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4 hours ago, Grapefruits said:

Stupid.  Should have let it play out a little longer before he turned.

They did it with the right crowd though. Gave it maximum impact in that regard. Though I thought it was definitely quick. I would have given it at least one more week.


Thing is that they did it near perfectly in its execution though, if not the timing. It just looked ruthless. Gave itself a lot of momentum going into Wrestlemania.



Show itself was great. Opening segment was spot on (with Shane McMahon shooting on Roman?). Guy seems like he has been working on his striking like crazy.


The Owens match was well done, with of course the Zayn run in to set up another likely great Wrestlemania match on the card, between these two. 


The Tag Titles match was maybe the best match I've seen altogether this year, it was seriously spot on. That ending with AJ fighting to stand up just added more.


I can enjoy the show so much more easily with no Cena, and no Roman. There's just nothing for me to dread. The show just rolls. It is funny how they managed to hide Reigns from Chicago though. It's back to the post I made a few weeks ago on the topic of what they could possibly do with him, mentioning that they need to protect him as much as possible from any weaknesses he could show, and just surround him with other talent to get him over. I said hiding him straight up from the run of Smark crowds was something they couldn't do. But they're doing it, lol. He won't be in Pittsburgh next week either. They're banking on him being in Philly and getting the same positive reaction he got post TLC winning the title. It's not going to happen.



As for Wrestlemania, it's looking better and better with each passing week for me. The Royal Rumble was a lot of fun to watch, but the only confirmed match to come out of that PPV was the awful main event between Roman and HHH.

But since then, every match has been something I've just loved. Almost to the point that if if the stupid main event was set in stone, and they gave me a chance to make a dream PPV working around its existence, it might look 100% exactly like this.




IC Title match - Owens vs. Zayne? - I want to see how they set it up for Wrestlemania, but these guys have more history between each other than anyone else on the card. If this is a thing, I love it.

AJ Styles vs. Jericho - Could easily be the match of the night, with these two getting the biggest reactions every Monday already for what they've been doing. They've extended the feud in their right way, and gave it even more energy than it did before, and that's something considering they've already had a trilogy of matches last month. I love it.


Divas Title match - Charlotte vs. Sasha vs. Becky - They really picked up the way they've been booking the division over the last few months, and with Sasha's entrance in the Royal Rumble match working out as intended this is the best possible thing they could have done for this title (Might be the match I look most forward to). I love it.


Street Fight - Ambrose vs. Lesnar - One constant since the Royal Rumble is Dean Ambrose carrying the main event picture on his shoulders, and doing it very well. He took Lesnar's blows to protect Roman so well that it even led to this match with the biggest guy in the company for him. It's a shame that he's not getting the title like he should honestly, but their feud looks legitimate, and brutal. Ambrose's gluttony for punishment, and looking like he's actually unhinged for once is making this intriguing, even if he's likely going to lose. And Lesnar is Lesnar, all he needs to do is show up to make something interesting. I love this one to, with my reservations.


Hell in a Cell - Shane vs. Undertaker - Makes little to no sense in its existence, but it hampers little in my excitement for it. It won't be a technical marvel obviously, but it has the potential to be as brutal as the Ambrose street fight, with juicier spots for Shane to take. These crowds have all been clearly excited as I have to see Shane back. Even if there's almost a promise of some kind of interference, the possible implication of Shane saving the fans from being subjected to The Authority's Raw's makes it so worth the while. So he better damn win, lol. I love this.


WWE Title match - HHH vs. Roman - &^@# this one, lol. This is just one that I can't possibly care about, and it's a shame that it's going to main event this show that I'm otherwise beginning to look so forward to. I'm amazed that I've been able to get hyped for the show in spite of this, because I think everything else is beginning to looks so damn good. No kind words here.



