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They definitely will welcome it, but the loudest people will be the [filthy :P ] rich and senile NIMBY's along the mountain slope, even if they will be living some ways from the stations. I assure you they will gang up together and form an angry mob just like what happened for a recent condo development in Lonsdale....you had senile and rich NIMBY's claming how density was bad for the environment, that the local development plan was being violated....it was just a very nasty and ugly mob rule. There was even one guy that referred it as a CN Tower in his backyard.

You absolutely have no idea how backward, irrational, and selfish these people are.

And I take it since they're old and retired, and don't go anywhere much, they couldn't care less if the bridge is backed up for two hours.

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^^^ :D :D :D

It can't launch soon enough. As i've said before, SeaBus every ten minutes + Canada Line = No more driving to the airport for me.

Now if someone would just build a long-term parking lot at Lonsdale Quay.

I wonder if anyone would commute and take transit down to d/t Vancouver if given this choice.

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I wonder if anyone would commute and take transit down to d/t Vancouver if given this choice.

It'd cost the same, fare-wise -- 2-zone fare from North Vancouver to Richmond (Zone 2 to Zone 2 via Zone 1). So if the cost is the same, I don't see why not.

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Does anyone know if the Broadway Station only have the one entrance/exit on the southeast corner of Broadway and Cambie? I remembered reading something about there being an entrance/exit in the Crossroads building but haven't seen anything there yet.

Yes, Crossroads is designed for a future entrance for both the Canada Line and Millennium Line extension...right now it's retail space:


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The elevator in front of that pedestrian overpass at Broadway Station has been removed, improving passenger flow immensely:


The elevator has been relocated to the south end of the station, to the new 10th Avenue entrance.

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The elevator in front of that pedestrian overpass at Broadway Station has been removed, improving passenger flow immensely:


The elevator has been relocated to the south end of the station, to the new 10th Avenue entrance.

Finally, I hated walking around that damn elevator with hundreds of people in the way

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Yay! The LED station displays will show the time at all times!

Waterfront Station


And the onboard maps:


I'll post my pics of the City Centre Station open house later, but some info:

- we'll know when the Canada Line will open by August 4th

- for the first few months there is no added fare to go to YVR as the detail is still being worked out

- Rogers and Telus customers will be fortunate enough to have full reception in the Canada Line tunnels as both systems are set up there. Bell, on the other hand, might not have great reception, but should be fine. Fido customers shouldn't have to worry as the signal should automatically connect onto the Rogers network.

Edited by nitronuts
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Yay! The LED station displays will show the time at all times!

Waterfront Station


I'll post my pics of the City Centre Station open house later, but some info:

- we'll know when the Canada Line will open by August 4th

- for the first few months there is no added fare to go to YVR as the detail is still being worked out

- Rogers and Telus customers will be fortunate enough to have full reception in the Canada Line tunnels as both systems are set up there. Bell, on the other hand, might not have great reception, but should be fine. Fido customers shouldn't have to worry as the signal should automatically connect onto the Rogers network.

I noticed those last night.

They look sexy.

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On the bright side, the stations (except the platform lengths) are quite spacious and airy (particularly the downtown stations, Olympic Village, and Broadway) and the station layout is quite well thought out. With that said, it seems like they did cheap out on some aesthetics and especially on signage.

Regarding the pics from the Olympic Village station, I know that a lot of the things that remain uncompleted are aesthetic, but I don't see any way for it to be done by August 17th. Just because it's "aesthetic" doesn't mean it won't take time.

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Regarding the pics from the Olympic Village station, I know that a lot of the things that remain uncompleted are aesthetic, but I don't see any way for it to be done by August 17th. Just because it's "aesthetic" doesn't mean it won't take time.

Do realize that at the end of June, Olympic Village's interior was bare concrete. No finishings were installed at all. The pics I posted were taken in the second week of July. That's how much progress they made in such a short time.

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Isn't there supposed to be a transfer point at City Center too Granville?

It's not exactly an official transfer point as you have to go through Pacific Centre Mall, and that corridor will be closed after hours.

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Yes, Crossroads is designed for a future entrance for both the Canada Line and Millennium Line extension...right now it's retail space:


Thanks nitro! Good to know that I'm not going crazy just yet. Smart of them to build it for the future, for once.

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What station will be closest to the fireworks next year on the Canada line? And how much closer than burrard

Since the line goes down Cambie, there's not going to be a difference (except that you might get off at Yaletown or Vancouver City Centre, but neither are any closer to English Bay).

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Thanks nitro! Good to know that I'm not going crazy just yet. Smart of them to build it for the future, for once.

I work in one of the stores at Crossroads, and have been inside this room. Actually part of it was the first aid room for the site until they finished building Whole Foods. Basically at this point it is a large concrete room with a ramp coming down from the ceiling (sidewalk). The ramp is obviously what the stair/escalators will be cut into, at least for the first level. I'm pretty sure they would need to cut a hole in the floor and extend the ramp down further to get to the trains.

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I'll post my pics of the City Centre Station open house later, but some info:

- we'll know when the Canada Line will open by August 4th

- for the first few months there is no added fare to go to YVR as the detail is still being worked out

- Rogers and Telus customers will be fortunate enough to have full reception in the Canada Line tunnels as both systems are set up there. Bell, on the other hand, might not have great reception, but should be fine. Fido customers shouldn't have to worry as the signal should automatically connect onto the Rogers network.

Seeing as Bell generally runs off Telus towers here in the west.... Then Bell customers should been fine there as well.

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