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Cena retains against Lesnar but drops the title to Rollins who cashes in. Cena is beat up after a grueling, physical and bloody match. Possible too Lesnar goes irate after he loses and post-match attacks Cena. HHH could join in on the attack too since he "guranteed" Cena wouldn't leave SummerSlam as Champion.

This very well could happen just like last year when Bryan defeated Cena to become WWE Champion and Orton cashed in after HHH turned on Bryan.

I would bust a nut if Cena takes a chair from HHH--like when Austin took one from Vince--and hammers Lesnar with it. Heel turn complete. Won't happen though.

That article you posted was very interesting. Makes me hate Dunn even more. Accents? Seriously? What does that even mean? John Cena has been rocking a black accent pretty hard recently. I thought Vince hated black people. Can't these bastards be consistent?

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Roman Reigns licks and you guys are going to hate him just as much as Cena--maybe even more. He is going to be another Ultimate Warrior. A failed face of the company.

I'll be cheering for Boreton at Summerslam.

Roman Reigns is way better than Cena.

Reigns looks & feels like a badass, he is miles ahead of Cena in the ring, its not even close when comparing in-ring ability, and he has a great seriousness to him that is one of the most annoying things that Cena lacks.

They are both horrible on the mic, Reigns has the odd moment where he is decent but for the majority of the time he is trash, its a work in progress and he should improve, Cena on the other hand is annoying, his promos have nothing to do with the build of the upcoming match the majority of the time, and it never changes, so I'll take Reigns over Cena on the mic aswell.

Orton is probably my favorite fulltime guy on the roster, but I hope Reigns wins, it would be great to see a fresh star like Reigns come up and hopefully de-thrown Cena.

I think that was the first time Scott Hall did "Survey Time" in about 15 years. Though he didn't get the same response as he did in the WCW days, at least some people in the audience still knew the routine. Plus all Scott Hall has to do on the mic for me to be satisfied is a "Hey Yo"! Nice to see him pop in every now and then for us to see that he's doing better.

Also, what the hell is up with Orndorff's moustache? Epic.

The crowd didn't catch on to the "N-W-O" part, but it was really cool to see Scott Hall out there.

HHH and Vince are butt heads over Paige and AJ Lee

I LOL'd at this part of the article.

To commemorate Jericho's 15 years, in the WWE.

New sig.

I like it better than your last one, its pretty nice.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Did Cena actually call Lesnar a punk b*tch? LOL

This dude wouldn't last 30 seconds with Brock in an octagon & he's calling him a punk b*tch. Wow that is ridiculous.

And also, how does Lesnar have an idiotic view of the business??

Sure he would. All you have to do against Lesnar is actually hit him for real in the face and he turtles up like a bitch.

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Why wouldn't he call Lesnar a punk bitch? This isn't real life, its a TV show. In the world of WWE these guys are fighting like 5-10 times a week whereas Lesnar fought like 1-2 times a year. I dislike Cena as much as the next guy but I thought it was a decent promo.

I will be interested in seeing how Reigns holds up in a long match with Orton.

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You guys do realize that Cena and Lesnar used to have heat amongst each other. No idea what it's like now between them or if it still exists or not.

This article is from 2012 when Lesnar returned to WWE and made his first appearance on Raw in several years.

WWE News: Legitimate Beef Brock Lesnar and John Cena from Lesnar's Last WWE Run? pixel.gifThis week’s episode of Monday Night RAW concluded with the shocking (unless you’re an Internet fan) return of Brock Lesnar, who went to shake John Cena’s hand, pulled it back and nailed Cena with an F5.

Obviously, it looks like the WWE is now going to build up a Cena vs. Lesnar feud, and it’s actually not the first time that these two have feuded in the company.

We got a taste of the Lesnar vs. Cena rivalry way back in 2003, not long after both guys debuted in the WWE, and apparently, Cena and Lesnar didn’t exactly get along swimmingly back then.

According to
, when Brock Lesnar was previously in WWE (nine-years ago) he did not get along with John Cena. Stories from behind the scenes say that Lesnar was not a fan of a young, up and coming Cena. One source actually stated, “Brock absolutely positively hated and detested John Cena!”

