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That was a great PPV for a while. Every match minus the last was great. As said, it was a very one sided afair with the talent on display. But that's a given with the best in the world, against some that is not.


The booking for that match was awful too. Nice to see AJ with two wins, but he was made to look like a chump at the end, as Reigns just did his Cena impersonation.


The end for the Divas match was awful as well, as they attempted to replicate the Screw Job for the 59th time. It was a shame, because that was otherwise a very good match.


Too bad about Enzo though. Hope he gets well soon. I was really looing forward to the match, and seeing him and Cass move forward.


Still a solid PPV. Ryback managed to put on a very very good match for once, alongside Kalisto. The Zayn/Owens match was easily match of the night, and Cesaro put on a show against the Miz. The way their feud literally overlapped was awesome.


In short, it was a really good PPV until the end of the woman's match. The tail end of that PPV was pretty bad, and hard to watch.

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43 minutes ago, Mikey2Dope said:



WWE photoshopped a sign for their website. You'll notice the top sign says "When it Reigns". The real pic below shows the bottom of the sign which originally read "When It Reigns, It Bores".

It's like they either don't understand how technology works in this day and age or they just think fans are too dumb to notice.

That $&!# is hilarious.


"He's supposed to be a tweener" or "there are no faces and heels anymore".


But then you see them continue to mute his reactions, and even censoring signs towards him. The levels to which they present him as their babyface are hilarious.


I think one thing that gets lost in that overbooking is that nothing was solved with the bulletclub at all. They were all fed to Roman for a clean win. 

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1 hour ago, the last outlaw said:

Becky vs. Emma was nixed from Payback.

Wouldn't mind if it ended up on the next PPV. I do want to see more of it. Hopefully this Raw match isn't the simple blow off to it.

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Ryback is off TV due to contract dispute



Ryback, who lost to WWE United States champion Kalisto last night during the WWE Payback Kickoff Show, is not at Raw in St. Louis tonight. The word making the rounds, according to multiple sources, is that Ryback was sent home and will be, as of this writing, off TV indefinitely.   One version of the story is that Ryback himself asked to be pulled from TV. Ryack's contract with the company expires this summer and the two sides have been, according to several sources, at odds over negotiations for a new contract.


Ryback first worked for WWE in 2004 as part of The Million Dollar Tough Enough season that was integrated into Smackdown.  He was signed to WWE developmental in 2006 and debuted on the first season of WWE NXT. After extended time off TV due to a badly broken angle, he returned as the current incarnation of Ryback and has been a regular on the main roster, and at times a PPV main eventer, since.


More as we get it.


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That was a very fast forward heavy Raw. Had to pause so many times so that I could skip the worst of it. Including the entire main event.


Felt almost like I was back in December/January.


I don't think they've set up for a lot of bad feuds. Most of them look good, or even great. Extreme Rules is essentially just a repeat of Payback. Some people will trade their wins, and some won't. Their booking is what's bothering me.


Well that, plus the main event picture month in and month out. Or really year in and year out if you go back over this whole decade.


It's funny, because I think the IC title since about October/November (whenever it was that Ryback dropped it to Owens), has been so much more interesting than the actual heavyweight title. Better matches, with better wrestlers, in better feuds/storylines. Well I mean that's not a fair comparison because I care more about even the US title more than the Heavyweight title when it revolves around Reigns, but I've been looking at whoever has had the IC title as the real champion or the real person to chase.



Fast forwarding for this Raw was primarily for the redundancy, and that after the last month of Raws, that I know that they know how to do them well if they tried. That makes it different compared to the December/January where it had to be forwarded because it simply sucked, but I don't care about watching it all the same.



Edit: Let AJ Styles join this dogfight for the IC title, and leave the Heavyweight title to Roman, Sheamus, The Big Show, and someone else useless.

Edited by g_bassi13
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Sounds like Ryback may very well be done with WWE:


It's a bit of a read.


ORIGINAL: According to PWInsider, Ryback isn’t at Raw tonight and is off of TV indefinitely. The site reports that the word backstage is that the WWE star was sent home, with one story claiming that he asked to be pulled from TV.

The reason for this is that his contract expires this summer and the two sides are at odds in the negotiations. More details are not currently available. He worked last night’s Payback PPV, losing to Kallisto in a US Title match on the kickoff show.


UPDATE: On this morning’s Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer spoke about the Ryback situation. Meltzer noted that Ryback had a meeting with Vince McMahon about the contract situation, noting that they are far apart on money. The meeting reportedly ended with McMahon suggesting that Ryback go home, and he agreed. Ryback was originally scheduled to be part of the U.S. Title #1 contenders Battle Royal match on Raw. He was outspoken in an interview during the international tour, noting that he wasn’t happy about being on the WrestleMania pre-show. At Payback, the second show in a row he and Kalisto wrestled on the pre-show, he wore a workout belt that read, “The Pre-Show Stopper.”


