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On 3/11/2016 at 5:59 PM, the last outlaw said:

Alot of what Shane has said is true. What i'm interested to know is about big mistake Vince made and how Shane came into save the day. Like is this storyline or for real. Either way, I want to know exactly happened.


The backstage drama between Shane/Vince/HHH is way more interesting then the storyline that's playing out.


On 3/11/2016 at 7:11 PM, g_bassi13 said:

A little bit of column A, and a bit of column B, I think. He was legitimately pushed out of the company back in 2009 due to politics, and Vince just liking HHH and Steph's ideas better.


I don't know how much he believes in the statements in his promos, but he has been trashing the manner in which the show presents itself. But it seems like it's meant to get the crowd on his side by trashing guys like Reigns in a snide and indirect manner.


The one thing is that with the WWE, backstage politics and the on screen presentation blend in ways that they really shouldn't. Just by being present, Shane has probably changed the dynamics of things.


Hm, interesting. Really hope the Shane/Taker match begins as is and Shane isn't replaced at the last second. 

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Apparently, someone else has given notice to WWE their leaving. No word yet on who it is.



Coming off the news that Wade Barrett is planning to leave WWE when his contract expires, Bryan Alvarez reported on Fridays installment of the Bryan and Vinny Show that another WWE Star has put in their notice this week. While the name was not revealed on the show, Alvarez mentioned that some people would be thrilled to hear about it. Dave Meltzer commented on the report on Twitter with the following: I know the rumor, have checked around and gotten no confirmation on it.
There was speculation that it could have been Dolph Ziggler, however he has recently re-signed with the company.



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3 hours ago, NucksPatsFan said:



Hm, interesting. Really hope the Shane/Taker match begins as is and Shane isn't replaced at the last second. 

Agreed. I don't think they will replace him either. The match is a selling point to people watching the PPV, whether it's fantastic or not. A bait and switch would annoy a lot of people. I can totally see interference, and even readily expect it, but Shane should be the competitor, and he should be taking a bunch of punishment before being either the guy to take the pin or make it.

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7 minutes ago, g_bassi13 said:

Agreed. I don't think they will replace him either. The match is a selling point to people watching the PPV, whether it's fantastic or not. A bait and switch would annoy a lot of people. I can totally see interference, and even readily expect it, but Shane should be the competitor, and he should be taking a bunch of punishment before being either the guy to take the pin or make it.

There is only one guy I would be happier to see.



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That was a pretty crap PPV/House Show, whatever the hell it was, lol.


There were two good matches, with NXT Tag Title match, and the one for the Diva's Title. The Diva's one was even great.


Everything else was just subpar, even if it involved a lot of guys I actually really liked.


The main event was partly a snooze show, and it was the most WWE thing ever. I mean obviously Ambrose had no absolutely no chance of winning, but they had to add in that false finish for Dean. Just the WWE saying "Hey guys look, Dean totally could have won! Wasn't that cool! Please continue to think he's awesome while we have other people do more important things!"


He's just going to repeat the "I had you beat" line, so I don't know whether I like that or not. But whatever, it's better than losing clean, lol.

Wrestlemania Main Event still sucks, but it just is what it is in terms of its inevitable happening. It will happen, it will suck, and the next few months worth of main event picture will suck., but it's not going away barring some miracle on Raw when enough people are watching.


It's kind of funny though, that Fastlane was exactly like this as well. Both had slightly better than average cards, but both had incredibly typical house show finishes. Nothing of consequence has happened or changed since the Royal Rumble, except maybe AJ and Y2J going through all the motions of a major storyline in a few weeks,

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Undertaker, Shane and Lesnar are all booked for Raw. Foley is also expected to appear and start story line. I'm thinking he either gets involved in Shane/Undertake and pleads with Shane about HIAC and how your never the same again. That or Foley gets involved in Divas Title match to counter Flair. 

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So they're just going to go ahead with that Calisto vs. Ryback US title match? Why? Lol. They think waaaay to highly of Ryback to put him in this kind of spot. It's a generic David vs. Goliath matchup, without any of the heat that is supposed to entail. Mainly because of Ryback.


Combining this, with the Intercontinental title match probably being multi-man, instead of just going with an Owens vs. Zayn in singles competition, is them making two basic mistakes for Wrestlemania, in my opinion. I mean a multi-man ladder match will be fun to watch, but both are cases of them not following the heat to where it should be taking them.

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11 minutes ago, shiznak said:

Kalisto vs. Ryback will probably be on the pre-show anyway, so I'm fine with it.


Hopefully, but I wouldn't put it past them to put it on the main show, and bump the New Day vs. League of Nations and the Memorial Battle Royal, to the pre-show. I guess we'll find out soon enough. But it has to be the coldest match on the card regardless.

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5 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

wouldn't be surprised if ziggler is the other guy leaving. that was random

what have I missed? - Ziggles just re-signed, I get the feeling he's going to stick it out ala Mark Henry.

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1 minute ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

wouldn't be surprised if ziggler is the other guy leaving. that was random

Yeah, it was. I liked it though. Something for Ziggler to do besides being that guy who just faces the same guys over and over without real feuds. He, like Barrett, deserves a lot better. Maybe they actually give him something here? I mean he's going to lose (barring Reigns saving him), so I don't know where it could go, really. I was just amused though that they let him go into any match, besides one against the guy he would have just beat, lol. That spot is reserved for their Golden Boy.


2 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

hearing 90k+ chanting goldberg or boring or whatever i would love to see if wwe goes ahead with putting that on the main show. they would deserve it


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