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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Hat Trick Maker

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Have you considered Steam?

I have, but:

a ) The game is going to cost almost triple the amount it would for an Indian retail copy (no joke)

b ) I don't have a computer to play it on at the moment, so I'm going to a friends to play it on his. On top of letting me play it, I don't know he'd be cool with downloading 6-7 gb of data.

c ) I have a habit of collecting retail copies of games. There's just something about online digital media I don't really like. The only ones I don't have DVDs for are some indie games I have on steam.

I was a little peeved about this yesterday (hence that earlier jumbled up post), but I calmed down pretty easily, because even though I've been waiting a few years for it, it's still just a game, lol.

Also, can someone confirm that this is really only 6 Gb? How did they manage that? Did they spend 2 years making it and 3 years compressing the hell out of it?

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I have, but:

a ) The game is going to cost almost triple the amount it would for an Indian retail copy (no joke)

b ) I don't have a computer to play it on at the moment, so I'm going to a friends to play it on his. On top of letting me play it, I don't know he'd be cool with downloading 6-7 gb of data.

c ) I have a habit of collecting retail copies of games. There's just something about online digital media I don't really like. The only ones I don't have DVDs for are some indie games I have on steam.

I was a little peeved about this yesterday (hence that earlier jumbled up post), but I calmed down pretty easily, because even though I've been waiting a few years for it, it's still just a game, lol.

Also, can someone confirm that this is really only 6 Gb? How did they manage that? Did they spend 2 years making it and 3 years compressing the hell out of it?


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God damn Bethesda, lol. If the game is really as vast as they claim, that's some amazing work. It's to the point where I wonder "Did they even need to make it that small?"

There are other RPGs I can think of like Dragon Age Origins that are 15gb (minus the dlc). Despite being long to play through, it isn't exactly open world, and it manages to be almost 9 gb more.

Hell, a short ass game like portal 2 takes up 2gb more. Even 6 year old Oblivion was only 1 gb less.

Again, it's just really impressive work.

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I have, but:

a ) The game is going to cost almost triple the amount it would for an Indian retail copy (no joke)

b ) I don't have a computer to play it on at the moment, so I'm going to a friends to play it on his. On top of letting me play it, I don't know he'd be cool with downloading 6-7 gb of data.

c ) I have a habit of collecting retail copies of games. There's just something about online digital media I don't really like. The only ones I don't have DVDs for are some indie games I have on steam.

I was a little peeved about this yesterday (hence that earlier jumbled up post), but I calmed down pretty easily, because even though I've been waiting a few years for it, it's still just a game, lol.

Also, can someone confirm that this is really only 6 Gb? How did they manage that? Did they spend 2 years making it and 3 years compressing the hell out of it?

That sucks man, I feel you. I've waited years for BF3, and alas, I'm too broke atm.

Yeah, it's 5.2Gb. Visuals are dated compared to some other games, but it's still quite a feat to compress such a large game. Oh, and it is pretty big, I've only played for a couple of hours though.

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That sucks man, I feel you. I've waited years for BF3, and alas, I'm too broke atm.

Yeah, it's 5.2Gb. Visuals are dated compared to some other games, but it's still quite a feat to compress such a large game. Oh, and it is pretty big, I've only played for a couple of hours though.

Yeah feel for you too I'm getting paid today and hoping I can find myself a copy around town somewhere. I have even been avoiding joining my friends parties and stuff just so I don't have to listen to all the epicness.

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What's this like? I've heard the visuals aren't too great. I'm probably going to end up renting it once my essays are all handed in this week.

It's like Oblivion, except with more to do in more refined ways. Now if you haven't played Oblivion... it's umm.. pretty goddamn cool. Run around killing, looting, crafting, and killing dragons. What more needs to be said? :D

Visuals are somewhat dated. I was playing Crysis before it, and that game is much better looking (although it's not a free world blah blah blah different game altogether).

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What's this like? I've heard the visuals aren't too great. I'm probably going to end up renting it once my essays are all handed in this week.


Renting this game would be like buying a ticket to the Louvre for 5 minutes.

Unless of course you just plan to rip through the main story in which case you probably just shouldn't play it at all.

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I bought the Collector's edition strategy guide... this game is immense. Honestly if you don't get the guide, you're only playing a fraction of the game.

And the graphics sure as hell don't look dated. This game is breath-taking on PC, and not too shabby on the box either. But, too many idiots place way too much importance on graphics (least important part of any game).

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I bought the Collector's edition strategy guide... this game is immense. Honestly if you don't get the guide, you're only playing a fraction of the game.

And the graphics sure as hell don't look dated. This game is breath-taking on PC, and not too shabby on the box either. But, too many idiots place way too much importance on graphics (least important part of any game).

With Elder Scrolls, if you're using a guide, you're doing it wrong.

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I was just reading a guide on the Playstation UK website that said when you're fighting dragons to let them attack your horse...because your horse never dies.

Little do they know, my horse lasted me for 3 dragons, until the 4th one killed him. :lol:

I had to walk the rest of the way to the next town, which was a long way.

A companion is a great way to distract a dragon while killing it though.

To the guy saying he will rent this game, don't. If you don't want to buy it, then don't even rent it. This game is a buy-only.....if you rent it you will NOT experience nearly as much as anyone else.

Side note: I love how when you kill a dragon, it's skeleton stays where you slayed him. There is one that I managed to slay in the middle of a road....so I see it sometimes, although you can walk through it. :lol:

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Guest gumballthechewy

It's Nord, so how about Hank-Dan Sedin The Great jannik Of hanson...

That is epic! "Hank-Dan Sedin The Great Jannik of Hanson." Dragons and men alike shall tremble before me! Not only am I going to name my Nord that but also my first born son! (not really :P )

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Ordered the game and the guide, i actually need to stay in and stop blowing my money, I figured this was a reasonable way to do that.

Nice investment. Spend around $100 to save hundreds...or even thousands. :lol:

This is going to sound dumb, but I haven't done anything this weekend because of Skyrim. Anyone who has me on PSN probably knows that. :emot-parrot: It's Saturday now.....and I don't think I'm doing anything either besides watching the Velasquez/JDS fight.

Although, it is Skyrim's fault that I spent over $100 on Battlefield 3, MW3 and ICO HD Collection. I couldn't wait for Skyrim so I needed things to hold me off.

If only Skyrim came out first....then I could have easily waited for those other games.

I need to really cool down on this Elder Scrolls binge.

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That is epic! "Hank-Dan Sedin The Great Jannik of Hanson." Dragons and men alike shall tremble before me! Not only am I going to name my Nord that but also my first born son! (not really :P )

Haha in oblivion I made an Argonian character named "Butt-Puncher The Harbringer" Harbinger was his class so it was sweet and I just went around using h2h and puching people....s buts.laugh.gif But I just picked up my copy of Skyrim and can't wait to start.frantics.gif

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