The tag titles, I have no idea what's going to happen there. Enzo & Cass, maybe? (Please?). Hopefully the US title isn't stuck in a Ryback singles match, lol. That would be a disaster, and something I'd hope they throw away on the pre-show. Hopefully it's a multi-man match like the IC title one was last year. They need some kind of hook like that for it, because there's no momentum there. It would give people something to do besides being simply in the Battle Royal. Maybe there's something extra for the diva's who aren't in the title match, but hopefully not a singles Lana vs. Brie match, becuase that's the most B PPV thing I've ever heard of.


The Battle Royal should be really packed with a lot of quality names left over on this card, plus probably a few NXT surprises. If Wyatt will be in it like he seems to be trending towards, then he had better win. But stacked line up or not fighting it, it will be as much of a dud as it was last year if someone like The Big Show just wins it for no reason. Killed most of the hype that it could have had this year. But a Cesaro like win could lift it back up again.




So yeah. Should be good, could be great, for the first 3.5 hours. Plus some potential great stuff on the pre-show. There's really only space for 7 matches on the main card, and 6 of them are almost confirmed. So it leaves a lot of talent to create something potentially interesting with the limited space that otherwise exists. I mean either the tag titles or the US title will not make it, so combined with the Battle Royal, there's promise for what's left out.




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The feud between Jericho and AJ would have been way better if they booked it, with each guy having one win against each other, going into Mania. Now, there's really no purpose of having another match. I mean if Jericho wins, the feud will just be tied 2-2 and if AJ wins, it really proves nothing for him. Oh well, at least we will have another stellar match between the two.

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10 hours ago, shiznak said:

The feud between Jericho and AJ would have been way better if they booked it, with each guy having one win against each other, going into Mania. Now, there's really no purpose of having another match. I mean if Jericho wins, the feud will just be tied 2-2 and if AJ wins, it really proves nothing for him. Oh well, at least we will have another stellar match between the two.

That was definitely my primary issue with the feud beforehand. They already had the blowoff match. But this short tag team break up feels like it reignited it properly. Not well enough that they should trade any more matches before Wrestlemania, but it feels a little more fresh and original. It's not going to be about Styles proving anything this time. He'll just want to beat up Y2J. That's what the match will be about.

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6 hours ago, swflyers8 said:

It was a little stupid to make the Y2AJ shirts to have Y2J turn already.

That's where the swerve kind of kicks in. You'd think that there's no way they produce shirts for less than a week for an angle like this. If it happens, you don't think it happens now. But then it does.


Feel bad for anyone who already bought the shirt, but they'll probably accept returns for it like any other item online.


It's still hilarious though. Makes you wonder if they entirely knew what they were going to do this week, if it wasn't a planned swerve from the beginning.

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59 minutes ago, g_bassi13 said:

That's where the swerve kind of kicks in. You'd think that there's no way they produce shirts for less than a week for an angle like this. If it happens, you don't think it happens now. But then it does.


Feel bad for anyone who already bought the shirt, but they'll probably accept returns for it like any other item online.


It's still hilarious though. Makes you wonder if they entirely knew what they were going to do this week, if it wasn't a planned swerve from the beginning.

I also thought it was hilarious. - It might also increase the value of the shirts that are kept, Collector's Item? - Depends on how long they sell them. :P


I really don't see the point in doing another AJ/Y2J Match, but perhaps AJ wants to do a big program with Y2J while he can? I mean, Chances are he looks up to Jericho in some capacity or another, and hell, by the time he's done with Y2J, there won't be anybody on the WWE Roster AJ won't be able to have a 5 star match with in the WWE Style, so F*** it, AJ vs Y2J 4 at Mania, Lets go.



I think they need one-two more big, meaningful matches for mania, but overall, it isn't shaping up too bad, sadly I haven't been able to catch a Raw in WEEKS thanks to school; but the clips I've seen have been great - and the return of Shane O Mac is refreshing.


I'm very curious to see what Shane has left in the tank in terms of taking a beating... That match could end up being nothing but Shane selling and Taker huddled in a corner....I pray Taker is in better shape than he has been in the last few years, Roid him up for mania one last time, let him do whatever the hell he has to for one last time and then let him ride off into the sunset.


I'd love to see the debut of the Bullet Club & Finn Balor at Mania; Costing The Undertaker the match, and securing themselves a spot on Raw through Shane.


