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Tony Romo

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Fair enough I see your point there. 2011 was also when we had Hernandez so Brady did have options other than Gronk. Would have been nice to see another deep threat on our team but it didn't really matter. Brady and Belichick are the best at short passes turning into huge plays.

Lol if they had a deep threat in 2011 on top of Gronk AND Hernandez... I guess you would have been right that's a 4th ring right there - hard NOT to win with 1 elite QB, RW and 2 TEs.

Also if the Pats had an elite RW that could be a deep threat this year they would beat the Hawks for sure IMO. Gronk for the easy 1st downs and a deep threat vs injured Sherman or Thomas? Not to mention the dfensive matchup of Revis and company vs Seattle's "pedestrian" receivers.

The only edge Seattle has in any respect is Beastmode, and the heart that this team has (due to injuries to Sherman and Thomas I think Pats defense might do better)

We'll have to see though. The game has to be played and you can't write anyone off without having played the full 60 and possibly more.

Edited by Dasein
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Lynch can't keep his hands off his crotch. Real classy guy. Can't talk to the media but he can act in movies and tv shows.

Gonna get fined for this and for his no-show talking to the media post-game. Can't wait for his media day interview and what excuse or phrase he comes up with for not talking to the media.

Social anxiety is out the window.

Apparently he likes to his talking with his body language and hand gestures because you know he is from the hood and has to keep it 100.


C'mon now, why all the hate for Beast? He doesn't like 99% of the media members and he gave his reasonings when he sat down with his former teammate for an interview on NFL Network.

Crotch grab? Doesn't talk to the media? When will people understand Beast just doesn't give a f***? He's clearly shy infront of cameras and doesn't want to talk. If the league forces him to and fines him, then this is what they get. As for the crorch grab, yea it's not really classy or anything like that but at the same time he's also not sticking the middle finger or anything. He does what he does and I don't have a problem with it.

And that last part is totally false. You should find out more about the type of person Lynch is. To put that assumption on him is pretty sad imo.

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Brady fans believe a QB could win on his own that's why he gets all the credit when they win and never the blame.

QBs get most of the credit often times if they're elite like Brady. Rodgers gets a lot of credit and so did Manning. It's always been about the QBs.

EDIT: I thought Russ won SB MVP last year, but he obviously did not, as NucksPatsFan pointed out

I thought that Russ could legitimately win MVP this time around if they won the SB but that ship has sailed with his NFC performance IMO unless he gives the performance of his lifetime in the SB to make up for it. Otherwise would give it to Lynch (if he has another huge night running - what he did vs Packs was legendary), Chancellor (if he stops Gronk and has a huge game), or Sherman (plays through injury effectively).

Because Tom Brady rarely makes a mistake in which it leads to his team in a craphole to come out of. When was the last time Brady threw 3 INTs in the first quarter to lead his team back to victory? I haven't seen a bad game from Brady in a long time (don't get to watch many games in the first place cuz I usually work on Sundays anyways).

Didn't Brady throw that INT at the end of the second half vs Ravens where he could have had a TD, but instead Flacco marched down the field for a TD? He still came back and overcame two 14 point deficits (while that INT being his only real blunder) so that was a great game by him.

Not sure if I would say the same about Russ in the NFC Champs though like you say. He was awful until the last 3-4 minutes (even had to punt with less than 10 minutes at 4th and long, then threw another INT where everyone thought that was game over).


Are those numbers including yesterday's game where Russ exploded for like 4-5 INTs? If so, even more so impressive.

I think all this proves is that Russ is comparable to Brady when he started out, but that's not much IMO.

What makes Brady elite is that he's had the career he's had since in order to fall into the elite and possibly GOAT conversation. Right now as of 2015, Brady is a proven elite but Russ is not IMO just like Brady wasn't at the same point in his career.

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Just want say I'm laughing at all the people desperately hoping the Pats used deflated footballs. It's the saddest excuse I've heard of. You can hear the haters crying and trying with all their might if this is the best they can come up with. Honestly, one of the dumbest things I've ever heard and its truly hilarious with how gullible some people are that actually believe it :lol: :lol:

Like Brady said today, he's played through it all now after hearing this also calling it ridiculous.

...people just can't stand the constant success of this team..

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Just want say I'm laughing at all the people desperately hoping the Pats used deflated footballs. It's the saddest excuse I've heard of. You can hear the haters crying and trying with all their might if this is the best they can come up with. Honestly, one of the dumbest things I've ever heard and its truly hilarious with how gullible some people are that actually believe it :lol: :lol:

Like Brady said today, he's played through it all now after hearing this also calling it ridiculous.

...people just can't stand the constant success of this team..