Lesnar reportedly bad-mouthed Cena to
many times, especially anytime Cena was doing something being perceived as positive. It is also said that the feelings “came through” if you watch body language in their first pay-per-view match in 2003 at Backlash.

During that match, there are many moves that look sloppy, and at the time it was believed that it may have been an outright intentional lack of cooperation on Lesnar’s part. Some feel that with Cena on the rise, and the animosity that Lesnar felt towards Cena, that it would not have been out of the question for Lesnar to make Cena look green and clumsy. That is a reputation that Cena had at the time, and one that he was working to overcome.

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Alberto Del Rio says he cannot wrestle in U.S. for one year.

Alberto Del Rio did media in Mexico today and noted that he cannot wrestle in the United States for one year. He also admitted there was a backstage incident with him and a WWE employee but did not go into details. Del Rio not being able to wrestle in the US for one year could be a sign that he was found to be in breach of his WWE contract. When WWE talents are found in breach of their deal, they are informed that they will no longer be paid additional revenue due to them past the day of that breach. Also, talents found in breach cannot compete in wrestling or MMA for one year.

Speaking of which TNA reportedly wants to bring in him and make him their next World Champion.

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List of Video on Demand Content available to WWE Network subscribers in Canada

Dot Net reader Mike Mutimer followed up his original piece on the WWE Network in Canada and passed along the following list of content available via Rogers cable.

-SummerSlam 1992

-SummerSlam 1998

-SummerSlam 2000

-SummerSlam 2002

-SummerSlam 2005

-Great American Bash 1989

-Bash at the Beach 1994

-Bash at the Beach 1996

-Bash at the Beach 1998

-ECW Heatwave 1998

-ECW Heatwave 1999

-ECW One Night Stand 2005

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Kurt Angle has pitched Return Deal to WWE.

Vince is an idiot. Why is so opposed and against bringing back Angle home to finish off his legendary career? Guessing because of how Angle and WWE parted ways on not the best of terms and how Angle went to TNA. So many top matches Angle could have if he returns to WWE. A part-time schedule with limited dates like HBK seems like a no brainer given Angle's health and injuries he's had to overcome. This needs to happen.

Current TNA star Kurt Angle is reportedly trying to pitch a deal to WWE officials that would see him return to the company on a schedule similar to the one that Shawn Michaels worked in his final years with the company. Angle would work the bigger shows and limited dates.WWE reportedly has not shown much interest in having Angle return as an in-ring performer. Vince McMahon has been extremely negative on the idea of bringing Angle back in the past.

Edited by J529
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Roman Reigns is way better than Cena.

Reigns looks & feels like a badass, he is miles ahead of Cena in the ring, its not even close when comparing in-ring ability, and he has a great seriousness to him that is one of the most annoying things that Cena lacks.

They are both horrible on the mic, Reigns has the odd moment where he is decent but for the majority of the time he is trash, its a work in progress and he should improve, Cena on the other hand is annoying, his promos have nothing to do with the build of the upcoming match the majority of the time, and it never changes, so I'll take Reigns over Cena on the mic aswell.

Orton is probably my favorite fulltime guy on the roster, but I hope Reigns wins, it would be great to see a fresh star like Reigns come up and hopefully de-thrown Cena.

Roman Reign's moveset is almost as limited as Cena's. Only difference is that he doesn't lay on the mat for the majority of the match, but delivers repeated punches/clotheslines instead. The number of actual moves he knows is minimal. Samoan drop/superman punch/spear.

The badass novelty has worn off. He looked much more badass when he was sheltered by the shield. Did you not hear him sing "beelieeeve thaaat" and "Pooortland do you think I'm reaaady??" on Raw? Ambrose has become much more of a badass.

Cena is better on the mic. He has a trash gimmick but he's efficient with what he's given. Vince wants the kiddy jokes/never give up, so that's what we get. Orton's another person I would describe as efficient. Boring, but efficient given the character they have to work with.

The only reason people can't seem to see why Reigns sucks is because he's going to get rid of Cena. Believe me, I don't like Cena. He's the reason I stopped watching wrestling for almost 10 years. He's horrible. But Reigns is horrible too.

Ambrose should be the next face of the WWE. He has Cena and Reigns beat in every category.