UPDATE x2: Ryback posted the following update on his WWE status today, explaining why he is having issues with WWE and wrestling in general…

Today I sit and fly home and for the first time in years feel absolutely free. I will start by saying I did request to be taken off of WWE television until myself and Vince could get a yes or no on a new deal. This has been going on since my IC Title run and had been nothing but a major strain on my life as all I ever wanted to do was work for WWE. I was told to head home until we agree or not agree to specific terms and contrary to reports it isn’t over money or a bus that stuff was settled a while ago. It comes down to a major problem I have with not only WWE but wrestling in general.

Wrestling is pre determined, we as performers know before we go out to that ring or perform a backstage scene who is winning and losing etc or have a general idea of what we are going to say. It blows my mind how in a sport which is pre determined from a company standpoint winners are paid so much more than the losers. Every single person who works for WWE from top to bottom is absolutely just as valuable as the next. The winners cannot win unless the losers go out there and agree to lose to them.


It blows my mind that in this day and age though we still adhere to this formula. Obviously things have always been this way, but does that make them right? Times have changed and our goal as humans should be to evolve and learn from our past and the past of others so we could make this world a better place. Why is it a guy who is told he is going to go out and lose and does everything he is told be paid not only less, but much less than said winner over a period of time. Every single performer for WWE sacrifices the same amount of time from home and their families and every single man or women goes out and does what they are told. Looking at this formula though losers turn into what fans like to call jobbers and their value decreases in the companies eyes and before you know it they get released. For what? For doing exactly as they are told!

Why not pay the talent equally? The winners have more MERCH as it is or are supposed to anyways so they get that extra perk, but why make the guy who is told to and agrees to lose earn less and sacrifice spots in big pay per view match ups etc. This is one of the major problems with wrestling and WWE today. Most guys take great satisfaction in helping making other talent, the bitching and the moaning we always hear about stems from the fact they know they are ultimately over time going to make less and live in fear of being released.

I am proud to say I have never gone to change a finish and have gladly took pride in helping put over other talent. Hell look at my pay per view record of 12-26 and you will see that has been the pattern of my career. I have always been confident in my ability and work ethic to being my best every day and ultimately always felt that by doing good it was the right thing to do. Personally seeing my money go down over the years though even though I was working as much as ever and being denied magazine covers and other projects as well as watching my role diminish no matter what I did or how hard I tried takes its toll on a human. Being told no matter how hard I work or how good I get doesn’t always pay off is something I &^@#ing refuse to ever believe in my life. I am a creative being and to be restricted time and time again is no way to live life. There is nothing I cannot do and I know no matter what comes of this situation I am going to be just fine. It isn’t soley about money, it is about commitment. Commitment to a guy who &^@#ing cares and who loves this more than anything in the world and wants to know that his passion his efforts and his determination to constantly improve is going to be recognized and taken care of.

WWE may very well release me, which if it is the case so be it. If we can work things out a lot needs to change as I am not living in fear and creatively cannot continue to live a life that limits me creatively. I have many other interests and passions and have been very smart with my finances over the years. I thank every WWE superstar from top to bottom for their sacrifices and for working with me. The world is an amazing place and there is more than just a WWE universe there is The Universe and I will prove one way or another over time I am the greatest big guy in the universe!


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Looks like Ryback and WWE are in trademark battle over "The Big Guy" name.



 ProWrestlingSheet.com has revealed that Ryback appears to be in a trademark battle with WWE over the term The Big Guy. According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Ryback (real name Ryan Reeves) filed for the trademark on October 29th, 2015 with the following Goods and Services description: Conducting entertainment exhibitions in the nature of performances by a professional wrestler and entertainer; Entertainment information; Entertainment services, namely, personal appearances by a sports celebrity


As it turns out, WWE filed for the same trademark three months later on January 4th, 2016 with the following Goods and Services description: Entertainment services, namely, wrestling exhibitions and performances by professional wrestlers and entertainers rendered live and through broadcast media including television and radio, and via the internet or commercial online service; Providing information in the fields of sports and entertainment via an online community portal; Providing a website in the field of sports entertainment; Fan club services; Organizing and staging social entertainment events with fan club members; Providing online newsletters in the fields of sports entertainment; Online journals, namely, blogs, in the fields of sports entertainment Reeves entry shows that his trademark filing was published for opposition today. This means that anyone has a 30-day period to challenge it. Its possible Ryback did this himself but its also possible that WWEs legal team had the USPTO publish the opposition so the company could challenge the filing.



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SD Spoiler on WWE star being repackaged with HOFer



WWE is repackaging a former Tag Team Champion with a Hall of Famer. Darren Young is being paired up with former WWE World Champion Bob Backlund in a storyline to "Make Darren Great Again. In a backstage segment taped on Tuesday night for this week's SmackDown, Young asked the former World Champion to be his "life coach." Backlund accepted, and gave him the "Make Darren Great Again" catch phrase based on Donald Trump's slogan. This will be Backlund's first appearance on WWE TV since April 2014. Darren Young has been with WWE since the first season of NXT in 2010, where he was mentored by CM Punk. Young and Titus O'Neil won the WWE Tag Team Championships back in June of 2015 at Money In The Bank. The segment with Backlund and Young will air on Thursday night on the USA Network.


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What Ryback said reminded me alot of Punk and what he said on the way out; Either way


Won't miss Rybotch, he doesn't have good stamina and ends up hurting people more often than not because of it; Good Riddance.

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