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actually i dont hate Lesnar, im just pissed off that i lost 50 bucks for betting against him lol. On a serious note, i think Lesnar got exposed in this fight, he seem to have trouble with guys with knockout power, he tried to stand there toe 2 toe in the 1st round and almost got knocked out. He did what he needed to do in the 2nd round and take it to the ground where he has the advantage. Carwin didnt defend himself well and opened up to Lesnar for that choke, Lesnar didnt even have to do much he basically showed his neck to him. If there is a re-match, Carwin will win learning from his mistakes.

Or Brock will win once again by learning from his own mistakes

But yeh Brock still clearly needs to work on his stricking. But I think the biggest problem was that Brock intimidated by Carwin's punching power, he was covering up and running back even before he got rocked, which might have alot to do with ring rust.

But guy's tons of heart and a granite chin only JDS can break tongue.gif

Edited by MauricioShogunRua
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lesnar was protecting himself. good for the ref not calling it

epic! hell yes lesnar!

I like you less now.

Here are the facts:

1. Lesnar won

2. Carwin is still a Red Dragon and will always be.

3. Brock still has a penis tattooed on his chest.

4. 12-1 is better then 5-1

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actually i dont hate Lesnar, im just pissed off that i lost 50 bucks for betting against him lol. On a serious note, i think Lesnar got exposed in this fight, he seem to have trouble with guys with knockout power, he tried to stand there toe 2 toe in the 1st round and almost got knocked out. He did what he needed to do in the 2nd round and take it to the ground where he has the advantage. Carwin didnt defend himself well and opened up to Lesnar for that choke, Lesnar didnt even have to do much he basically showed his neck to him. If there is a re-match, Carwin will win learning from his mistakes.

I dont think it's a revelation that you can get knocked out by a guy who has heavy hands and and punches you in the face.

Edited by MegaNuck
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I like you less now.

Here are the facts:

1. Lesnar won

2. Carwin is still a Red Dragon and will always be.

3. Brock still has a penis tattooed on his chest.

4. 12-1 is better then 5-1

Not if 5-1 means 3-0 in championship bouts and 12-1 mean 0-1 in championship bouts

I'm thinking everybody would rather be 5-1 as the champion than 12-1 as a contendor

Edited by MauricioShogunRua
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Lesnar was protecting himself the entire time. I think a lot of people on CDC forgot that Lesnar has an iron chin as well, he can survive a barrage by the hardest puncher in the game. Wow, what a fight.

Uhhh no. That was a big question coming into this fight. Lesnar was never really tagged before with clean shots so coming into the fight that was a big question mark if he could take punches. He proved he could and man did he take a ton of shots to the face. Who better to test his chin than Carwin.

I thought Carwin was going to win this fight but saw alot of people saying some pretty arrogant sh!t about Lesnar. Hopefully that fight will stop all the dumb comments about Lesnar. And he won by a freaken submission!! that was surprising.

Very good fight.

Edited by rampage
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Love seeing Lesnar haters/Fedor lovers in here crying about his win.

How was Frate Trane exposed? Shane Carwin has finished 12 men in the first round. Everybody was saying that Brock has a suspect chin. Shane Carwin dropped hell on Brock for 4 minutes. Brock was battered after round 1... 10-8, maybe 10-7 round. Then he came out and did what he does. Win.

Brock's stand-up isn't great. But if he's fighting somebody not known for their power he can risk throwing wild shots. Carwin has the heaviest hands in MMA. Brock ate some big shots. He didn't go to sleep. He didn't quit. He took his beating, then he put Shane Carwin in the hospital.

Keep in mind that he's coming off a one year layoff where he could've lost his life and almost lost his career.

People spouting off about Carwin's 12-1 record being better than Brock's 5-1 record should compare who these men have fought... then ask how each guy has done in UFC HW championship bouts. And for people calling for the fight to be stopped, look at Brock's first loss... that fight should've been stopped too... instead Mazz took a point away with no warning.

Brock Lesnar is the #1 HW in the world. 3-0 in UFC title fights and has only been fighting for a few years. No heavyweight on the planet has faced the type of competition Brock has in their first 6 fights.



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Anybody else and that fight would have been called 2 minutes in. Lesnar was barely protecting himself.

which of the following constitutes barely protecting oneself?

a) covering up like you're supposed to?

B) grabbing somebody and pulling them close to you to stop them from punching you?

c) pushing somebody off when the ref threatened to stops the fight?

d) all of the above?

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Fight could of been easily called, gimme a break. I've seen fights called for less, we all have. That being said, it's a championship fight and Rosenthal made the right decision but it still could of easily been called. You'd be a fool to say otherwise. Brock was being beaten down, you could even make a case for 2 stoppages. Carwin should of gone for a submission on the ground but then again coulda woulda shoulda. I'm looking forward to the rematch, whenever it does happen.

Dana must be on cloud 9 right now. Fedor loses, Brock comes back and wins after being down. It can't get better for him.

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Fight could of been easily called, gimme a break. I've seen fights called for less, we all have. That being said, it's a championship fight and Rosenthal made the right decision but it could of easily been called. You'd be a fool to say otherwise. Brock was being beaten down, you could make a case for 2 stoppages even. Carwin should of gone for a submission on the ground but then again coulda woulda shoulda. I'm looking forward to the rematch, whenever it is.

Dana must be on cloud 9 right now. Fedor loses, Brock comes back and wins after being down.

could've been stopped. but it definitely shouldn't have been stopped. right call was made for sure. Rosenthal is the best in the business.

I'm also looking forward to the rematch. Carwin will be smarter with more gas and Brock will have improved even more in all areas. I expect to see his hand look a lot better when he fights Cain.

Carwin has 2 or 3 wins before another shot with Cain/JDS/Nelson in the mix.

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Does anyone have a video of Lesnar post fight? I want to see what he said with Joe Rogan after the fight (most of the videos end righr after he submits Carwin)


He didn't say anything crazy. He just thanked his family, friends, doctors, and god for everything. He then hugged and shook hands with all his old WWF pals as he left. His interview was quite tame compared to the 1 after he beat Mir. I think Dana might of said something to him when he handed him the belt.

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