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Time to develop younger talent Vince.  Or please let HHH take over.  Time for guys like Ambrose, Reigns, Ziggler, Owens, Neville, Wyatt, the New Day and everyone else that is underutilized to be given the ball and run with it.  

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The NJPW make more sense, and look alot more desperate to me than they did before I knew Cena was hurt.

I'm sad and happy that Cena is hurt, Very conflicted, happy to see WWE being force into a new direction with Orton AND Cena down and out for awhile; I think 6-9 months will do wonders for all of the hate he's received over the last 6-8 years.


Now.....Come on Wrasslin' gods, you've been great the last few months or so, how about makin' Big Show and Kane retire?


Crazy stat: EVERY champ coming out of Wrestlemania 31 is injured: Rollins (WHC), Cena (US), Bryan (IC), Nikki (Divas), Cesaro & Kidd (tag). 



Edited by Nail3738
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On 06/01/2016 at 10:14 AM, Nail3738 said:

I think that is a great match. I also think the WWE Universe would get bored within 5 minutes, and WWE will never give them anywhere near that much time to work. I could hear the inevitable Boring chants during the rest holds.


Now - the NXT Crowds on the other hand, would eat that style up and LOVE it.

I don't know about that. The dead mid-western/southern crowds that they love visiting are dead regardless of wherever they go. I would not be surprised if they garnered no reaction from them. These same people would sit on their hands if Eddie Gurrero arose from his grave to wrestle.

If you're speaking about smark crowds in bigger, more lively cities, then they would eat this up. The match was definitely methodical, but it wasn't slow. It was hard striking, high flying, and technically proficient at the same time. They'll know a five star match when they see one, and this was one.

16 hours ago, Nail3738 said:

The NJPW make more sense, and look alot more desperate to me than they did before I knew Cena was hurt.

I'm sad and happy that Cena is hurt, Very conflicted, happy to see WWE being force into a new direction with Orton AND Cena down and out for awhile; I think 6-9 months will do wonders for all of the hate he's received over the last 6-8 years.


Now.....Come on Wrasslin' gods, you've been great the last few months or so, how about makin' Big Show and Kane retire?


Crazy stat: EVERY champ coming out of Wrestlemania 31 is injured: Rollins (WHC), Cena (US), Bryan (IC), Nikki (Divas), Cesaro & Kidd (tag). 



It is insane. Every champion. No one returning. God damn.

I don't quite know how to feel about the Cena one. I don't want to watch him wrestle, but I don't want to see people having serious injuries. He's so much better than Roman Reigns at doing the same thing that they do, but I still don't want to see two of them on TV at the same time or anyone in that role for that matter. I really do want to see the guy at Wrestlemania and put on a good match, but I did not want to see him in that rumoured Undertaker match.

All I can say is that I wish him a recovery, and then wonder what the hell the WWE is going to do for Wrestlemania, Maybe the mid card getting an extended look is just what they need for long term success. If they start planning for it immediately, it could be glorious.

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And down goes another..


"The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Sasha Banks is out of action with an undisclosed injury. Her last match was back on December 28th WWE RAW with a win over Becky Lynch. No timetable was given on her return."


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I could see Vince paying Austin a butt load of money for one last match, against Lesnar, if he's desperately wants WM 32 to be one of the biggest events in wrestling history. Austin have said recently, health-wise he's doing well, but has no desire of getting back in the ring. Money can change that.

Reigns (c) vs. Triple H is pretty much penciled in. 

Not sure what they're going to do with Taker, with all his rumour opponents out with an injury. They could have him skip WM altogether, and have him just get inducted to the HoF. 

One match a lot of wrestling fans what to see, is a heel Jericho vs. Ambrose. They already kind of planted the seed at NoC, when Jericho brushed off Ambrose and Reigns in their match against the Wyatts. 

I have always suggested that they remove the Money in the Bank PPV, and just have the match return to the WM card. This year would be the perfect time to do so, with all the injuries. Participants should include, Neville, Styles, Owens, Ziggler, Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, Kingston, and Breeze

They should include a NXT title match, on the card since technically NXT is part of the WWE (maybe on the pre-show). We can have Balor face of against, Zayn, Samoa Joe and Corbin in a Fatal four way.

The rest of the card can be filled in with a tag match, maybe another fatal-4 way Texas Tornado, with the Dudleys, New Day, Usos, and the Wyatts or League of Nations. And then we need a divas match somewhere in there.

