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I think this is the best NHL yet. I play BaGM exclusively and the game has really taken a step forward in the realism department. It's the little things that happen in the game that make me think how that would happen in real life. Nope, it's not perfect, and I do shelter myself from n00bs and cheezers by playing offline, but man this is a great game.

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I have posted the reasons a few times.

Club is fun, in fact, one of the best multiplayer NHL experiences ever.

Online VS mode however, is a joke this year.

I used to play NHL for cash and would routinely make $500-700 each season since NHL 08. This year however, there is no point due to the way they programmed the goalie AI. It is like everygame there is a little prize wheel that spins for your goalie, regardless if it is Tim Thomas or Martin Brochu and that determines how well they will play on a current game.

There is 0 consistency with the goalies in this game and when they turn into beast mode, it gives noobs a crutch that no matter how well you play, you cannot get over it. I have said this since day 1 in this thread so this isnt a new rant or one resulting from a bad loss. That said; I lost a game yesterday 3-1. The shots were 35-5 (I took a screenshot). TOA was 8:32 to 2:45. Fleury stood on his head the entire game, and TWICE this guy passed it between Luongo's legs on botched cross crease passes. These were not tipped passes, but ones that Luongo was square to and let flutter between his 5-hole.

After the game, I checked the guys record, it was brutal, but Fleury bought him a win. If that kind of game had been for 20-30$ like I played for last season, I would lose my mind, lol.

--- Also, why does Stick lift do nothing this year? I want to know how it is possible to get your stick back down before the guy who lifted it... Physics says his stick is underneath yours. Then people bitch because I poke check too much, sorry that stick lift does nothing and Parise can shrug off a full tilt hit from Bieksa...

For all the improvements they made, this was a major step back. The drive to make noobs competitive with better players in all video games is becoming annoying (Kill streaks in COD, crapty goalies in NHL, etc). I get why they do it, to attract more people, but wow.

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In previous years, a simple stick lift would cause the other player to lose control of the puck right away even if they didn't have the angle on them.

This year, in order to have stick lift work, you need to have the correct angle and you can't be chasing. If you're behind him and you do a lift, it's a penalty. It's sort of like real life, how players get you to chase and take a penalty. Stick lift requires more skill now, you need to create your own angle and lift it at the right time.

It's kinda like how most of the good players in the EASHL whine about how defense is useless this year and that as a defender it's impossible to defend a lot of things so this game was toned down for amateurs. To be honest, that isn't really the case. They made playing defense harder, but if you play it the right way, it shouldn't even be a problem.

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I dont have an issue with the ease of stick lifting. I have an issue with the fact that If i stick lift a player, they should not physically be able to get their stick back down on the puck before mine... It's not possible/feasible with the amount it happens currently.

And no, I am 60-15-2, (323-72-14 last year) I dont suck. This game is just tailored for newbs.

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