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OMG Earthquake?


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Well, that's no good.

Meltdown seems to have occurred....and the explosion seems to either be the result, or the gases built to such tremendous pressure and the release valves or mechanism wasn't sufficient, and it essentially blew its stack....and now perhaps the meltdown is next in line.....because there doesn't seem to be a way to stop it now....sonsidering the building 'blowed' up.

Edit - CNN reporting radioactive material is now in the air.

Edited by Sharpshooter
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Those are some awfully kind words. We're glad you can share your worries with us. As they say, many hands lighten the load.....although I'm sure many of us wish we could lighten the burden of your worry and fear some more. We may may bicker and yell and scream at one another but you're right, in times of calamity and grief, CDC does act as a family, in a way.....a dysfunctional family, for sure, but a family nonetheless. wink.gif And you have no reason to feel embarrassed, in the least. This is a trying time for you....we recognise that and hope for the best for your family and the rest of our larger human family over there.

Your wife sounds like a trooper, good to hear she kept her head. Try to get some rest pal....you're no good to anyone if you're a zombie.

Yeah, she is truly amazing. In so many ways I aspire to be like her. I'm counting my blessings right now. I don't know what I would do if I lost her or the kids. She's finally managed to get her sleep right now and it might be my cue to get some as well.

Thank you all. There are not enough words I can say to how much I appreciate it. I've done everything I could not to show them how afraid I was. You can turn the TV off, you can turn the radio off, you can go about your business. But this was a non-stop, 24 hour marathon of fear, adrenaline, hope and then more fear. I think this is technically combat fatigue.

It's like the world is moving in slow motion. The only way to fight it is to detach your brain and it's almost like an out-of-body experience. For the first time since it started, we voluntarily closed the video chat.

It's very strange right now. Everything has a strange focus. Like you can move your eyes around to different objects and see every little detail. Your eyes can't help but follow around the room trying to focus on something. I think it must still be the adrenaline making my brain on high alert. Luckily I have a bottle of Rescue Remedy which is normally used for stress but can also be used for shock, so going to take some of that before the adrenaline crash hits me.

I asked her to take some pictures, but I think she's afraid to look at it. Right now she's running on faith alone. When we all calm down I'll ask her to send me pictures.

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lets talk fallout and im not talking the awesome video game.

Are we in danger here?

Really hard for us laypeople to say with any authority or accuracy......but, if I had to guess, and make an educated guess....i'd say probably not, for the reasons I stated in the last page.

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A massive explosion has struck a Japanese nuclear power plant after Friday's devastating earthquake.

A huge pall of smoke was seen coming from the plant at Fukushima and several workers were injured.

Japanese officials fear a meltdown at one of the plant's reactors after radioactive material was detected outside it.

A huge relief operation is under way after the 8.9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami, which killed more than 600.

Hundreds more people are missing and it is feared about 1,300 may have died.

The offshore earthquake triggered a tsunami which wreaked havoc on Japan's north-east coast, sweeping far inland and devastating a number of towns and villages.

Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan declared a state of emergency at the Fukushima 1 and 2 power plants as engineers try to confirm whether a reactor at one of the stations has gone into meltdown.

It is an automatic procedure after nuclear reactors shut down in the event of an earthquake, allowing officials to take rapid action.

Continue reading the main story

Japan quake: video reports

Quake: Wave forecast map

Japan's NHK TV showed before and after pictures of the Fukushima plant. They appeared to show that the outer structure of one of four buildings at the plant had collapsed.

Cooling systems inside several reactors at the plants stopped working after Friday's earthquake cut the power supply.

Japan's nuclear agency said on Saturday that radioactive caesium and iodine had been detected near the number one reactor of the Fukushima 1 plant.

The agency said this may indicate that containers of uranium fuel inside the reactor may have begun melting.

Air has been released from several of the reactors at both plants in an effort to relieve the huge amount of pressure building up inside.

Mr Kan said the amount of radiation released was "tiny".

Thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate the area near the plants.

Analysts say a meltdown would not necessarily lead to a major disaster because light-water reactors would not explode even if they overheated.

The 8.9-magnitude tremor struck in the afternoon local time on Friday off the coast of Honshu island at a depth of about 24km, 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo.

It was nearly 8,000 times stronger than last month's quake in New Zealand that devastated the city of Christchurch, scientists said.

Some of the same search and rescue teams from around the world that helped in that disaster are now on their way to Japan.


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So what exactly will the aftermath be if a nuclear meltdown occurs?

Lots of radiation exposure to the surrounding area for quite some distance. And certain death due to the amount of radiation from a full on meltdown. Not pretty, and that area will be radioactive for quite some time.

Edit - Update via Twitter:

Residents in 10-km radius of Fukushima No. 2 nuke plant to evacuate

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Lots of radiation exposure to the surrounding area for quite some distance. And certain death due to the amount of radiation from a full on meltdown. Not pretty, and that area will be radioactive for quite some time.

Edit - Update via Twitter:

Residents in 10-km radius of Fukushima No. 2 nuke plant to evacuate

So by meltdown, we are pretty much talking about a much more catastrophic explosion? That's pretty bad, let's hope it doesn't happen.

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So by meltdown, we are pretty much talking about a much more catastrophic explosion? That's pretty bad, let's hope it doesn't happen.

No, I don't believe there would be another explosion, though there could be another one in the Reactor number 2.

But the meltdown, only refers to the nuclear fuel rods, literally melting and burning a hole through the bottom of is encasing, which would lead to an unckecked leakage of radiation into the surrounding area, by a molten mass of a melted nuclear core.

A leak has already taken place and the Japanese minister just announced the acknowledgment of the leak.....but still unsure if a meltdown has occurred.

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i took a break from all the news since i've watched so much since this started and now the plant exploded? Hopefully that's the last thing to go wrong.

Edited by Bertuzzi Babe
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