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Evil Dead (2013) - 8.5/10

Forget what I gave it a few years ago, but I still love it. Wouldn't have worked if the remake would have tried to take a tongue in cheek approach like the originals. As a straight up horror film, so good and ridiculously bloody. Terrific.

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Dope: 6.5/10

What started off really, really strong, was totally overcooked with the last hour. Movie just gets way, way too big. Very strange that a movie about a "90s hip hop geek" would utilize such cheesy, garbage contemporary music for its emotional scenes, but hey.

Dope 3/10

I'll break down all my least favourite parts.

-Protagonist comes from a single mother who is a bus driver, yet has very nice clothes, bike, skateboard and if I remember correctly had a record player in his room.

-When the protagonist made a Mumford and sons joke when is so called "punk" band plays the same indie garbage.

-Protagonist claimed he was a 90s hiphop geek because he listen to nas

-Called "summertime" a classic. It wasn't.

-Had a really lame joke where a white guy kept trying to say the n-word in a cool way. It just came off as obnoxious.

-Very childish montage of them selling drugs. The movie came off like it was made for 14 year olds.


-The whole ending. ESPECIALLY, when he wrote the letter to Harvard saying why he didn't want to go there and at the end asked "If I was white would you even have to ask that?", That's annoying for several reasons:

1.Not only white people go to Harvard. There is a fair amount of African Americans.

2.The whole movie had NOTHING to do with race.

3.The essay seemed like it was written by a 15 year old. (Like the script for this movie)

Edited by hatedkid666
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Evil Dead (2013) - 8.5/10

Forget what I gave it a few years ago, but I still love it. Wouldn't have worked if the remake would have tried to take a tongue in cheek approach like the originals. As a straight up horror film, so good and ridiculously bloody. Terrific.

I saw the original in a drive in many years ago.

The best cult classics I saw was Robocop. I laughed so hard I think I puked up a lung. Now that was a super funny movie with some memorable lines: "Can you fly Bobby?" Or, "Give the man a hand." Too funny!

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I saw the original in a drive in many years ago.

The best cult classics I saw was Robocop. I laughed so hard I think I puked up a lung. Now that was a super funny movie with some memorable lines: "Can you fly Bobby?" Or, "Give the man a hand." Too funny!

Paul Verhoeven's films are so good. Robocop, Total Recall, and Starship Troopers are so incredibly cheesy. Starship Troopers especially is one of my all time favourites.

"Good for you, son! Mobile infantry made me the man I am today!" *cut back to show man missing his arm and both his legs*

Edited by Monty
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Paul Verhoeven's films are so good. Robocop, Total Recall, and Starship Troopers are so incredibly cheesy. Starship Troopers especially is one of my all time favourites.

"Good for you, son! Mobile infantry made me the man I am today!" *cut back to show man missing his arm and both his legs*

Yes. I loved that one too. Seeing movies like that in the theatre are sometimes embarrassing. Most people don't get the humor, so I find I'm laughing alone.

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watched both Dawn of the Dead movies back to back (both based around the concept of waiting out a zombie apocalypse in a shopping mall - general themes of mindless human consumerism etc.)

2004 - 9/10

Re-watched for first time in ~5yrs, but had seen it a few times before. It's probably my favorite zombie movie, aside from Pontypool if it counts. Unusually well-made for the genre. Flashy without being too flashy - know when to flex the cinematic muscles. All-round a perfectly entertaining horror movie, interesting characters, walking the line with dips into comedy and action. More of a reimagining than a remake.

1978 - 7/10

Somehow I never watched it. It's.... interesting, and kind of deranged. Doesn't even try to be scary, except for some unsettling music. Seems like it would have been a ton of fun during filming.

Edited by The Bookie
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the peak of burt reynolds' career is in a movie where he watches his friend get bum ravaged by a hillbilly

anyway, after Monty's review I'm going to give Evil Dead (remake) another watch tonight. I really enjoyed it the first time. hope it holds up!

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the peak of burt reynolds' career is in a movie where he watches his friend get bum ravaged by a hillbilly

anyway, after Monty's review I'm going to give Evil Dead (remake) another watch tonight. I really enjoyed it the first time. hope it holds up!

I enjoyed it the first time around, but loved it this second time around. First time I squirmed quite a bit; but knowing some of what was coming made it a little easier to watch and I could just soak it all in. One thing that really held up from the first viewing was the last 20 minutes when it started raining blood. While I loved it throughout, the ends does not disappoint.


And as far as any other Burt Reynolds movie other than Deliverance, The Cannonball Run is phenomenal. And, although not a true Burt Reynolds film, he's great in Boogie Nights.

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the peak of burt reynolds' career is in a movie where he watches his friend get bum ravaged by a hillbilly

anyway, after Monty's review I'm going to give Evil Dead (remake) another watch tonight. I really enjoyed it the first time. hope it holds up!

Yup, never been a fan of the guy. Longest yard and that's it for me. And he really wasn't very good in that either. It was the other characters that made that movie.

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