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Sure he would. All you have to do against Lesnar is actually hit him for real in the face and he turtles up like a bitch.

Thats why Lesnar was a UFC champion.

Why wouldn't he call Lesnar a punk bitch? This isn't real life, its a TV show. In the world of WWE these guys are fighting like 5-10 times a week whereas Lesnar fought like 1-2 times a year. I dislike Cena as much as the next guy but I thought it was a decent promo.

I will be interested in seeing how Reigns holds up in a long match with Orton.

They are never fighting.

And the training for the UFC fights are very difficult, and very rigorous. Yeah they only fight a handful of times a year but there is intense 6 week training camps leading up to the fight that are more difficult than anything WWE superstars go through. Plus since they are actually fighting, they also need more time for there bodies to heel.

I don't really get how you have this guy in Brock Lesnar, who beat the streak, was in the UFC, is an actual fighter, is by far the most legit guy in the company (this has all been incorporated into the storyline btw, so its part of the TV show) and then you have Cena calling him a punk bitch, it just makes no sense in the storyline, and aswell its hilarious because he is the antithesis of that.

You guys do realize that Cena and Lesnar used to have heat amongst each other. No idea what it's like now between them or if it still exists or not.

This article is from 2012 when Lesnar returned to WWE and made his first appearance on Raw in several years.

That reminds me of when Lesnar returned & legit punched Cena, and Cena just no sold it and smirked like an idiot.

Alberto Del Rio says he cannot wrestle in U.S. for one year.

Speaking of which TNA reportedly wants to bring in him and make him their next World Champion.

What is this company thinking.

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Roman Reign's moveset is almost as limited as Cena's. Only difference is that he doesn't lay on the mat for the majority of the match, but delivers repeated punches/clotheslines instead. The number of actual moves he knows is minimal. Samoan drop/superman punch/spear.

The badass novelty has worn off. He looked much more badass when he was sheltered by the shield. Did you not hear him sing "beelieeeve thaaat" and "Pooortland do you think I'm reaaady??" on Raw? Ambrose has become much more of a badass.

Cena is better on the mic. He has a trash gimmick but he's efficient with what he's given. Vince wants the kiddy jokes/never give up, so that's what we get. Orton's another person I would describe as efficient. Boring, but efficient given the character they have to work with.

The only reason people can't seem to see why Reigns sucks is because he's going to get rid of Cena. Believe me, I don't like Cena. He's the reason I stopped watching wrestling for almost 10 years. He's horrible. But Reigns is horrible too.

Ambrose should be the next face of the WWE. He has Cena and Reigns beat in every category.

Roman Reigns moveset is way better than Cena's, he's no Dean Malenko in there by anymeans but atleast his moves are exciting, not crappy shoulder tackles & a 5 knuckle shuffle. I definitely agree that Reigns needs to add more filler moves, but his signatures moves are very exciting, they get the crowd going, and they get the job done, Cena's moves don't.

Then you think about ring physcology and ability to sell, and Reigns is miles ahead in both areas.

I haven't watched RAW in a few months outside of looking up the odd thing here or there, and I know Reigns is crap on the mic which takes away from his badass factor a bit, but he's still a badass, especially in comparison to Cena.

He's way better, like I said about the seriousness, he is serious in everything he does, Cena smirks, no sells, doesn't build matches/feuds, and its one of the things I absolutely hate the most about him its so annoying. Reigns doesn't do that.


As far as mic work, I still take Reigns because he will get better, he's horrific on the mic now, but I take him over Cena because every Cena promo is about kissing ass & talking about his relationship with the fans and its annoying. Reigns is bad (even cringeworthy at times) but Cena is annoying and irritating, so I'll take bad over annoying.

Reigns is still a work in progress & he's already better than Cena, Reigns will never be anything outstanding, but I enjoy his intensity in the ring (everything else sucks I agree), hopefully he can improve from here & replace Cena, that would be great.

Ambrose I agree is way better than both even though I'm not really a fan of his.

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WWE has given up on Bo Dallas and that's the reason his winning streak ended.

Vince stopped Bolieving.

WWE officials reportedly have "given up" on the push for Bo Dallas, which explains why his winning streak was ended by R-Truth a few weeks back. We've noted before that Bo was one of the gimmicks that Vince McMahon had lost interest in.