I wish they would split the league of nations too, what a complete waste of talent, Bring back Ricardo and let Del Rio be more than just "there"

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Backstage Drama between Vince, Shane and HHH. Notice how Shane and HHH haven't interacted at all yet. 


When Shane was on Raw talking about such talented performers never get any break and those who aren't very talented at all get all the breaks. You know he's talking about Reigns



The dynamic between Vince McMahon and Triple H is reportedly something everyone is talking about internally in WWE. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Shane McMahon's return, and recent changes to WrestleMania 32 storylines, have both lead to an increase in backstage chatter about the McMahon family drama. The Observer reports that Vince does not like being perceived as the old out-of-touch guy who needs to step aside so Triple H can take over. The speculation within WWE right now is reportedly that if Shane does take on an executive role in the company, Vince could be playing him against Triple H and Stephanie. It gets hard to tell how much of the Vince-Triple H tension is exaggerated, but it is known that Shane did have issues with Triple H and Stephanie that lead to him leaving the company in 2009. Shane left WWE after he found out his sister and Triple H would eventually be taking over the company instead of him. Shane's entire promo on Monday's RAW was re-written at the last minute to remove mentions of him wanting to fire Triple H and Stephanie from RAW should he win at WrestleMania 32. According to The Observer, the opening segment on RAW has been changing at the last minute lately at Vince's request. Last minute script changes were blamed for Shane forgetting a line during his return promo on RAW, but it largely went unnoticed because Vince spoke up and covered for him. Aside from any heat he may have with Vince and Shane, Triple H also drew criticism from some WWE employees for not "selling" his beating  from Roman Reigns back in December. In the days after the angle with Reigns at TLC, Triple H was making appearances to promote NXT and not selling any injuries.


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Vince isn't a big fan of NXT. No surprise.


Poor Tyler Breeze. What a waste of talent.



WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is reportedly not a big fan of his NXT brand. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reported this week that McMahon perceives NXT as a touring product and nothing more. McMahon reportedly feels that most of the NXT roster can't draw money for his company because he doesn't see them as "stars." A lot of NXT talent would like a spot on the main WWE roster so they can earn more money, but the feeling in the locker room is that NXT is more fun. According to The Wrestling Observer, NXT talent took notice of how Tyler Breeze was treated after he arrived on the main roster. Some of the locker room was reportedly disgruntled after Breaking Ground built up Breeze's move to the main roster, only for him to be treated like a "jobber" on WWE television.


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8 hours ago, NucksPatsFan said:

Is Shane's feud/hate for HHH and Steph real or also just part of the show?

Alot of what Shane has said is true. What i'm interested to know is about big mistake Vince made and how Shane came into save the day. Like is this storyline or for real. Either way, I want to know exactly happened.


The backstage drama between Shane/Vince/HHH is way more interesting then the storyline that's playing out.

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Mr. Anderson is done with TNA. He was released due to his behavior during last TV taping. Anderson confirmed this at Insane Championship Wrestling event by saying "frack TNA"


Before anyone says about a WWE return. No way that happens. Not when it was Orton and Cena, who both got him fired as Orton said Anderson/Kennedy was wreckless in the ring and claiming he got dropped on his head.

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2 of the roles that have been pitched for HBK's role are:


1. He would be the special guest referee for HHH/Reigns and would see HHH further "stacking" the deck in his favor.


2. The other idea would see HBK do run-in during one of the matches, similar to last year at WM when DX and nWo got involved during Sting vs. HHH at WM. HBK would be part of group of legends doing the run-in. This obviously should be during Shane vs. Undertaker. Expect alot of outside interference happening, and the winner being decided by someone's interference.

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9 hours ago, NucksPatsFan said:

Is Shane's feud/hate for HHH and Steph real or also just part of the show?

A little bit of column A, and a bit of column B, I think. He was legitimately pushed out of the company back in 2009 due to politics, and Vince just liking HHH and Steph's ideas better.


