, and we'll miss them.

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      I will give you my personal guarntee that the kings will win the game AND make the playoffs. No way the second biggest market and defending champs miss the playoffs. No chance.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Welcome to my humble abode.

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      And yes I forgot the s in ronalds on purpose. It's cooler that way.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Did Framing Dragon get banned or something?

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      @Gstank29 hint. One of the mods is not a man... respect is appreciated. ty

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  19. Markstrom start against T.O. and Eddie gets LA? Yes? No?

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      Lol give Markstrom the most important game of the year.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. Honestly, Mike Gillis get's a lot of credit, his transactions have been panning out, I believe if the Aquilinis let him run the show without interfering , He still would be the GM cause I believe in what he was trying to do..

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      he wannted to tank for picks and benning wants to surrond our current young core of Horvat, Kenins, Stanton and Vey in a winning environment with veteran leadership. We all know we aren't winning the cup this year so it's essentially a development year. If the stars align we might make the playoffs, stay healthy throughout them and win the first round but thats if we are playing at our absolute best, with no injuries. Can't go further then that :0

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. No lead is safe in this league Flames erase a 4-0 deficit in a span of 7 minutes just crazy

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      Ronalds is the kid name. Ronald is the name of a man. Fittingly so cause kENINS is a killer physically.

      In all honesty though, I didn't know it had a s :P

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. Dehli gang rape documentary at 10 pm on ch 26... India banned airing of the doc, because they thought it was part of some Western conspiracy to make them look bad.

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      You can't just call out Western films or docs for making india look bad all countries are bias to an extent. Once a russian film maker made a documentary on life in Canada and America. Guess where he shot it? Downtown Eastside for Canada and the dumpster slums of new york. Just shows that western docs aren't the only bias ones.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  23. Time change serves no purpose anymore. It's so old and outdated and more importanty it's so stupid. For anyone who think it's a good idea GFY.

  24. Pavelski's beard looks like Cheetos

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