Oh yeah almost forgot the annual Andre the Giant Battle Royal. <_<

Edited by shiznak
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5 hours ago, shiznak said:

I could see Vince paying Austin a butt load of money for one last match, against Lesnar, if he's desperately wants WM 32 to be one of the biggest events in wrestling history. Austin have said recently, health-wise he's doing well, but has no desire of getting back in the ring. Money can change that.

Reigns (c) vs. Triple H is pretty much penciled in. 

Not sure what they're going to do with Taker, with all his rumour opponents out with an injury. They could have him skip WM altogether, and have him just get inducted to the HoF. 

One match a lot of wrestling fans what to see, is a heel Jericho vs. Ambrose. They already kind of planted the seed at NoC, when Jericho brushed off Ambrose and Reigns in their match against the Wyatts. 

I have always suggested that they remove the Money in the Bank PPV, and just have the match return to the WM card. This year would be the perfect time to do so, with all the injuries. Participants should include, Neville, Styles, Owens, Ziggler, Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, Kingston, and Breeze

They should include a NXT title match, on the card since technically NXT is part of the WWE (maybe on the pre-show). We can have Balor face of against, Zayn, Samoa Joe and Corbin in a Fatal four way.

The rest of the card can be filled in with a tag match, maybe another fatal-4 way Texas Tornado, with the Dudleys, New Day, Usos, and the Wyatts or League of Nations. And then we need a divas match somewhere in there.

Oh yeah almost forgot the annual Andre the Giant Battle Royal. <_<

lol, Reigns VS Triple H might not be so bad, and honestly, I don't give 2 $&!#s if Jericho ever returns, he's in the same boat as Big Show and Kane as far as i'm concerned, he returns every 6 months, loved Y2J, but he's not writing his own promos(As made obvious by Raw's awkward as F promo) and he's not as fast/agile as he once was, the Walls of Jericho has been reduced to a weak looking Boston Crab, and I'm just DONE unless they're going to book matches like Kalisto, Owens, Zayn, Itami VS Jericho, I'm just not interested, I don't want Jericho to hold a title anymore unless it's to pass it on to an NXT star, I'd rather enjoy him for his podcast and music career at this point - To a lesser extent, I feel that way about Cena/Orton/Show/Kane as well, they just need some fresh NXT faces to play with, Imagine Orton VS Crews, or Cena VS Breeze, Kane VS Balor, Show VS Corbin, they wouldn't all necessarily be amazing match ups - but they would be FRESH match ups.


You know, to change the subject, does anybody else feel the way I do about Cena/Orton? They're pretty much the first two superstars to be built up, and utilized for such a long period of time, everybody else they've had in the past either hasn't been around in a time of such exposure, or jumped around ala Hogan/Flair in the 90's Cena and Orton have been here working their asses off weekly since what, 2002? 14 years of constant, more than weekly exposure - Cena in particular has almost suffered from being so healthy, I wonder if they'd be appreciated a little more if they'd been hurt more often like Rock and Austin seemed to be back in the day. - and yes that's a horrible thing to say, and I'm not wishing injury upon anybody, but, perhaps the general public would appreciate guys like that a little more if they weren't around so consistently(Reminds me of the Sedins in Vancouver, lol)


- The Battle Royal is a great way to showcase/test new talent(Look back at Hideo Itami's Reaction in last year's battle royal, Good god!), and push some undercard guys - they DID try with Sandow, but...Macho Mandow/Axelmania Fizzled out thanks to HulKKK Hogan.

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32 minutes ago, Nail3738 said:

- The Battle Royal is a great way to showcase/test new talent(Look back at Hideo Itami's Reaction in last year's battle royal, Good god!), and push some undercard guys - they DID try with Sandow, but...Macho Mandow/Axelmania Fizzled out thanks to HulKKK Hogan.



All about that young talent.


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14 hours ago, g_bassi13 said:



All about that young talent.




WWE is 50/50 on doing things right - and doing things retarded we both know that, lol, I think I was a year off with my Battle Royal, I was referring to Cesaro's win - after awhile it all kind of blurs together and I forget proper dates -_-;; that and Itami's debut, they may not have done it right in the past everytime, but, there is still so much potential to use that battle royal as a launching pad for an NXT talent, or somebody lower on the card - whatever. :P

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Sasha Banks is out with an MCL injury; and Paige has been out with a Concussion, so, lets see, off the top of my head, the WWE IR looks like;

John Cena

Randy Orton

Seth Rollins

Daniel Bryan



Tyson Kidd

Sin Cara

Nikki Bella


Sasha Banks

Hideo Itami


That's alot of injured, talented people. Rusev is also rumoured to be injured now as well; sounds a bit more minor, denied it on Twitter(Looking like WWE is telling all talents to deny injury reports)

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20 hours ago, Grapefruits said:


Makes me wonder where GFW is at. Weren't they supposed to be on TV by now? I remember they did a bunch of tapings, and crowned their champions, but there seems to be no way to watch them.

