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To all that are complaining about the wwe lately, take a break. Stop watching for a while. That's what I did and I'm really enjoying it again!

I don't just mean for a week or two, stop for months or a year

I stopped watching for 8 years, and it took me less than a year to lose interest. I don't like that ratio lulz

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People need to stop taking it so seriously and enjoy what you're given. It may not be as great as it used to be but its still entertaining.

To all that are complaining about the wwe lately, take a break. Stop watching for a while. That's what I did and I'm really enjoying it again!

I don't just mean for a week or two, stop for months or a year

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People need to stop taking it so seriously and enjoy what you're given. It may not be as great as it used to be but its still entertaining.

no, and no, it's not. next.

Vince should make Daniel Bryan wrestle himself for 4 hours at Mania.

or maybe make him wrestle a blow up doll

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To all that are complaining about the wwe lately, take a break. Stop watching for a while. That's what I did and I'm really enjoying it again!

I don't just mean for a week or two, stop for months or a year

People need to stop taking it so seriously and enjoy what you're given. It may not be as great as it used to be but its still entertaining.

It's f***ing trash.

I accidentally caught the end of this weeks raw with the tag match with Roman/Rollins and Orton/Bryan; I thought I'd turned the show off half way through, because that was exactly what they would have done 10-15 years ago to segway to the second half of the show; not end the god damn thing.

At this point, I'm convinced Vince Mcmahon has no business sense whatsoever, The XFL was a joke, and the Attitude era happened in spite of this old, stupid bastard, not because of him. If he'd had it his way he would have kept shoving crap like The Goon & GobbledyGooker down our f***ing throats, but he didn't have a choice because it was either "Listen to the fans and Push Austin to the moon/change things" or lose your livelihood.

This f***tard couldn't run a lemonade stand, and the only hope for the WWE is that he'll have a heart attack and die, and that somebody with more than an empty space where their brain should be ends up running things.

Sound harsh? It's supposed to,I've been at a point of "trying to keep watching and stay interested" since 2006-2007, but it's garbage.

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^^ Good rant. I actually feel the same way, yet still watch. Always hoping they'll go on a run like the Attitude era. And I took some time off as well, got really sick of John Cena.

What's really killing me these days is The Authority. They're not nearly enough an entertaining heel stable.

- HHH needs to lose the corporate gimmick. It just doesn't suit him (no pun intended).

- Steph was fine back in the day, but now just beyond annoying. And not like fun, haha annoying, just plain annoying. Nothing new. Week after week, the same dribble from her mouth. "Best for Businses" is the lamest catchphrase aside from "BELIEVE THAT".

- Kane and Big Show??? What needs to be said? Just GARBAGE!

- Rollins is the only part that works, and I still feel like he was forced on us to be the heel of the future. Great in-ring, but needs work on the mic.

There is a major misuse of four major potential superstars IMO. Damian Sandow, Dolph Ziggler (lose the effing retarded name already), Cesaro, and Cody Rhodes.

- Sandow has it all. Great in-ring, fantastic on the mic, and he's got the perfect heel look to him.

- Ziggler has the potential to be a future HBK. HE has been so bloody misused with all the mid-carding and putting less-talenteds over.

- Cesaro is a beast. They just can't his gimmick right though. One week he's a heel, next a face. Few weeks later he's heel again. I can see him as a modern day Rick Martell, just an arrogant European douchebag. Would do wonders.

- Cody Rhodes IMO has as much potential as D-Bry. He's as god as Bryan in the ring, and even better on the mic. Just don't really see the need to turn him into PurpleDust or whatever the eff he was called.

End rant. Back to work.

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Here's update on why Brock left Raw and was upset. The business disagreement was over negotations for Brock to sign a new WWE contract.

As noted, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was backstage at Monday's RAW but left before the show was over after some sort of dispute with WWE officials.

In an update, Lesnar was backstage when RAW began but left after a business disagreement with Vince McMahon. Apparently the disagreement had to do with their negotiations for Lesnar to sign a new WWE contract.

There's speculation that the negotiations included Lesnar wanting to fight for UFC while under contract with WWE but even if that speculation is true, that was not a part of this disagreement. The issues from Monday were only related to WWE's offer and the terms of the new deal. The issues also had nothing to do with current or future creative plans.

The situation was not settled as of today but could be settled any time now. Lesnar's camp and WWE are at a key impasse right now and neither side wants to back down. It's believed that Lesnar will show up for his remaining WWE dates because skipping them would bring a breach of contract. Lesnar is currently scheduled for the March 9th RAW in Pittsburgh, the March 23rd RAW in Los Angeles, Lesnar from his home to the event he is needed at.WrestleMania 31 and then RAW the day after WrestleMania.

On a related note, it was reported this week that Lesnar flew to Nashville on his private jet but that's incorrect. Due to a stipulation in his contact, WWE always provides a jet to bring Lesnar from his home to the event he is needed at.

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I've had to take a break from WWE several times because of Cena. I have a HUGE fan a number of years ago, but this PG era has killed a lot of my love for WWE.

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Undertaker training for his match against Bray at WM.

The Undertaker is in the gym and training hard for his WrestleMania match against Bray Wyatt.

There has been speculation in recent months that the 49 year old WWE legend is in rough shape. Hell be 50 by the time of WrestleMania and has a history of knee and shoulder problems.

However, the new training photo indicates that hes still physically strong. Look at the amount of weight hes lifting, there are men half his age who wouldnt attempt such a lift. Also note that hes training his boxing skills. This will improve his speed and agility. Boxing is a passion of The Undertaker and he likes to work punch combinations into his ring work.

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More on Brock and Vince argument at Raw.

Be funny if Bork no showed WM.

- We've noted how there was a business disagreement between Vince McMahon and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar at last Monday's RAW in Nashville. The disagreement led to Lesnar reportedly walking out of RAW and not appearing as scheduled. Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, who broke the story about Lesnar walking out, notes that it's still not known exactly what Lesnar and Vince were arguing about past the next contract but their discussion was said to be very loud and heated. The two were "yelling and screaming" at each other loud enough to where people were concerned, mainly for Vince.

On Tuesday at the SmackDown tapings, people within WWE reportedly asked Vince if they needed to come up with back-up plans for WrestleMania 31 but Vince said no and assured them that Lesnar will be working the show because he's contractually obligated to. Vince reportedly said something to the effect of they will sue Lesnar if he doesn't show up. WWE officials are said to be very confident that Lesnar will be working WrestleMania.

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