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Before we make a huge mistake. (a rant)


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I notice that there are always players that can do no wrong and players that can do no right on these boards. What is wrong with the fans? There are players who can absolutely suck go into a skid for a few games like the Sedins, Hansen, Higgins who this board will come quick to defend once anyone bashes that player on the CDC boards. Another example is Hodgson, this kid whined and complained until Mike Gillis had no choice but to trade him at the trade deadline knowing full well that he is downgrading our team in scoring.

Then we have Luongo. He could stand on his head make save after save and get blamed for a loss because our team did not score as much as theirs. He could let in one goal in a game and this CDC site will get lit up with posts about how he is a soft goalie cause he did not get a shutout. He played on his head in the first two games of the playoffs, he lost those two games and all of a sudden we need to trade him? The same two games where the coach admitted that he made a mistake on. Trade him for Schnieder to be our number one? Let's not forget the Schnieder is 1-3 in this years playoffs even with Daniel Sedin. Last time I checked Schnieder is still relatively unproven. Luongo has virtually taken every Canuck record, help lift the Canucks from a mediocre team to a game seven in the Stanley cup finals. Brodeur is in the finals right now. Goalies have proven to actually be better with age. What if Schnieder pulls a Jim Carey, or a Steve Mason? Luongo has proven time and time again with his numbers that he is among the elite.

Mark my words, if Vancouver trades Luongo, the team, the fans will regret it.

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I look at it as Luongo is a diminishing asset as the years go on he'll continue to decrease. Now is the time to unload him while his value is still relatively high compared to 5 years down the road.

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I agree, Vancouver fans are brutal at best towards Lu but how can you trade a 26 year old goalie who looks to be better already let alone what the future will show. I like Lu and appreciate what he has done for Van but Schneider is and will be the better goalie. Schneids seems like he can handle the fans and media a bit better too.

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This is not just about Schneider and Luongo. Its about good business. The business of selling a hockey team to the fans. We want a competitive team, but one that the fans like, and want to be proud of aswell.

If Schneider gets moved (Because we cannot keep them both long term) and Luongo fails to take this team furthur, there will be MANY "fans" that will revolt, and Gillis will never hear the end of it. These fans may ultimatley loose interest in this team and stop purchasing Canucks tix and merchandise... Bad business.

Schneider is older than both of your examples (Carey, Mason), not to mention that he plays a MUCH sounder style. Listen to an interview... Does he sound like someone thats going to regress, or continue to get better? I tend to think the latter. He is consistent in play and attitude, and is devoted to the team first philosophy... Work hard and focus on what you are able to controll, enjoy the process, the ups and the downs, and everything else will fall into place... Guess what, he's about to prove that theory true.

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You realize there is just as much risk associated with keeping Luongo as there is Schneider. Probably more infact.

What if Luongo bombs next season/Playoffs? The fans will beak him relentlessly, the whole team will deflate. Luongo lets in a bad goal in the playoffs and that could easily be a series ending situation.

Yet now we are on the hook for an anchor of a contract FOR LIFE.

Schneider is a fresh start,and in my opinion is a much more level headed, technically skilled goalie.

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I think Schneider or Luongo will get traded... depends one what we get back.

Either way we will sign a veteran backup on a 2 way 1 year contract so we can bring up Eddie Lack for 8 to 10 games while still giving him the majority of starts in the AHL. Then next year Eddie will be a full time back up for the Canucks. Bring him along much like we did with Cory.

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I agree Schnieder is a great future goaltender but can he do it now is the question. The Sedins, Burrows, Kesler, Edler and others are not getting younger. Schneider can get us a lot more that can bump us back to the top while we still have a top notch goaltender. And this age difference thing kills me. How old is the goalie playing for New Jersey in the Stanley cup finals right now? How old was the goalie who beat us in the Stanley Cup finals last year? Goalies are like wine, they are better with age. Even Quick needed 246 regular season games and Schnieder's potential is not as high as Quick's which means he will need at least a few more seasons. Do our core players have that long to wait?

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I agree Schnieder is a great future goaltender but can he do it now is the question. The Sedins, Burrows, Kesler, Edler and others are not getting younger. Schneider can get us a lot more that can bump us back to the top while we still have a top notch goaltender. And this age difference thing kills me. How old is the goalie playing for New Jersey in the Stanley cup finals right now? How old was the goalie who beat us in the Stanley Cup finals last year? Goalies are like wine, they are better with age. Even Quick needed 246 regular season games and Schnieder's potential is not as high as Quick's which means he will need at least a few more seasons. Do our core players have that long to wait?