On 08/01/2016 at 1:18 PM, Nail3738 said:



WWE is 50/50 on doing things right - and doing things retarded we both know that, lol, I think I was a year off with my Battle Royal, I was referring to Cesaro's win - after awhile it all kind of blurs together and I forget proper dates -_-;; that and Itami's debut, they may not have done it right in the past everytime, but, there is still so much potential to use that battle royal as a launching pad for an NXT talent, or somebody lower on the card - whatever. :P

That was the start of a Cesaro push, which they sadly stalled until he was just off TV altogether. But it did mean something. With Damien Sandow, and the one last year, it was a disaster, lol. The win meant nothing for Big Show's character, and Damien Sandow seems to be in some sort of literal oblivion. Everyone is hurt, and he can't get onto Raw, or any TV for that matter. If they aren't going to use him, he'd be better off leaving and taking his talents on the road. All that, and it was on the pre-show (presumably because they were just going to have Big Show win, and there was no celebratory fan pop segment to catch).

I'm still hyped for it, because I'm hyped for any style of Rumble/Battle Royal match. And despite Big Show winning, there's a far stronger possibility of a mid card/fan favourite taking the win here then in the actual Royal Rumble where the last "anyone can win it" winner was Chris Benoit in 2004.

On 12/01/2016 at 8:07 PM, Grapefruits said:

I want Jimmy John's


I was worried about Raw, when it started with that stupid segment where most of the roster stands on the stage for no reason, and we were set up for a Vince, Steph, and Roman segment. Got even worse when he announced a Roman vs. Everyone match. But he surprisingly couldn't even get past Owens before the match broke down, so that was awesome. Calisto got his title, and Becky Lynch had her best day since she got called up to the roster. Most of the show was one to fast forward through, but the fact that those moments happened made the show worth something.

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Watched the show mostly in the fear that I could miss a surprise AJ Styles appearance. Didn't expect it, but I do expect him to be a the Rumble at this point. (Stephanie teasing Styles was the only half decent thing to come out of that completely cringe segment).

The show itself was a write off, but I really wasn't going to give it much of a chance after it pretty much started with my favourite wrestler of all time fist bumping and pumping the tires of the guy I can stand watching the least in the company. Primary issue with the show was that it was just one meaningless match with randomly drawn opponents after another. The kind of Raw when the show has no momentum.

Was cool seeing the Wyatts end the show like that, but with the Wyatts it's usually just a short up, before they get shoved back down. They've been running wild for a bit, but only with one irrelevant opponent after another. If Bray actually wins the Royal Rumble though, I'll be hyped. I think there's no chance, but it would be a great story they could build within the match, and up to Wrestlemania with it.

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1 hour ago, g_bassi13 said:

Watched the show mostly in the fear that I could miss a surprise AJ Styles appearance. Didn't expect it, but I do expect him to be a the Rumble at this point. (Stephanie teasing Styles was the only half decent thing to come out of that completely cringe segment).

The show itself was a write off, but I really wasn't going to give it much of a chance after it pretty much started with my favourite wrestler of all time fist bumping and pumping the tires of the guy I can stand watching the least in the company. Primary issue with the show was that it was just one meaningless match with randomly drawn opponents after another. The kind of Raw when the show has no momentum.

Was cool seeing the Wyatts end the show like that, but with the Wyatts it's usually just a short up, before they get shoved back down. They've been running wild for a bit, but only with one irrelevant opponent after another. If Bray actually wins the Royal Rumble though, I'll be hyped. I think there's no chance, but it would be a great story they could build within the match, and up to Wrestlemania with it.

 The best part of the show was Jericho's cartwheels during the Reigns vs. Rusev. Although, I was hoping Jericho would have given a codebreaker to Reigns, when he won against Rusev or when he speared Brock, to show his supremacy. That would have made Jericho look like a real contender for the Rumble match, rather than him just being there to fill a spot.

Yeah, only reason why I watched Raw today was that the fear of missing a Styles vignette or if he showed up out of the blue. I'll be pretty disappointed if he wasn't in the Rumble match, even though I know there's a strong chance of him not winning it.

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