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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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51 minutes ago, Monty said:

While I didn't hate the new Star Wars film, it's been about a month since I watched it, and I have one word to describe it, "Forgettable." 

Not knocking anyone who likes it, just surprised how forgettable it was.

Really? It's really easy for me to remember what happened, because every single plotline was ripped from previous films ;)

J/K, I still really liked the film, even if it only tapped into my nostalgic side.

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1 minute ago, Down by the River said:

Really? It's really easy for me to remember what happened, because every single plotline was ripped from previous films ;)

J/K, I still really liked the film, even if it only tapped into my nostalgic side.

same. pretty sure i remember the thing shot for shot after only seeing it once, too

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Bridge of Spies - How can a movie that hokey and that corny be nominated for Best Picture?.. I came close to quitting three separate times within the first 30 minutes alone. Actually forced myself to get halfway through before turning it off. Just couldn't take it any longer.




(I'd bash the hell out of this bloody awful movie and say things like "Hanks and Spielberg should retire and join their target audience in an old folks home", but Monty liked it and he's sitting right there above me ... so I won't)

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3 hours ago, Svengali said:

Bridge of Spies - How can a movie that hokey and that corny be nominated for Best Picture?.. I came close to quitting three separate times within the first 30 minutes alone. Actually forced myself to get halfway through before turning it off. Just couldn't take it any longer.




(I'd bash the hell out of this bloody awful movie and say things like "Hanks and Spielberg should retire and join their target audience in an old folks home", but Monty liked it and he's sitting right there above me ... so I won't)


Don't refrain from bashing something just for little old me. I welcome it. Makes the thread more fun. 

As for it being nominated for Best Picture, I didn't even know that it was. Knowing that, I'm sure because it's a Spielberg film, the Academy has a sense of obligation to ensure his films are always nominated. 

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Primer: 6.75/10

Incredibly detailed film about time travel. Written, directed, and acted by a former engineer. I think this guy just really wanted to write a film about time travel where there were no time travel-related plot holes, but was an awful story teller when it came to everything else. 


If you've seen the film, what I can't figure out is why the key event that the one character wanted to re-do was an incident at a party involving the love interest of his friend. No explanation was given as to his motivation. The entire movie arch was premised on this act, yet I can't figure out why he'd do such a thing.


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Trumbo: 8/10

Watched this one a while ago. Interesting story, but if Bryan Cranston wins an Oscar, I'll be extremely annoyed... unless his character was known to put on an accent at random during conversations. Every now and then Cranston would dive into this weird old-timy Russian accent. Totally perplexing and I couldn't figure out if he simply couldn't maintain an accent throughout the film. 

Reminded me of when Jodie Foster's accent in Elysium was so bad that they had to edit her voice throughout the entire film. 

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the lobster - 8.5, maybe 9.

this movie had me chuckling for a gooooood while. plus, with half the comments on IMDB calling it "pretentious" - i knew it had to be good.

 a handful of supporting people from the (UK) Office/Extras, John C. Reilly, with Rachel Weisz and Colin Farrell taking the lead - about a dystopian near-future where single people are forced to find a partner before the age of, i dunno, 45 or something, or else they get turned into an animal. it's a brilliant satire about aging, neuroses, and being single. basically, the difficulties of self awareness in the face of loving/being loved. Fantastic score, too. 

i definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone - but it's an extremely unique movie, and pretty polarizing. but i loved it. my main complaint is that it definitely has, at times, that excessively indie feel, where everyone sorta moves around and talks like they're autistic - however, this could sometimes be justified or explained. these people are, frequently, considered unloveable at times, or antisocial, or 'Loners' - but still, some performances feels a bit shallow. other than that, great movie




Edited by GLASSJAW
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Ex machina 8.5


really enjoyed this movie.  I thought the rhythm of interaction between gleeson/Isaac and gleeson/vikander was perfectly timed.


the movie was good looking,creepy, melancholic all at the same time. however the, use of the theme of attraction was believable and honest though surrounded by some darker thought provocations.


kind of an out of nowhere thought from me was, (and those that have seen it may know the scene I refer to), I had a vision of Brando in Apocalypse Now, and Daniel Day Lewis in There Will be Blood. And I thought at that moment that the scene would have been more convincing if DDL was suddenly acting out the scene....the movies only slight letdown moment for me.


great movie ending too, especially the final scenes.

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Truth 7/10

Lifted the description from IMDB ....

"Newsroom drama detailing the 2004 CBS 60 Minutes report investigating then-President George W. Bush's military service, and the subsequent firestorm of criticism that cost anchor Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes their careers."

It's politically driven and isn't going to be for everyone, but I liked it. If you're looking for car crashes or cyborgs it's best to avoid. Very good performances from Robert Redford and Cate Blanchett.

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19 hours ago, Monty said:


Don't refrain from bashing something just for little old me. I welcome it. Makes the thread more fun. 

As for it being nominated for Best Picture, I didn't even know that it was. Knowing that, I'm sure because it's a Spielberg film, the Academy has a sense of obligation to ensure his films are always nominated. 

"little old me" has got to be a trap, but I'm risking it anyway ...


It just felt like the movie was spoon feeding me mashed peas and carrots. That corny patriotism that Hanks would spew out when confronted by CIA agents really annoyed me. Or the judge wanting to speed up the case and Hanks replying with "well now look, this is Greenbow Alabama America, and here we do justice the proper way" etc etc. Way too hokey.

