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good read

Former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Diamond Dallas Page has worked with several pro wrestlers on their aches and pains via his DDP Yoga system.

But Monday he begins perhaps his biggest challenge when Jake “The Snake” Roberts moves in with Page in a home Page recently bought in Atlanta. Roberts, whose wrestling career was derailed multiple times by substance abuse issues, will train with Page while cameras roll for a planned documentary. The idea is to get Roberts, 57, back in good enough shape for one more run in the wrestling business.

Page, 56, told newsday.com Sunday that he called Roberts -- whose weight had ballooned up to 302 pounds -- in Roberts’ hometown of Gainesville, Texas three months ago.

“And I told him, ‘If you can really do this -- and you have to prove it to me [by doing the program] for six or eight weeks,” Page said. “‘I’ll freakin’ get a place in Atlanta. I’ll bring you up, and we’ll continue this journey.’”

Roberts was filmed in Texas when he started the yoga program, which Page developed to deal with the injuries he suffered while in the squared circle. Page said that Roberts lost 20 pounds in the first 3 ½ weeks of training and is now down approximately 35 pounds.

“Jake does not want to be seen the way he was seen at the end,” Page said.

Roberts’ demons have been chronicled in the 1999 Barry Blaustein documentary “Beyond the Mat” -- which included Roberts interviewed in a hotel room after apparently smoking crack -- and the 2005 WWE-produced DVD “Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts: Pick Your Poison.” Roberts’ attempts to clean up includes a 1996 return to a WWE after a three-plus year hiatus in which his real-life born-again Christian convictions were incorporated into his storylines.

Along with the physical training, Page and filmmaker Steve Yu wil work on things like getting the computer-deficient Roberts up to date on using Facebook and Twitter. Page says the idea is to keep Roberts busy with positive activities so he won’t backslide into past habits.

“That house, I reached out to a couple of my friends, and asked, ‘What are we going to call my new crib?’ And we came up with ‘Accountability Crib,’ you’re accountable for everything.”

To that end, Page and Yu said that Roberts will be drug-tested while he’s in the home.

“If he does that [stuff] one time while he’s with me, he’s gone,” Page said.

But Page is encouraged by what Roberts has already accomplished, losing as much weight as he has after having being so out of shape in his first workout he couldn’t do more than a couple of exercises without needing rest.

“Bottom line is, everybody wants the comeback story,” Page said. “Everybody wants to see Jake look good, and feel good, and not be a mess anymore. That would be great. I think there are a lot of really positive things that can come out of this if Jake really does it.”

Check back to newsday.com in the coming days for additional coverage.

Edited by Olias
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about time they had Ryback actually say something lol.

Wonder how they'll have Punk bitch out at SS cause they way they did it at HIAC was awful.

My money is on Lesnar returning to help Punk.

Setting up a Ryback vs. Lesanr feud at the Royal Rumble, yippee!

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I thought the teams were extremely lame. I had this cool idea all night of Punk picking Lesnar for Ryback, the Rock for Cena, etc. But as lame as the teams are, in a way, I'm kind of happy.

Bryan, Kane, Sandow, and Rhodes all deserve the attention and some spotlight, what better than to let them soak up some stuff from a growing favourite in Ryback and a superstar in Punk?

But Kofi Kingston? What the frack?

Del Rio and the Miz are both good but the writers messed them up awhile ago. And Orton? They don't even know what to do with him anymore, and as good as he was, he's also probably the most stale guy in the group.

Why was Wade Barrett not given some consideration? Why not a mega match with Lesnar and Cena? I don't understand why so suddenly they've written Punk and Cena away from eachother. I mean, part of me is glad they have, but.. why so suddenly? Unless his injury is worse than originally expected, what exactly are they going to do with Cena now? Unless he gets involved with Big Show and Sheamus somehow, I don't see how he can even fit in any of the rivalries now.

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Plummeting rating, weak attendance, and crappy crowd reactions. WWE just doesn't seem to get the obvious. The product stinks!


- WWE officials weren't pleased with the crowd reactions at last night's RAW in Charlotte, North Carolina. That's two nights in a row as they were very down on the Hell In a Cell crowd in Atlanta on Sunday night.

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- WWE officials weren't pleased with the crowd reactions at last night's RAW in Charlotte, North Carolina. That's two nights in a row as they were very down on the Hell In a Cell crowd in Atlanta on Sunday night.

it doesn't take a genius to figure this out. the E needs to be rebuilt. the crowd completely was just out of it last night. they were so bored they tried to make a jerry springer atmosphere with the whole aj/cena thing, which i really don't care about. it's really just an excuse to have cena on tv. they could have come up with something way better than this. but whatever gets aj on my tv screen, doesn't matter to me

I don't know who's in charge of writing or if vince/steph are just filtering way too much, or if old guys like Hayes need to step down. i heard in an interview of an old wwe writer (he wasn't a bitter psycho, this one) who said that hayes overworks himself and at times is super stressed out. i wouldn't completely blame the writers first. i would consider first that steph is making too many changes and vince is filtering to much since everything still goes through him first. who knows maybe vince doesn't have that much influence anymore. but something is up back there

the booking needs a complete overhaul since everyone is just tired of the same old stuff week, after week. it was okay back in 2006-2007 but enough is enough. the E just doesn't create stories anymore. they can't stay committed to something before completely changing everything. last night ,i didn't know that was beth phoenix's last match. she was one of the most, perhaps the most, decorated diva in the last 5 years. i still remember the first ever divas tables match she was in. she was good but it's a shame she won't be remember like trish and lita since the eras have completely changed and recent;y they just don't know how to use the divas. forget about using the divas for a moment, they don't even know how to use their main talent. the guys who are supposed to draw money

honestly, i'm getting tired of punk's title reign. all they're doing is making him look like a joke week after week. he's the champion, he's a heel. good heels just dominate and kick the piss out of people. guys like austin and michaels-- they weren't overly huge guys but their title reigns had meaning. michaels was a cowardly eel, but he played the part well. again, completely different era but that's irrelevant. they were still dominant champions and punk is a coward. we all know punk is a pretty strong guy, has the talent to challenge anyone but has to be brought down and kept silent. i'm not comparing punk to austin or michaels in star power (how can one make such a comparison when they won't let him say or do anything), but how a title reign is supposed to be. he's held the belt for almost 1 year but hasn't done much to show for it. the E is just keeping it on him since that's the hottest, and most important streak going, but in the end they're only hurting punk and the title and the product overall since everything is knitted closley together on boring stories, boring matches and lack of talent knowledge

Edited by Olias
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Most of these matches have been good so far, I just have no invested interest in any of these matches. Bad booking.

That's exactly how I felt about the PPV. I didn't really give a crap either way.

Like some of you, I really hope Lesnar comes back as well. I thought he would because I had assumed Cena and Ryback would be on Foley's team.

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Like some of you, I really hope Lesnar comes back as well. I thought he would because I had assumed Cena and Ryback would be on Foley's team.

what were the terms for lesnar's contract? like, how many appearances did he sign for? there was extreme rules and summer slam so far. him appearing at a big PPV like survivor series would be nice. or the rumble perhaps

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