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Russo on booking Cena/Lesnar at SummerSlam


What if prior to SummerSlam there was a clandestine meeting between Cena and Heyman in the back of a coffee shop somewhere in Brooklyn. What if both filed their company grievances with each other, concerning their mounting frustrations towards their employer the WWE. remember—this is all STORY NOW.

WHAT IF: We went to SummerSlam and Cena/Lesner were having the Hart/Austin match from years ago, that slowly flipped the other–Bret heel–Austin babyface. You’d have to get Patterson to lay this out, because nobody else alive could deliver to the degree that he would. Any way, as the match progresses—both men are pretty much out on their feet, but one can’t put the other away. False finish, after false finish, they are exhausting each other.

WHAT IF: Seth Rollins comes down with his briefcase. With both men now working on adrenaline alone, Rollins, with his briefcase, appears as if he’s going to cash it in as soon as a new Champion is crowned.

WHAT IF: In an effort to pull out all the stops, with everything he has left, Lesner goes for that one big finish, accidentally catching the referee, who takes a hellacious bump and is out. The match now continues with no referee. At this point, Cena’s heel tactics kick in. NOW he is determined to win this match just as he had stated a week prior—BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Unfortunately, he still can’t put the Beast away.

WHAT IF: With both men selling on opposite sides of the ring, Heyman helps pull Lesner up in his corner. As Lesner gets to his feet, and turns back towards Cena, Rollins throws Heyman his briefcase, and Heyman clocks Lesner senseless with it upside the head. Lesner goes down—Cena covers–ref comes to–Cena over 1-2-3. Long stare down with Cena/Heyman—big embrace–Cena puts Rollins over for being an intricate part of the plan—we are off to the races.

The next day the two cut a promo. Cena cuts a Helluva promo telling the WWE “Universe”, “You wanted to boo me—NOW YOU CAN BOO ME! At SummerSlam—I MADE IT OFFICIAL!” Heyman then brings it home with the promo of his career, stating that he’s more than a carnival baker for the strong man at the circus. What brought him to the dance in the first place was his mind, and the ability to be one step ahead of everybody else—including Vince McMahon himself. Heyman speaks of his complacent days as a company “schill” being over. It is now time for him to remind the fans—of the genius he actually is. He then goes on to belittle his “former” client BROCK-LES-NER, who then proceeds to hit the ring and tear apart everything in his site, with the exception of Cena and Heyman who barely escaped with their lives.

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Tommy Dreamer on why Abyss never signed with WWE.

The reason I read that he didn't go to WWE is that he wanted to remain loyal to TNA. Sounds like BS reason Dreamer is claiming why he didn't sign.

- Tommy Dreamer recently mentioned on Steve Austin's podcast that years ago when he worked in WWE talent relations, he had an agreement with current TNA star Abyss and wanted to bring him in to feud with The Undertaker. Dreamer said that Abyss got stage fright, didn't sign with WWE and ended up re-signing with TNA.

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So I recorded Smackdown and am watching it right now, the main event was Miz vs Roman Reigns but...

Instead I'm getting a Roman Reigns vs Alberto Del Rio match, I have no idea how this happened or how old this match even is. Clearly someone made a HUGE mistake since Del Rio has been fired.

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Kurt Angle has pitched Return Deal to WWE.

Vince is an idiot. Why is so opposed and against bringing back Angle home to finish off his legendary career? Guessing because of how Angle and WWE parted ways on not the best of terms and how Angle went to TNA. So many top matches Angle could have if he returns to WWE. A part-time schedule with limited dates like HBK seems like a no brainer given Angle's health and injuries he's had to overcome. This needs to happen.

I've read that both Triple H AND McMahon are against the idea of bringing him back. However, having said that, the majority of the Internet Dirt Sheets are generally complete BS and seem to be right 5% of the time so who really knows what the true story is.

Regardless I doubt it's about how they parted ways. McMahon has brought back Bischoff,Hogan,Bret Hart & The Ultimate Warrior despite having issues with them, so he will do what's best for business when he needs to. I really think it's Angles injuries and personal demons (multiple DUI's) that probably have them leary about bringing him back.

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