I don't know how much he believes in the statements in his promos, but he has been trashing the manner in which the show presents itself. But it seems like it's meant to get the crowd on his side by trashing guys like Reigns in a snide and indirect manner.


The one thing is that with the WWE, backstage politics and the on screen presentation blend in ways that they really shouldn't. Just by being present, Shane has probably changed the dynamics of things.

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6 minutes ago, the last outlaw said:

2 of the roles that have been pitched for HBK's role are:


1. He would be the special guest referee for HHH/Reigns and would see HHH further "stacking" the deck in his favor.


2. The other idea would see HBK do run-in during one of the matches, similar to last year at WM when DX and nWo got involved during Sting vs. HHH at WM. HBK would be part of group of legends doing the run-in. This obviously should be during Shane vs. Undertaker. Expect alot of outside interference happening, and the winner being decided by someone's interference.

Doing #1 would be incredibly stupid. HBK is just another person that people love to cheer for. Brining him back to work against Reigns isn't going to help things. Neither would a transparent turn by him against HHH to help Reigns. It's a lose/lose situation if all they're trying to do is get Reings over as a babyface and scrape together any kind of positive reaction with the Wrestlemania audience. If he starts in Reigns' corner, that could maybe help. Maybe.


#2 is something I don't want to see, because I feel like the HBK/Undertaker thing should be buried away with his own retirement. If it was Shane against anyone else, sure. But getting into the Hell In a Cell against Undertaker again just feels wrong.

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1 hour ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:

Don't forget The Rock is going to have some type of involvement. Could be with Roman regarding the championship, or it could be with Shane and helping take out the Authority.

Figure The Rock will help Roman with everything stacked against him. Stone Cold will have some involvement too, could get involved and help Shane. Assuming Shane wins the match, you gotta figure the person is out to screw Vince and get revenge on him. You could have ton of guys from the past Vince screwed over, all come out together and kick Undertaker's ass. That or what if Shane and Taker are in cahoots and they pulled "Finger Poke of Doom". Haha. Imagine everyone's reaction. Taker would never do that. Seriously tho, I'm still holding out hope Sting gets involved in Shane/Undertaker and is the one to cost Taker the match. I know Sting needs to have surgery, but he really wouldn't have to do anything physically. Have his music play and him point his bat at Undertaker distracting him allowing Shane to low blow him and quickly roll him up for the pin or something like that. Even if it doesn't lead to match between them, having them both in the ring at same time in stare down and segment of some kind, would be just as good.

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20 minutes ago, Madness said:

Going live to Roadblock tonight here in Toronto.


Looks like no Owens or Styles there so that's disappointing. Apparently there's a house show tonight somewhere else tonight and they'll be there. Will see Brock Lesnar though.

I think you're in for a good show, I'm hoping to hell they give Ambrose the title tonight; I'm not getting my hopes up; my picks for tonight;


Jericho hosts a highlight reel making fun of AJ, somebody else shows up to defend him.

Winner: Nobody, why put this segment on a PPV


Divas Title Match: No way Charlotte loses; everybody wants Sasha VS Charlotte VS Becky at Mania.

Winner: Charlotte


NXT Tag Team Title Match: If Enzo and Cass are still scheduled to debut after Mania, they likely won't win; If they do the smart thing and hold off on Enzo & Cass' debut - they have a chance. 

Winners: Enzo & Cass


WWE Tag Team Title Match:

Winner: New Day wins because Barret won't be around to hold the belt.


Unless they are trying to set up Brock VS Dean and and Bray VS HHH, I can't see Lesnar losing; 

Winner: Lesnar, but will probably end up getting gangbanged by the Wyatts to try and balance the booking.


WWE Title Match: I can't see Triple H VS Ambrose VS Reigns at Mania, and I can't see Triple H VS Reigns headlining the show. I hope, predict and pray that Ambrose wins, just so we get to see something new and different, but I would not be surprised to see Triple H hold onto the title just to spite rumours of his Performer's contract expiring soon.

 Winner: Ambrose, but the moment will be wrecked somehow.

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