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It was two weeks ago, and like every other night that week, I was sitting at the same Blackjack table as I always do. I was losing slightly more than I was winning but I still had a ways to go before busting. It was the same dealer as every night and it was the regular crew of losers like me that sat at the table, giving our money away.

I had no idea what time it was but this little Chinese boy arrived next to me and hopped up on the chair. He bought in for five bills and it was a wonder of wonders that he was even allowed into the casino, he barely looked sixteen. As the dealer pulled out the kid's chips, I noticed his companion. She was the same age as him, but cute as a button and wide-eyed at merely being inside a casino, never mind the hour or the stink of the rest of us at the table. As he got his chips, I asked the kid his name.

"Joe. Joe Lee."

That wasn't his name, but I didn't care. After a few hands, I could tell that he hadn't played the game much before. I offered him some tips on basic strategy and how to make the money last longer than he was going to. It must have been karma because I began making some of my own chipstack back. The kid wasn't as lucky.

Five hundred will last for at least a good couple of minutes at any ten-dollar table so I started watching his friend out of the corner of my eye. She would lean up against him with her eyes on the table or her lap, anywhere but on the rest of us lowlifes. Every so often, especially after losing a hand, he would tell her to back off, or move over, and she quietly would. At least until somebody bumped by her and spooked her back towards the kid. He didn't notice. He was staring so hard at the card that I thought they would ignite.

Half an hour later, he busted. Somehow I had managed to gain back a couple of bucks. He began to collect his stuff.

"What's your friend's name?"

He told me. I smiled my best smile that she didn't see.

"Don't sweat the game, little friend. You'll win it back the next time."

"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you guys are just luckier than I am."

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

So I walked out of the casino and did both.

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It was two weeks ago, and like every other night that week, I was sitting at the same Blackjack table as I always do. I was losing slightly more than I was winning but I still had a ways to go before busting. It was the same dealer as every night and it was the regular crew of losers like me that sat at the table, giving our money away.

I had no idea what time it was but this little Chinese boy arrived next to me and hopped up on the chair. He bought in for five bills and it was a wonder of wonders that he was even allowed into the casino, he barely looked sixteen. As the dealer pulled out the kid's chips, I noticed his companion. She was the same age as him, but cute as a button and wide-eyed at merely being inside a casino, never mind the hour or the stink of the rest of us at the table. As he got his chips, I asked the kid his name.

"Joe. Joe Lee."

That wasn't his name, but I didn't care. After a few hands, I could tell that he hadn't played the game much before. I offered him some tips on basic strategy and how to make the money last longer than he was going to. It must have been karma because I began making some of my own chipstack back. The kid wasn't as lucky.

Five hundred will last for at least a good couple of minutes at any ten-dollar table so I started watching his friend out of the corner of my eye. She would lean up against him with her eyes on the table or her lap, anywhere but on the rest of us lowlifes. Every so often, especially after losing a hand, he would tell her to back off, or move over, and she quietly would. At least until somebody bumped by her and spooked her back towards the kid. He didn't notice. He was staring so hard at the card that I thought they would ignite.

Half an hour later, he busted. Somehow I had managed to gain back a couple of bucks. He began to collect his stuff.

"What's your friend's name?"

He told me. I smiled my best smile that she didn't see.

"Don't sweat the game, little friend. You'll win it back the next time."

"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you guys are just luckier than I am."

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

So I walked out of the casino and did both.

Heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. :(

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