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At this point in time it's hard to say. They're looking for a new opponent for Rashad. While Dana has said he's pissed off at Rampage. He doesn't want to speak to him.

Some have suggested that Anderson Silva take Rampage's spot. Though I don't see how this will happen. Silva will toy with Rashad so bad after seeing what he did to Griffin.

I can see it from Dana's point of view. The whole point of having them as opposing coaches would be to hype the innevitable matchup, so if they don't end up fighting it would be kind of anti-climactic

I think Rashad does better against Silva than Forest did because of his quickness. This being said, Silva still beats the tar out of Rashad if this fight happens

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I can see it from Dana's point of view. The whole point of having them as opposing coaches would be to hype the innevitable matchup, so if they don't end up fighting it would be kind of anti-climactic

I think Rashad does better against Silva than Forest did because of his quickness. This being said, Silva still beats the tar out of Rashad if this fight happens

It is inevitable, but it won't happen at UFC 107. IF it does I have a feeling Rampage wouldn't give it his all hated rival or not. It's not what he wants to do right now. If he wants to act let him act.

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Belfort first tipped the scales at 197.5, a pound and a half over the one pound overage allowed for non-title fights. Belfort trimmed a pound after taking his fight shorts off, and was still a quarter pound over when he stripped bare. He has one hour to make 196lbs.
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I love seeing fights finish so UFC 103 was perfect, kO's Tko's and submissions, awesome!! And people thought this card was going to suck

It did because due to problems with Shaw, we didn't get to see the Griffin fight or the Koscheck fight.

We got there in time to see the lame stoppage on Kampmann.

The prelims were way better than the main card tho. Plus I lost 5 on Cro Cop.

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It did because due to problems with Shaw, we didn't get to see the Griffin fight or the Koscheck fight.

We got there in time to see the lame stoppage on Kampmann.

The prelims were way better than the main card tho. Plus I lost 5 on Cro Cop.

To me it looked like kampmann was in trouble, i think the more questionable stoppage was the Trigg/Koscheck fight

The prelim fights were pretty good, I especially liked the Rick Story submission on Brian Foster

5 bills on cro-cop? ouch

Edited by hank4hire
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I haven't seen Koscheck yet, but I heard that he knocked out Trigg pretty bad.

And yeah, the Story/Foster fight was awesome. So much respect for Story pulling through that broken nose.

Too bad about the Miller fight. That one wasn't live, so I'm wondering why Spike chose to show it. If there's a bad way for a fight to end, it's with an injury stoppage. That arm was messed up tho.

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I haven't seen Koscheck yet, but I heard that he knocked out Trigg pretty bad.

And yeah, the Story/Foster fight was awesome. So much respect for Story pulling through that broken nose.

Too bad about the Miller fight. That one wasn't live, so I'm wondering why Spike chose to show it. If there's a bad way for a fight to end, it's with an injury stoppage. That arm was messed up tho.

Ya, that arm was in a bad way, that's an unatural way for an arm/shoulder to look

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There have been lots of Rampage sightings around Van.

The big rumor is that Kimbo fights next episode and loses. I hope this rumor is just a rumor. I wanna see Kimbo last till the end.

I hope so too. But really, for those who haven't heard about the rumour six billion times, ya might wanna add a spoiler alert next time you say something like that.

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According to Rampage Jackson's official site www.Rampage-Jackson.com, he is retiring from fighting in the UFC. The following is from his blog.. You have to sign up to the site to read it, so Im just posting it all.

The UFC has done a lot for me but I think I have done more for them. The UFC bought WFA to get my contract & they saved my life, so I felt loyal to them. They pushed me into a fight with Chuck Liddel even when I clearly stated I wasn't ready to fight for the belt because the American fans didn't know me but I took the fight and didn't complain & after I won the American fans booed me for the first time which changed the way I saw them & it hurt me deeply.

Then before I can even get out of the cage they announced that I was fighting Dan Henderson without even asking me. After I beat Dan Henderson, I made history in becoming the first undisputed champion in MMA but was never even given the pride belt in the cage & I was never promoted as the undisputed champ. Later Anderson Silva was.

Then they had me coach TUF season 7 and fight Forrest and the fight was very controversial & normally when a fight is that close & controversial there is normally an instant replay. I can name a couple of instances. Instead they offered me the Vanderlei Silva fight which I gladly accepted even though I know it was a very risky fight for me to take because of all the drama that was happening to me at the time. I fought that fight with a jaw injury and then a couple weeks later Dana called me and asked me to fight Rashad. For the first time I said no, I didn't want to fight because it was such short notice & I wouldn't have had a long break between camp. Dana talked me into fighting Rashad anyway but Rashad refused the fight and so I had to fight Jardine as a favor to the UFC instead of getting my belt back (which wasn't even worth it to me financially).

Then I reinjured my jaw in the fight with Vanderlei & Jardine. Frank Mir gets hurt so they wanted to switch my fight from UFC 100 to the fight Frank couldn't make it to but I couldn't fight cause I needed jaw surgury. So they give Machida the fight against Rashad & they told me they want me to coach TUF season 10 against Rashad. That's why I wanted Rashad to win so bad but when Rashad got knocked out I told them I wanted to fight Machida for the belt but Dana told me if I coach TUF against Rashad that I could fight Machida afterwards cause this was a different type of ultimate fighter show they were doing. After I signed the contract Dana then changes his mind & says I have to fight Rashad & even told me what to say in the press & so my fans think I was scared to fight Machida. After all that I still never complained & I did it all.

Then this movie role came about that I have been trying to get for over a year & as soon as I found out I was close to getting it, I called Dana right away & asked to push the Memphis fight back just a month or so. I told him what this movie role meant to me. I told him that I used to bond with my father watching the tv show as a kid when my parents where still married & it represents the memories I had with my father when we lived together. My dad became an alcohalic & addicted to drugs & we grew apart. But after my dad got his life back together, I was so proud of my dad & I told him I would always take care of him in the future & make him proud of me. My dad & I are still very big fans of the show & I am basically doing this for the childhood memories I had spending time in front of the tv with my dad. Dana went on the internet & mocked me because of that & I still did nothing. Dana & I finally talked & we made up & then after that he went back on the internet & said some bullcrap & he was talking bad about the movie when information is not even supposed to be released & talking about payments which is not even true could really hurt my future acting career, which could very well last longer than my fighting career. I'm not like Randy Couture. My body has been getting so many different injuries that I wont be able to fight until my forties & neither do I want to fight that long. So I feel like my second career could be in jeopardy.. so I'm done fighting. I've been getting negative reviews from the dumb donkey fans that don't pay my bills or put my kids though college. So I'm hanging it up. I'm gonna miss all my loyal fans but hopefully they'll follow me to my new career & I will gain more loyal fans along the way. & all you hater fans out there can kiss my big black hairy donkey! & anybody that don't like what I just said can come try to kick my donkey!

I still feel the UFC is a great organization and I felt like I was very loyal to them but they didn't respect my loyalty but I wish the UFC the best. I did a lot of things for them. I wish no bad blood between us but I have kids & a family back in Memphis to provide for & thats all that matters to me!

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