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I agree Schnieder is a great future goaltender but can he do it now is the question. The Sedins, Burrows, Kesler, Edler and others are not getting younger. Schneider can get us a lot more that can bump us back to the top while we still have a top notch goaltender. And this age difference thing kills me. How old is the goalie playing for New Jersey in the Stanley cup finals right now? How old was the goalie who beat us in the Stanley Cup finals last year? Goalies are like wine, they are better with age. Even Quick needed 246 regular season games and Schnieder's potential is not as high as Quick's which means he will need at least a few more seasons. Do our core players have that long to wait?

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Who did the Canucks coaching staff and management go with in games 3 4 and 5? The guy thy felt gave them the best chance to win. I suppose you're a better judge of talent than that?

Look having respect for Lou is great, he deserves it for what he has accomplished in this city, and you are right he doesn't deserve the level of critism he's faced, BUT the reason he has is because he has a young stud behind him who is better. Lou is aging, more talented youngster behind him. Even Lou stated the kid will be a star in the NHL, what more do you need to understand and others, that the best business decision is keep the young guy who is BETTER vs. the aging fan favorite?

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I agree with your point, but we should still trade Luongo. We have a goalie who is younger and better and IMO and draws a lot less attention to himself, which I think is very important. Lu's a great goalie but based on everything that has happened over the last few years, if he stay its going to be a toxic environment.

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New Jersey also had better teams, Luongo had the Panthers and the Islanders. Do you really want to compare? Scott Stevens had Neidermeyer had nothing to do with it New Jersey's run?It is a team game. Going around talking about Luongo losing game one and two the the team losing games 4 and 5 is insane.

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And who lost game 4 and 5 even with Daniel in the line up. If Schnieder picked us up and won the series the the coaching staff did a great job. In this case where Schnieder is 1-2 in the playoffs proves nothing. He lost the same amount of games as Luongo.

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The people who are hard on lou are hard on him because

1. The first two years he was here, when we had a subpar team, and he stood on his head and carried this team on his back. Now that we have a really good team he is only really good not spectacular.

2. He let in alot of soft goals in the playoffs and seemed to let teams like chicago and bruins get into his head. (It used to be him getting into others heads)

3. The emergence of schnieder as not only a goalie who has put together some spectacular performances (boston) but also a well spoken and funny guy in the media.

People seem to be in the camp of "its lous fault" or "its bcuz we didnt score enough for him" jeepers its both why we lost the finals. we could stand to be a little more objective

People tend to look at lou for what they think he should be (based on his past) rather than what we have in him right now. he is still an excellent goalie and with lou we know what we have going forward. i see lou as someone who has had to rebuild his game since his groin injury. i dont see him in decline but as him once again slowly getting better at least until he is 35 or 36

OP you are right. Corey is not as proven. there is a chance he could be a bust. people think he was pushing lou but they forget being backup to lou was also pushing him. if he becomes our number 1 and lou is gone......will he be as good??

I think that this past year corey was a bit better than lou. he is younger and cheaper and doesnt have that long contract,

The risk in keeping him is higher but so is the reward if he continues the way he has

less risk with lou though but long term not as beneficial as corey

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After reading the post, i feel that both Luongo and Schneider are great. We lost in the playoff because lack of offense.. Lack offense has been the problem all time and it starts with players and coaching staff. Goalie can give you the chance to win the game or sometime steal the game . Whatever it is we need offensive top 6 player and all star D then whoever stays in the net idc. Luongo or Schneider both gives team a chance to win a game.

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After reading the post, i feel that both Luongo and Schneider are great. We lost in the playoff because lack of offense.. Lack offense has been the problem all time and it starts with players and coaching staff. Goalie can give you the chance to win the game or sometime steal the game . Whatever it is we need offensive top 6 player and all star D then whoever stays in the net idc. Luongo or Schneider both gives team a chance to win a game.

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After reading the post, i feel that both Luongo and Schneider are great. We lost in the playoff because lack of offense.. Lack offense has been the problem all time and it starts with players and coaching staff. Goalie can give you the chance to win the game or sometime steal the game . Whatever it is we need offensive top 6 player and all star D then whoever stays in the net idc. Luongo or Schneider both gives team a chance to win a game.

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