I'm not an expert when it comes to directing, bla bla bla, but it all felt so cliched and tacky and cheap and phony. The cheesy way Spielberg filmed certain scenes like panning along the construction of the Berlin wall and having the one token split up family trying to reach across to each other in case we're idiots and need to be reminded of what the wall meant ... little things like that bugged the hell out of me. It was straight out of a Marvel movie. Actually that's what it was: the entire movie felt like another Captain America but starred a superpowerless Tom Hanks.

I'll give it 1 point for the spy's really nice Scottish/Northern English accent ... also Alan Alda's voice is like a cozy yet ratty old armchair, so ... 2/10. Actually I quit halfway through, so 0/10 haha. If I was you I'd probably say this movie killed Bowie and Hans Gruber, resurrected Roger Ebert, gave him a quick Hows Your Father?, forced him to watch it, and then killed him again. (I'll see you in hell)



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15 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:

the lobster - 8.5, maybe 9.




And now after bashing Bridge of Spies I'm going to risk getting myself labelled by praising The Lobster:


(no one I know "in real life" has seen it yet, I have to get it out of my system)

I watched it two weeks ago and what they did to Rachel Weisz was heartbreaking and still annoys me haha. It's just a movie, but ugh ... She's so lovable in it and they go and do that ... That evil French girl was the record seller in Midnight In Paris and I went from loving her to totally hating her. Also have a thing for Ariane Labed who played the maid. (I seem to be overly focused on the women in this)

Loved the crazy sign language as well. The serious scenes with a giant hairy double humped camel walking by in the background ... All so good. I did groan when first seeing John C Riley, but I guess he pulled it off alright. Glad that it exists. Neat movie. And now I feel better.



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3 hours ago, Svengali said:

"little old me" has got to be a trap, but I'm risking it anyway ...

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It just felt like the movie was spoon feeding me mashed peas and carrots. That corny patriotism that Hanks would spew out when confronted by CIA agents really annoyed me. Or the judge wanting to speed up the case and Hanks replying with "well now look, this is Greenbow Alabama America, and here we do justice the proper way" etc etc. Way too hokey.

I'm not an expert when it comes to directing, bla bla bla, but it all felt so cliched and tacky and cheap and phony. The cheesy way Spielberg filmed certain scenes like panning along the construction of the Berlin wall and having the one token split up family trying to reach across to each other in case we're idiots and need to be reminded of what the wall meant ... little things like that bugged the hell out of me. It was straight out of a Marvel movie. Actually that's what it was: the entire movie felt like another Captain America but starred a superpowerless Tom Hanks.

I'll give it 1 point for the spy's really nice Scottish/Northern English accent ... also Alan Alda's voice is like a cozy yet ratty old armchair, so ... 2/10. Actually I quit halfway through, so 0/10 haha. If I was you I'd probably say this movie killed Bowie and Hans Gruber, resurrected Roger Ebert, gave him a quick Hows Your Father?, forced him to watch it, and then killed him again. (I'll see you in hell)



All fair. I may have been too generous with my score, but I still enjoyed it. Not "Top 5 Films of 2015" enjoyed it, but enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than The Force Awakens.

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7 hours ago, Svengali said:


And now after bashing Bridge of Spies I'm going to risk getting myself labelled by praising The Lobster:

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(no one I know "in real life" has seen it yet, I have to get it out of my system)

I watched it two weeks ago and what they did to Rachel Weisz was heartbreaking and still annoys me haha. It's just a movie, but ugh ... She's so lovable in it and they go and do that ... That evil French girl was the record seller in Midnight In Paris and I went from loving her to totally hating her. Also have a thing for Ariane Labed who played the maid. (I seem to be overly focused on the women in this)

Loved the crazy sign language as well. The serious scenes with a giant hairy double humped camel walking by in the background ... All so good. I did groan when first seeing John C Riley, but I guess he pulled it off alright. Glad that it exists. Neat movie. And now I feel better.



pretentious asshole!

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jurassic world. idk how everyone else about this movie when it came out but i really enjoyed it. it had everything a fan of jurassic park had, even the throw back easter eggs towards the end. i ate it up. i love chris pratt's character here and handled the love interest angle well, without it taking away from his character. the relationship between owen and the raptors, i loved it


as a fan 9/10, but there were scenes that left me like "oh, okay then" so final score 8/10

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After the announcement and casting of Suicide Squad, I had a strong feeling it was going to be downright terrible.

After the first trailer came out, my feeling was confirmed to belief that it was going to be a pile of crap.

With the second trailer out now, I am convinced that this will, without a doubt, be the worst superhero film to be released since Batman & Robin.

Now all I can do is wait for the How Did This Get Made? podcast to come out and tear apart what looks to be a movie made for people who like movies like The Other Woman.

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13 hours ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

jurassic world. idk how everyone else about this movie when it came out but i really enjoyed it. it had everything a fan of jurassic park had, even the throw back easter eggs towards the end. i ate it up. i love chris pratt's character here and handled the love interest angle well, without it taking away from his character. the relationship between owen and the raptors, i loved it


as a fan 9/10, but there were scenes that left me like "oh, okay then" so final score 8/10

Sorry but I think JW should only get 1/10.

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