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Sting will be on Raw. He was legit injured last night during the match.

Whether Sting is on Raw or via satellite i'm thinking he's probably going to announce he's retiring.

As noted, Sting suffered some sort of neck injury in his match against Seth Rollins at Sunday's Night of Champions event. While Sting's manager says he's expected to make a speedy recovery, sources close to TMZ say otherwise. Sources told TMZ that Sting's injury is so serious, doctors are not able to give a long-term prognosis. Sting underwent a CAT scan at the hospital Sunday night, and there were no fractures. Sting is recovering at home and is having a difficult time moving around.

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Hopefully Cena won so that he can continue forward to have a solid feud with another NXT guy like KO.

I hope it's a worthwhile feud, but it's not like that person is going to get much from it. You win against Cena, you have to lose twice cleanly. Or 4 times in a row if you're the actual WWE Champion. I don't keep hope.

Like tonight I expected at least a distraction finish with Kane. But damn if they weren't going to have him pull clean 1-2-3 again. I wasn't fast forwarding past the last time he was doing the US Title open challenge, but I will be now like I generally have with him in the past. It's massive overkill, and I'm exhausted.

Diva's division is looking a little more interesting now, especially with a crack in the faction format they were presenting. Comments by Paige were also amusing at least.

New Day continues to be the most interesting thing every show. That moment that Wood broke out Rusev's theme with his trombone was sublime.

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I hope it's a worthwhile feud, but it's not like that person is going to get much from it. You win against Cena, you have to lose twice cleanly. Or 4 times in a row if you're the actual WWE Champion. I don't keep hope.

Like tonight I expected at least a distraction finish with Kane. But damn if they weren't going to have him pull clean 1-2-3 again. I wasn't fast forwarding past the last time he was doing the US Title open challenge, but I will be now like I generally have with him in the past. It's massive overkill, and I'm exhausted.

Diva's division is looking a little more interesting now, especially with a crack in the faction format they were presenting. Comments by Paige were also amusing at least.

New Day continues to be the most interesting thing every show. That moment that Wood broke out Rusev's theme with his trombone was sublime.

Yeahhhh it kinda destroyed my hope last night lol. Was figuring they'd drop the Cena - Rollins thing, but they went for the rematch again... why? Rollins could have played the heel roll perfectly and said "who cares about the US Championship, I'm the WORLD Champ!" kinda thing....it's not like Cena needs the win to look strong.

And with Rollins...I can just imagine in the back. "Mr MchMahon, we've got a bunch of guys ready to challenge for the title. Fans are ready for a new face, new excitement"

"OK, let's give them what they want....KANE, with his MASK BACK"


I did read that D Brian has been cleared to wrestle again. He would be a perfect feud for Rollins ..... and they know he's over, he is at the top tier level...if they aren't so sure about other guys. But the good ol' boys club rules...HHH and McMahon's friends, Kane, Sheamus, Big Show...

Edited by awalk
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Rumored additional matches for Hell In A Cell (besides Lesnar/Taker):

The Wyatt Family vs. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton
* Divas Title Match: Champion Charlotte vs. Paige vs. Nikki Bella
* Tag Team Title Match: Champions New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz
* IC Title Match: Champion Kevin Owens vs. Ryback
* WWE World Title Match: Champion Seth Rollins vs. Kane

Uhm, wasn't this called Night of Champions?

Apparently McMahon is freaking out about the ultra low ratings. Maybe they should try and create new stars? That card is just garbage and reeks of complacency.

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Rumored additional matches for Hell In A Cell (besides Lesnar/Taker):

The Wyatt Family vs. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton

* Divas Title Match: Champion Charlotte vs. Paige vs. Nikki Bella

* Tag Team Title Match: Champions New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz

* IC Title Match: Champion Kevin Owens vs. Ryback

* WWE World Title Match: Champion Seth Rollins vs. Kane

Uhm, wasn't this called Night of Champions?

Apparently McMahon is freaking out about the ultra low ratings. Maybe they should try and create new stars? That card is just garbage and reeks of complacency.

Wowwwwww that's boring LOL

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Possible opponents for Lesnar and Undertaker respectively at WM 32.

It should be Lesnar vs. The Rock. They never had a re-match when Lesnar beat Rock for the title at SummerSlam.

Four names are being considered as possible opponents for Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 32. Those names are Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Reigns is said to be a viable option because the two have history, however WWE may also be grooming Reigns for the title picture around that time. As for Rollins, the idea would be for the match against Lesnar to be for the WWE Championship, but that would only take place if Rollins still has the title around that time. WWE had plans for The Rock to face Lesnar back in 2014, however those plans were scrapped after The Rock suffered injuries in his match at WrestleMania 29.

As for Austin, he has ruled out the match multiple times after it was teased on his WWE Network special with Paul Heyman, but his name continues to still be brought up.

Cena vs. The Undertaker is one of the few big money matches they have left. They had a brief feud back when Cena was doing rapper gimmick and long before he became the face of WWE.

Three names in mind for possible opponents for The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32 include Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman or John Cena. From a booking standpoint, Rollins is the top heel of the company and it would make a lot more sense to put this match togeher. As for Cena, officials feel that a match between the two would be good because it's never been done on a big stage since Cena established himself as the top star of the company.

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Sting vs. Bray Wyatt was the original plan for WM32.

Before Sting suffered an injury in his match against Seth Rollins at the Night of Champions event on Sunday, the plan was for him to face Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 32.

As of this writing, there is no indication yet on Sting's future as an in-ring competitor. Normally when someone over the age of 50 steps into a WWE ring and gets injured, the company is against the idea of bringing them back.

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WWE made low contract offer to Carlito to return and he turned it down.

Can't blame him at all. Putting him with Los Matadores would be totally embarrassing.

As noted, WWE has shown interest in bringing back former WWE Superstar Carlito to the company, as they continue to search for the next top Latin star.

According to F4WOnline.com, the money WWE offered Carlito was apparently so low that he didn't take the deal. However, the impression was given that Carlito would take a deal if better money was offered. WWE reportedly wanted to bring him back as part of the re-packing they're doing with Los Matadores.

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This needs to happen on RAW or Smackdown. They both always said before their careers were over that they'd like to have a last run as a tag team. May as well happen now.
- As noted, The Undertaker will be working WWE's upcoming tour of Mexico - October 16th in Merida, October 17th in Mexico City and October 18th in Monterrey.

WWE has announced that Taker will be reuniting "Brothers of Destruction" with Kane to face Luke Harper and Braun Strowman on all three nights.
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WWE made low contract offer to Carlito to return and he turned it down.

Can't blame him at all. Putting him with Los Matadores would be totally embarrassing.

Matadores are his brother/cousin. Makes sense if those guys are finally taken advantage of and put in the spotlight.

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This needs to happen on RAW or Smackdown. They both always said before their careers were over that they'd like to have a last run as a tag team. May as well happen now.


- As noted, The Undertaker will be working WWE's upcoming tour of Mexico - October 16th in Merida, October 17th in Mexico City and October 18th in Monterrey.

WWE has announced that Taker will be reuniting "Brothers of Destruction" with Kane to face Luke Harper and Braun Strowman on all three nights.

Brothers Of Destruction feud with Wyatt Family once their feud with Reigns and Ambrose is finished. Kane and Undertaker both have history with Wyatts.
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