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Could be added stipulation at the last minute to HHH vs Bryan

- There's talk of adding a stipulation at the last minute to the Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan match at WrestleMania XXX, possibly making it a Submission Match or No Disqualification.

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Stone Cold comments on Punk:

Steve Austin recently spoke with The Boston Herald to promote WrestleMania XXX. Austin commented on the CM Punk situation: "Punks fed up with not main-eventing WrestleMania." Austin also commented on a possible match between the two: "I could get more out of that guy than anybody else walking Planet Earth. He could have that ultimate Come to Jesus meeting with me. Punks been around for a long time and hes a smart guy, but he never stepped into a damn squared circle with the intensity of a guy like Stone Cold Steve Austin."

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Batista warned WWE that babyface face return for him wouldn't work

Batista recently spoke with The Washington Post to promote WrestleMania XXX. Below are some highlights:

Returning as a babyface: "They told me that I was going to come back and be this huge babyface. I said, 'no, its not going to work.' They said, 'no way, theyre dying for you to come back.' I said, 'thats going to last two minutes, just watch.' And sure enough it did."

Fans hijacking the show: "They used to want to interact with the show, but now the crowd almost wants to be the show. Well, if you wanna be the show, take your a-- to wrestling school, just like I did, just like everybody else here who is busting their a-- and actually become part of the show! Dont just sit in the audience and try to randomly steal the show."

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Major WM Rumor

There are some RUMORS on some websites that a segment was reportedly pitched to Stone Cold Steve Austin and CM Punk for WrestleMania 30. The segment was said to be based around its ending, which would see Austin giving Punk a stunner to set up a match at WrestleMania 31. There's been no word on whether or not either man agreed to the angle. Punk was previously spotted in the Chicago area last night for an Against Me! concert. Again, this should be taken strictly as a RUMOR for now. It's only one idea that was pitched and is not at all confirmed. It's also very possible that we won't even see CM Punk at WrestleMania 30. We hope to have more on this shortly.

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Latest on Sting

- At one point, there was a plan for a Sting promo to air during WrestleMania XXX and then have him debut the next night on RAW, similar to how they debuted Bill Goldberg. No word yet if that's still planned.

Another source

There are a lot of people insisting Sting has signed a contract with WWE and while he won't be appearing on television at WrestleMania 30, he is "absolutely" going to debut on Monday Night Raw the next night. The plan, apparently, is to set something up with Undertaker for sometime down the road.

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The Real Americans splitting up might finally happen

-- According to one report, there's a decent chance that the split between The Real Americans (Cesaro and Jack Swagger) will either take place at WrestleMania XXX on Sunday night, or on the post-WrestleMania edition of WWE RAW on Monday night.

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Man I pray to god STING finally comes! Nothing needs to be said, after the Taker Lesnar match, just need Sting up in the rafters looking right at Undertaker! And boom you got your WM31 main event

Sting points his bat at Taker. Then on Raw he talks about everything he's accomplished in his career but there's one thing left for him do to, and that's why he's come to WWE for one reason as fans have been wanting to see and he makes the challenge to Undertaker for WM 31. It's SHOWTIME.

I doubt Sting will show at WM but there will be video promo of sort for him and he'll show up on Raw. His debut will be the big surprise for post-WM Raw. Hope I wrong and Sting does show at WM.

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if anything regarding sting, i'd rather not have him cut a promo at all. just the visual of him, in the crow get up, pointing the bat at 'taker is enough to build a match for next year. have him cut a promo post royal rumble when wwe is at it's most watchable period to get people hyped for it. handle a sting/taker match like the build up for starcade or something

also the set for WM 30 is balls deep. looks great

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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if anything regarding sting, i'd rather not have him cut a promo at all. just the visual of him, in the crow get up, pointing the bat at 'taker is enough to build a match for next year. have him cut a promo post royal rumble when wwe is at it's most watchable period to get people hyped for it. handle a sting/taker match like the build up for starcade or something

also the set for WM 30 is balls deep. looks great

I'm thinking Undertaker sticks around for abit after WM (like last year) and he speaks on Raw about defeating Lesnar and The Streak is still well and alive with Sting debuting and confronting him. This should close Raw.

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I'm thinking Undertaker sticks around for abit after WM (like last year) and he speaks on Raw about defeating Lesnar and The Streak is still well and alive with Sting debuting and confronting him. This should close Raw.

i'm all for that, as long as there's no talking to close the show. wwe's been getting a lot better at handling timing for promos/confrontations over the past few years and working on actually building towards something important.

already my wrestling friends, along with maybe thousands of others dont want to see taker vs sting, because it's too late, because they don't want to see two old geezers go at it, but i'm like, i'm a wrestling fan. i'm able to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy the show, instead of smarking out and picking apart the show every single week, segment by segment and saying "1/10. terrible show" like, if you're constantly giving the show a 1/10 and and complaining about it, why bother watching. like, no one cares about your opinion dude

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