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Tony Romo

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Lol just read a report that Tampa has a lot of interest in Winston

Imo he busts and Tampa finishes bottom 5 for the next 4 seasons

That assistant coach who recognized Seattle had 3 receivers in the huddle and yelled at Butler to go in and called for a linebacker to come out deserves a huge ass pay raise

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Lol just read a report that Tampa has a lot of interest in Winston

Imo he busts and Tampa finishes bottom 5 for the next 4 seasons

Don't like his antics off the field but the dude can ball. He's really good in the pocket. Looks super comfortable. Mariota not so much.
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Don't like his antics off the field but the dude can ball. He's really good in the pocket. Looks super comfortable. Mariota not so much.

He can but I have no clue how many times he should have cost FSU the game and they somehow ended up winning. He’d throw multiple picks in a game and somehow squeeze out the win. I wonder how well that he’ll be able to do in the NFL, especially on a team like Tampa.


Edited by The Magician
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Irvin strongly denies using stickum

February 12, 2015, 2:07 PM EST

Most in the media have ignored #Stickumgate. Fortunately, the folks at WFAN haven’t. In the aftermath of Hall of Fame receiver Jerry Rice admitting to the application of stickum to his gloves and claiming that everyone did it, no other Hall of Famers (or other receivers) have come forward and said, “He’s right.” Instead, two of them (so far) have said they never used stickum.


Most of you probably saw this already, but it got me thinking about the Chargers a few years ago. They were cleared by the league of stickum related charges, but still fined for a sticky towel or what not.

Anyone know why the league issued a double result? Guilty but not guilty?

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Came across this on a Seahawks forum. This guy posted that he got a facebook message from friend who lives in Seattle, who is a huge Cowboys friend and one of his friends and co-workers happens to be close friends with a prominent Seahawks player. Getting right to the point.

His friend is saying Suh to Seattle is a done deal 4 yrs $55 million. His friend does have some credibility as he told the guy about Percy Harvin trade before it happen.

Term and money would certainly be doable for Seattle. Of course there's the issue of tampering, and also Suh's agent could take the offer back to the Lions as leverage for them to match. Could be BS or there may be some truth to it. We'll have to wait and see.


***Disclaimer******* The following story is exactly how it transpired. Whether or not it turns out to be accurate, we will find out in about a month. I promise you that I am not fabricating this one bit, in an attempt to stir up the site. Just simply wanting to report to my fellow Hawk lovers what I'm hearing. After all, the Lions can still franchise Suh and make all of this a moot point.

So last night, I'm sitting down watching some TV, when I get a facebook message from an old friend that lives in Seattle, who happens to be a diehard Cowboy fan, but also a very passionate and knowledgeable guy about all things football. Let's say he works at a "Prime" employer in the Seattle area, and one of his best friends and co-workers happens to be really close friends with a prominent Hawk player with ties to the Northwest. Here's what the message from my buddy said:

"Hey bro. My buddy at work is friends with (player name hidden to keep anonymity). He says Suh is a done deal to Seattle. 4 years $55M"

Now, I'm pretty skeptical at this point. But I take solace in the fact that my buddy isn't happy giving me this news....he's not liking us getting Suh one bit. Still, I ask a follow up question.

"that would be sick....you feel like this is pretty reliable info?"

and he goes,

"he's the one that told me about the first Percy trade before it happened".

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