I thought it was kinda odd so I didn't even offer an opinion. They'll know one way or another once they "weigh" whatever ball(s) that they took off of the field. It doesn't matter either way since this isn't the NCAA and the NFL doesn't vacate wins. Like the article said, the Patriots are in the Super Bowl no matter what and the worst that can happen is that they lose a draft pick or two.

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^yea, though they won't lose a draft pick or get fined cause it's a pathetic accusation - if you can call it one - by people outraged by the success of this team.

I mean if there was a deflated ball, Gronk did smash one pretty well after he scored his TD so maybe their talking about that one :huh:

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And funny thing I just noticed: General belief is that right-handed QBs like to throw to right, but Brady throws more often and a lot better & effectively, to the left. What's so special about that? It's opposite from Sherman who plays on the right. Huge matchup there and will see how both coaches will approach that. I've seen enough Pats games and game film (when I have time to watch it) to see this and this jumps out to me.



The Pats have learned to celebrate the hell out of those AFC Championships because the know what comes 2 weeks later. #0-2inGlendale


The facts are the facts. I sense the 10 year frustration in these tweets. Enjoy the AFC ring ceremony. They should have the process down

As much as it seems like trolling, Tynes is bang on. Pats have had too much success with the AFCCG and too little with the SB. What is it, 9 AFC appearences in 15 years and only 3 wins? Need to up that percentage and Lawrence is right. Pats for whatever reason seem to have a slow game in the SB but that won't do. Hawks come out flying (see asskicking against Denver last SB) and don't wait for anything so the Pats have to be sharp from the get go.

Still kinda in mixed emotions I could've been at this game too, arguably the goat. Whatever, chance I might go to the SB with cousin and 2 friends so I'll see how that turns out. As for the SB, wow, couldn't ask for more. Both powerhouses going head to head, #1 vs #1. Sucks cause I've had a renewed respect for Seattle since last week and I don't hate them since they are like our home team geographically but it's a no brainer I'll be going for the Pats. But they are up against the team of destiny...if today's insane game doesn't show that, nothing will. Hawks are destined to win after today and it'll be a really tough match for both teams.

Another loss in the sb for the Pats and pretty boy isn't so godly anymore. Seattle rides on the emotion more than any team I've ever seen in sports. The Pats have more pressure on em. Should be a fun game!

Btw Browner has looked weak as hell out there. He gets beat deep easily. A guy like Lockette or even Baldwin will burn him all day imo.

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Another loss in the sb for the Pats and pretty boy isn't so godly anymore. Seattle rides on the emotion more than any team I've ever seen in sports. The Pats have more pressure on em. Should be a fun game!

Btw Browner has looked weak as hell out there. He gets beat deep easily. A guy like Lockette or even Baldwin will burn him all day imo.

Yep. Gonna have to help Browner at all times to ensure things don't go bad.

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^yea, though they won't lose a draft pick or get fined cause it's a pathetic accusation - if you can call it one - by people outraged by the success of this team.

I mean if there was a deflated ball, Gronk did smash one pretty well after he scored his TD so maybe their talking about that one :huh:

You can't smash a brand new NFL-calibre ball and break a bladder just by spiking it.

I'm rooting against the Patriots for obvious reasons (same division as the Bills), but it wouldn't matter if they were peeing on the ball. They would have won the game whether the ball was over or under filled.

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Cheatnation aside, this may be the last easy run for the Pats. Buffalo and Miami are coming. They showed glimpses this year, and will only get better. Teams like Bal, Indy, Pittsburgh, and Sd are getting better too! Imo this was the last cake walk of a year the Pats were going to have.

Edited by Jiggs50
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Who cares about "deflated" footballs. I fail to see how that's an advantage for the Pats and both teams were using them anyways...

BTW: My favorite tweet (so far) about the Seahawks - Packers game:

This is ridiculous. Thank god I'm not a packers fan. Although I'm a leafs fan, so really, this is nothing

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I mean if there was a deflated ball, Gronk did smash one pretty well after he scored his TD so maybe their talking about that one :huh:

It was probably that one :lol:

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Just want say I'm laughing at all the people desperately hoping the Pats used deflated footballs. It's the saddest excuse I've heard of. You can hear the haters crying and trying with all their might if this is the best they can come up with. Honestly, one of the dumbest things I've ever heard and its truly hilarious with how gullible some people are that actually believe it :lol: :lol:

Like Brady said today, he's played through it all now after hearing this also calling it ridiculous.

...people just can't stand the constant success of this team..

Just take the Marshawn Lynch approach: Grab your nuts and say I'm thankful.

The Indianapolis equivalent of The Moj is the one who broke this story citing an unnamed source after his team was made to look inadequate to play at the NFL level.

