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Nancy Grace wrestling segment has been cancelled

We noted before that Nancy Grace's show on Headline News was planning a pro wrestling segment for Thursday night with indie star RJ Brewer as a guest. That segment is no longer planned. No word yet if it will be re-scheduled.

Edited by J529
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Bryan may take extended time off until Extreme Rules

As noted, Daniel Bryan's father unexpectedly passed away and Bryan found out as he returned from his honeymoon. WWE officials did give Daniel Bryan the option of skipping Monday's RAW altogether and to go home but he said no.

The angle with Kane was done to get Bryan off the show early. The impression was given that Bryan would be back for next Monday's RAW but officials are perfectly fine with him taking off until Extreme Rules if he wants to.

There's a feeling that the angle with Kane came off so strong that they could keep Bryan out until Extreme Rules and the match would have more of an underdog vs monster feel to it.

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Heat on Dixie for how she's running TNA

There continues to be a lot of people within TNA that are worried TNA's deal with Spike TV won't be renewed this year. Last time the deal was renewed, it was done around this time, well before October when it expires. We noted before that Dixie Carter recently held a meeting with employees at TNA's Nashville offices. Dixie asked why the morale was low in the company and a lot of it has to do with recent cutbacks. There's also a feeling that "Big" John Gaburick is in over his head. Gaburick has been doing a lot of creative work lately and while he worked for WWE, he never worked in creative there. There was even more concern when Janice Carter and Panda Energy lawyer Creede Williams came to Nashville to have meetings with Dixie over the past few weeks. Janice and Panda officials usually stay in Texas so her trip to Nashville had people talking. At the same meeting Dixie held with TNA's Nashville office employees, she wondered why TNA didn't have a presence at WWE's WrestleMania XXX weekend. A source observed that Dixie is always talking about what they should have done and not what they should do. There's a feeling that
TNA needs someone to push open doors and make things happen but that's just not happening right now. There's a feeling that TNA is just there and they don't have much momentum.

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Ya Wyatt is losing steam.

John Cena beat all 3 of then on Monday, there is no hope for Wyatt ever going over on Cena.

I worry about Bray's long term potential in the company now that he's crossed paths with Cena honestly.

To be fair the 3 on 1 match on Raw ended when ref called for the bell.

If Bray and Wyatts ever do turn face they'll become comedy act. What's with Bray starting to sing?

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News on Cesaro's entrance music and Cesaro/Heyman pairing

The original plan for Cesaro to have no theme music was going to last a few weeks longer, as it was a Vince McMahon idea, but Triple H talked Vince into changing his mind. It was said that Triple H hated the idea of Cesaro coming out to no theme song.

On a related note, the idea to align Cesaro with Heyman was something they came up with on their own and pitched to Vince. Vince loved the idea so they went with it.
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Vince considered turning Cena heel few years ago during Kane feud with "Embrace the hate"

WWE may be teasing a “heel John Cena,” but they will not turn him heel. A new report from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter claims that even with the recent “testing of the waters” with Cena’s character “almost” crossing the “babyface line” during his feud with the Wyatt Family, merchandise sales and public image will keep the leader of Cenation a “good guy” for the foreseeable future.

Anytime a new attitude seems to be expressed by Cena, people ask if the company is finally going to turn him heel or not and give his character a boost of creativity. However, although the timing does seem perfect for Cena to cross over onto the “dark side,” it likely won’t happen anytime soon.

The most recent example of WWE teasing a possible heel turn for Cena came during the April 21 edition of “Monday Night Raw.” The company had a “fan vote” to decide if Cena would face one man, two men, or all three members of the Wyatt Family, and the fans voted for the Three-On-One Handicap Match with a whopping 53% of the vote.

Prior to the announcement of the voting results, Cena had conducted a promo saying that he knew he almost “snapped” at WrestleMania XXX and became something darker than he really is. He also said that he trusted the fans to not “kill him” by voting for a Three-On-One Handicap Match. When the results were announced, and Cena arrived for the match, he acted as if he was disappointed in the fans and didn’t play up to them as much as he normally would have.

That being said, the company will likely not turn Cena heel at this time because of how crucial he is to WWE’s public image and merchandise sales. Cena is the top pusher of merchandise for the company, selling five-times what the second runner up (Daniel Bryan) sells. With CM Punk being off television, and other merchandise mainstays such as Rey Mysterio Jr. losing sales, the company is relying on Cena hardcore.

Cena also does a lot of charity work, and WWE could alienate most of their younger audience if they turn Cena heel. He would have to portray a heel on camera, but be the superhero babyface wish-maker whenever he’s outside of live events.

Vince McMahon was reportedly not fully against turning Cena heel a couple of years ago when the “turn” was teased during a program with Kane, but currently the risk is just too high.
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Wth, when did this happen?

Not sure, I tried to find it last night for a bit but came up with nothing. There is a video on youtube that shows the segment, but the shelf doesn't break.

I think I remember seeing something like this somewhere.

When Rey then turns around & talks to them about an upcoming mtach or something


I'm thinking the shelf breaking is an outtake or something.

Edited by Grapefruits
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