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If Vancouver had beaten L.A in Round One


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Looks like you answered for Luongo too.

He didn't sound like he was all about the team today, what if Gillis can't move him?

If it's "time to move on" I would say he is putting himself above the team.

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Luongo has never put himself above the team. There was one time he put family ahead of the team when there was a complication with the pregnancy of his wife but I think we can all understand that.

The way I take what you're saying, it sounds as if Luongo selfishly wants out. Luongo wants to be a #1 goalie and he doesn't see himself as the #1 goalie in Vancouver anymore. Rightly or wrongly, the Canucks have put their faith in Schneider. So, rather than be a 5.3mil cap hit for a back up, he's willing to waive his no trade clause. He doesn't have to do that. Luongo could've chosen to not waive his no trade clause and be increasingly disruptive when he doesn't get the starts he wants.

I still believe Luongo would be happy here if the Canucks traded Schneider because all Luongo wants is the be a #1 on a team with a chance to win. Things have changed with Schneider growing into the #1 role so Luongo stated at the end of the season he'd do what's best for the team, whatever they decided. The Canucks then resigned Schneider and Luongo saw the writing on the wall and said it's time to move on. I don't see any part here where he's putting himself infront of the team.

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Personally, I think we would have been better off if we kept Luongo in. I think we would have still lost, but I don't like how things have gone down hill like they did, if Lou just rode it out we wouldnt be so sure who would start next season. I believe Gillis was going to get rid of one of them this summer anyhow, but now our hand is forced. We HAVE to get rid of Luongo. All parties have made that clear. If things went differently, we would trade the goalie that gives us the best return. Or at least if they we still hellbent on getting rid of Luongo, we would have been in a better position to sign Schnieder for less. Schnieds would be chomping at the bit because he wouldn't know that he was going to be the starter next season.

Still, If I was AV, I would have done the same thing. I believe Schnieder was our best chance at winning. Not that Lou was bad, but after the first bad couple games, the Canucks needed something to shake them up. I thought the whole team played better in front of Schnieds. Speculate all you want about why that was, but you sure cant argue with results. Problem was the Nucks just weren't up for the task This Year!!! Go Gillis GO!!!!!!!!!!!

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So manny IF's in this posts that anything would have been possible.

What if a meteorite crashed through the roof 1 second before the OT series ending goal was scored???

What if Luongo never signed with Van???

What if Luongo was never even BORN!!!???

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Luongo has never put himself above the team. There was one time he put family ahead of the team when there was a complication with the pregnancy of his wife but I think we can all understand that.

The way I take what you're saying, it sounds as if Luongo selfishly wants out. Luongo wants to be a #1 goalie and he doesn't see himself as the #1 goalie in Vancouver anymore. Rightly or wrongly, the Canucks have put their faith in Schneider. So, rather than be a 5.3mil cap hit for a back up, he's willing to waive his no trade clause. He doesn't have to do that. Luongo could've chosen to not waive his no trade clause and be increasingly disruptive when he doesn't get the starts he wants.

I still believe Luongo would be happy here if the Canucks traded Schneider because all Luongo wants is the be a #1 on a team with a chance to win. Things have changed with Schneider growing into the #1 role so Luongo stated at the end of the season he'd do what's best for the team, whatever they decided. The Canucks then resigned Schneider and Luongo saw the writing on the wall and said it's time to move on. I don't see any part here where he's putting himself infront of the team.

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