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51 minutes ago, shiznak said:

To be fair, they played it off as he was still feeling the effects from last night match. Plus, he took KO's finisher onto the steel step.


Fans put too much emphasis on winning and losing. Depending on how you look at it, losing matches doesn't necessarily mean you're being buried. That term is used very loosely amongst wrestling fans. If Styles was truly being buried, then he wouldn't be main eventing two straight PPVs and we wouldn't be seeing him on RAW and Smackdown every single week.


Vince isn't an idiot. He knows AJ has this connection with the fans, and he one of their top merchandise sellers in the company. I read somewhere Vince is very high on Styles' and considers him a main event talent.


People expect him to be pushed to the top, and win the title in his first shot, because of his resume outside of the WWE. They don't care what you've done outside of the WWE. You still have to prove to the higher ups, that you have "it" in the WWE. Fans seriously need to be patient with how they book Styles. He's only been with the company for 4 months. I'm certain that this isn't the last time we will see Styles in the world title picture.

The problem I see is that Styles is 39 years old in two weeks(Same age as Cena). Reigns/Rollins/KO will likely be here for twice as long, perhaps even more.


You gotta make the most of what you got for as long as you got it. He is the best in ring wrestler you got, he's one of the biggest attractions you got. He should be at the top of the card or close to the top. He won't be in the title match or the MITB match, both of which are the two biggest matches. It looks and feels like he will end up feuding with Anderson and Gallows which isn't very appealing at first glance, I hope that isn't the case or that it is well done.


He should be an exception to proving himself in the WWE. He has had "it" for a while and people inside the WWE saw it when he even wasn't in the WWE(Foley, Ross, etc).


I understand the term bury. It regards in the cards you play in. If you got a push, looked great, then slowly fell down the card for no specific reason or to push a different superstar, aka buried. Losing matches means little unless of course you're jobbing, which probably means you've been buried for a while.


AJ hasn't been buried. It just looks like he's being poorly booked which looks like a step in the wrong direction. No title match(reason being he lost to Reigns twice) and no MITB match(reason being to push KO). He would of made either of those matches twice as entertaining.


Top that off with poor gimmicks with Rollins being heel and Reigns being face. Fans won't buy it for long with Rollins and Reigns looking more like Cena 2.0. With Cena coming back I am interested in how they try to use him, hopefully something different but that won't happen. Same old Cena.


Vince isn't an idiot but he isn't a genius by any means. His product isn't perfect. It is flawed and the cons tend to stand out from the pros, especially with the PPVs. For every pro they seem to have 2-3 cons.


That said I am still a fan but I won't hold back what I think they can do differently.



Edited by Junkyard Dog
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On 23/05/2016 at 9:34 PM, Incursio said:

Same old $&!#. Roman continues to be invincible.

I can't get into his matches, for the same reason I can't get into Cena's matches. You know they're going to win. No matter how many big moves AJ hit on Roman tonight, I knew he wouldn't win. It kills all the drama.

I'm excited for Rollins to come back, but it'll be at least until SummerSlam before he wins the title form Roman. If he beats him at all

This is exactly why I stopped watching cold turkey back in '05-'06. Saw what was coming, and changed the channel. Figured I wasn't missing anything, and I really wasn't missing much. What Cena was to that period is what Reigns is to now.


Was to the point where I barely reacted to Rollins even coming out. Because I don't care what happens after it. Just watched a more than decent match that ended with the same old crap, where the guy absorbed multiple finishers, before just needing one spear to take out the other. 


It's like having another automatic fast forward button after Cena. I honestly lost chunks of Reigns and Styles' story because I kept skipping it. 


I mean hell, I fast forwarded the end of Seth Rollins' return on Raw because of him.


I finished watching Extreme Rules and Raw together in less than 2 hours. And 2 days after it happened. Just wasn't into things as they were happening. Starting to just zone out of watching the WWE, and this is happening while they have most of my favourite wrestlers in the world under contract with them. They all just happen to sit in a place on a totem pole with no chance of moving, because that's how the WWE works.


I mean just hearing about Cody Rhodes giving up and quitting because they wouldn't even let him go back to being Cody Rhodes? &^@# off, lol. That's why whenever someone talks about how no one should worry, because everyone will get their chance in the spotlight, it's not completely true. So many guys with multifaceted talent, that got the crowd behind them, just come and go. Because they're not Vince's guys. Some face a perpetual up hill battle that sees them never get to the top despite their efforts, and others are thrust onto the top with just whatever Vince deems to be the "it" factor. Even within the context of being a scripted performance, a meritocracy this aint. 


It's new era this, new era that, and their babyface champion is getting booed night in and night out.


The whole Vince spiel of Reigns getting any kind of reaction being a positive is just indicative of the whole problem. He won't let him lose or take him out of the spotlight because of his line of thinking. Fans may be leaving, but he'll attribute it to something else.


And with Reigns sticking permanently in that babyface position, there's no real hope or satisfaction to his losing, because despite whatever my feelings towards him, and his losing the title, he's structurally placed in the WWE's babyface champion position, where it's not about him losing the title, because as soon as he does it's about him getting it back. He's not getting knocked off the perch because anyone beating him is only getting a temporary pass to do so. The default storytelling position that will be presented in terms of his character arc is that the audience is supposed to be upset that he loses, so he won't often, and not without shenanigans from the other party.


And to top of Reigns doing his worst Cena impression, the actual Cena is coming back as well. Might just have to skip Raw altogether for the first time in a while now.