Adam Schefter, one of the must reputable NFL guys hasn't even been bothered to do as little as RT that Indianapolis reporters tweet. He probably did his due diligence, came to the conclusion this is hot air, and is using his time to focus on real stories.

And I'll say it again, both teams use the same balls. If the Patriots had a hired ninja who stole balls away from NFL employees without them knowing, quickly deflated them before every Patriots drive, snuck them back into the hands of the NFL employees before they gave them to the refs, and then pumped up the balls again before the Colts started their drives, it would have been picked up by 500 cameras.

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Yep. Gonna have to help Browner at all times to ensure things don't go bad.

Browner was in 1 on 1 coverage against Fleener for most of the game except for a couple snaps in the red zone where Revis covered him.

Fleener had 3 catches for 30 yards. Browner was also strong at the line of scrimmage against the run.

His worst snaps were against Wayne - therefore I don't see him lining up against Baldwin or Kearse, but rather against Willson.

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QBs get most of the credit often times if they're elite like Brady. Rodgers gets a lot of credit and so did Manning. It's always been about the QBs.

Hell last year Russell Wilson won SB MVP and we all know that was BS. They couldn't pick just one guy from defense so they gave it to the guy who played the most recognizable and respected position.

Malcolm Smith was the Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl 48 for the Seattle Seahawks


Cheatnation aside, this may be the last easy run for the Pats. Buffalo and Miami are coming. They showed glimpses this year, and will only get better. Teams like Bal, Indy, Pittsburgh, and Sd are getting better too! Imo this was the last cake walk of a year the Pats were going to have.

Lynch's post game costume last week > any media interview given by chumps like Brady, etc.

Lmao at another cheating allegation against the shadiest team in the NFL.

Hope you guys have a good 2 weeks of hating on the Patriots. And hope any Pats fan that do so have a good 2 weeks of hating on Seattle.

On paper, this is a great match up. I know Sherman and Thomas are going to play, but I hope they're close to 100% because to be the best I want my team to beat the best.

Preliminary reports about Thomas are that it is a separated shoulder. Not disputing his heart and will to stay in the game and fight through it, but there were 2 specific players after he initially separated it that could've made it worse. I've treated many clients with separated shoulders of all degrees of severeness, and I've never seen a return to 180 degrees ROM within 3 weeks, let alone 2 weeks including a week and a half of having to use the shoulder in practice.

Hopefully it's not as serious as the preliminary reports. As for Sherman, I've read conflicting reports about whether it's torn ligaments, or a hyper extension. If I'm a Seattle fan I'm hoping for the hyper extension because those are 2 very different injuries in terms of how it can effect play.

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Lol if they had a deep threat in 2011 on top of Gronk AND Hernandez... I guess you would have been right that's a 4th ring right there - hard NOT to win with 1 elite QB, RW and 2 TEs.

Not to mention Welker still on the team and an upcoming Edelman as well. Just thinking about it makes me wonder... Oh well.

Didn't Brady throw that INT at the end of the second half vs Ravens where he could have had a TD, but instead Flacco marched down the field for a TD? He still came back and overcame two 14 point deficits (while that INT being his only real blunder) so that was a great game by him.

Yes he did and at the time, it looked like it was pretty much done going into the half 21-14. And then them coming out to score yet another TD to make it another 14 point deficit. But when has ever Brady really screwed up a game to the point where we can't come back.

Another loss in the sb for the Pats and pretty boy isn't so godly anymore. Seattle rides on the emotion more than any team I've ever seen in sports. The Pats have more pressure on em. Should be a fun game!

Btw Browner has looked weak as hell out there. He gets beat deep easily. A guy like Lockette or even Baldwin will burn him all day imo.

Doubt Browner will be lined up against Lockette or Baldwin. If anything, he'll have safety help
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Malcolm Smith was the Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl 48 for the Seattle Seahawks

Whoa you're right :shock:

WTF did I watch last year :blink:

I was pretty drunk though.. I remember shaking my head seeing Wilson winning MVP but it must have been the Lombardi that he was holding up..

Yes he did and at the time, it looked like it was pretty much done going into the half 21-14. And then them coming out to score yet another TD to make it another 14 point deficit. But when has ever Brady really screwed up a game to the point where we can't come back.

Well if you put it that way, neither has Wilson (technically) :P

When the Ravens went up by 14 again, I thought, 'No way Brady comes back again,' just as I thought that there was no way Wilson comes back and wins last night. Obviously, last night was more improbable than the hole Brady put himself in (and dug himself out of), but I think throwing a crucial INT just before the half that leads to a TD and then a 14-point deficit to start the 3rd quarter is putting "his team in a craphole to crawl out of"

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