That intercontinental title four way match though, I was totally into that, as I was the entire feud. It's so nice watching a match with the spots it did, and the psychology/close calls that it did. I was on the edge of my seat, because every possible result had a real chance of happening. That was more than worth the watch.

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I was the same way when Cena and Batista started to get big. I just lost interest. It's never really come 100% back. 


I maybe catch half of an episode of Raw in between the PPVs. They have the same matches over and over, and storylines never really seem to go anywhere. Makes Raw a chore to watch.

If you watch the pre-shows before the PPVs, you're pretty much caught up anyway. 

Edited by Guest
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2 hours ago, Madness said:

Brand split has been officially announced. Smackdown going live on Tuesdays starting July 19th 8-10pm every week.

I think this is actually solid. Now i just legitimately hope Regins and Cena are both on Raw, or whatever. HHH and Big Show too. So I could cleanly watch the one they're not on.


It would really help their underutilized stars like Barrett, Rhodes, and Sandow out.

Edited by g_bassi13
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2 hours ago, Incursio said:

Please make SD the "ICW show" 





This is ICW:




But yes, I agree. Just stack all of the garbage on one show. Would love to see that IC title match that just happened at Extreme Rules be for the a primary title.

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WWE released Our Nations Pride: The Best of Canadian Superstars this week and it's exclusive to Canada.


Here's the match listings:



WrestlingDVDNetwork.com confirmed the 15 match content listing for the two disc set, which is hosted by now-released commentator Kyle Edwards.

Disc #1:
- Sami Zayn vs. Antonio Cesaro NXT ArRIVAL February 27, 2014
- NXT Championship Match: Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens NXT TakeOver: Rival February 11, 2015
- No Holds Barred Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio Extreme Rules June 7, 2009
- WWE Championship Match: Chris Jericho vs. John Cena SummerSlam August 21, 2005
- WWE United States Championship Match: Sami Zayn vs. John Cena RAW May 4, 2015
- Champion vs. Champion Match: John Cena vs. Kevin Owens Elimination Chamber May 31, 2015
- WWE Womens Championship Match: Trish Stratus vs. Lita Unforgiven September 17, 2006

Disc #2:
- Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match or the WWE Championship: Edge vs. John Cena Unforgiven September 17, 2006

- Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels No Mercy October 5, 2008
- Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match for the Vacant World Heavyweight Championship (If Undertaker Loses, He Leaves WWE): Edge vs. The Undertaker One Night Stand June 1, 2008


Special features:
- WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Pat Patterson vs. Ted DiBiase Madison Square Garden October 22, 1979
- WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: The Mountie vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper Royal Rumble January 19, 1992
- Bret Hit Man Hart vs. Owen Hart Wrestlemania X March 20, 1994
- Terri Invitational Tournament Ladder Match: New Brood vs. Edge & Christian No Mercy October 17, 1999
- WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Booker T vs. Lance Storm WCW Monday Nitro August 7, 2000


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Sasha's concussion isn't as bad as first thought. Sounds like she'll be ready for SummerSlam. 



As previously noted, Sasha Banks was rumored to have suffered a concussion at the May 15th house show. To update on this, it appears she suffered the concussion at the hands of a referee. Referee Darrick Moore reportedly hit Sasha in the head with his knee by mistake in what's being described as a "freak accident." According to a report on Uproxx, Banks is scheduled for an evaluation this coming Saturday. It's anticipated that she will pass the evaluation and be cleared to return to action shortly. According to Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio, Banks was being kept off TV after WrestleMania to keep her fresh for a Women's Championship match against Charlotte at SummerSlam in August.


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5 hours ago, the last outlaw said:

Eden (Cody's wife) is gone from WWE, as well. She posted blog about leaving WWE saying she had 2 months left on her contract and was planning on leaving once it was up. 


Wonder what this means for Goldust.


I see retirement in his near future.

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Lots of news on brand split.



 Here are some news and notes regarding the brand extension according to Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com:


- One of the main reasons for WWE bring back the brand split is to help increase television ratings and the ratings of Smackdown in particular, hence Smackdown becoming a permanent live show on Tuesday nights. The idea is the change will also have more people watching Smackdown live instead of on DVR.
 - Its expected that Stephanie McMahon will run one show while Shane McMahon runs the other and both are expected to be babyface characters at first.
 - The belief right now is that John Cena will be the main star on one show and Roman Reigns will be the main star on the other. Its not a sure thing that Brock Lesnar will end up being on RAW.

- The RAW crew will be doing live events on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday while the Smackdown crew will just be running Saturday and Sunday nights. Its possible that Smackdown live events will take place again on Monday nights like in the past.
- While the plan right now is for there to be two world championships, the tentative plan for the Womens championship is for Charlotte to appear on both shows.
- Vince McMahon is said to be really pumped about the new brand split and its possibilities.


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Dixie has interest in recent WWE star releases.



In an interview with thefangarage.com, Dixie Carter expressed interest in signing recently released WWE stars:
Many believe that our actual roster and their wrestling are best in the business. So we are always on the lookout for new talent. In the last few years, we focused on growing home-grown talent. A lot of new talent like EC III, Rock star Spud, Eli Drake, and Bram, there are so many and I could go on. They've grown so much but I think we also did a fantastic job with people like Drew Galloway who was at the WWE and came in and completely relaunched himself. There are definitely some incredibly talented wrestlers on the market right now and some will be available at some part of this year. And I do see ourselves talking to them. I think it would be exciting to bring a few into TNA.


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