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That 'Secret in their Eyes' remake was one of the first movies from some new lower budget film studio. I read a long article about them in the New Yorker recently. Basically their game plan is to take scripts that were rejected by other studios and find ways to make them for way less than they're estimated to cost. So like, for that one they had planned to shoot in 60 or 70 days or so, and instead did in 15 or 20 - something ridiculous like that. The quote from one of the studio execs when they saw the final cut of it was "Oh, we might have pushed a little too fast". Not really a glowing endorsement.

Be wary of the upcoming Civil War Matthew McConnaughey movie, they did something similar to get that made and still be able to pay him.

edit - I went to the NYer site to see if I could find the article and got distracted by a bunch of Bernie articles haha, but here it is

Edited by The Bookie
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Chi-Raq 7.5/10

I was skeptical of this one. Never been totally sold on Spike Lee, a re-telling of a Greek play in modern Chicago, women staging a sex strike against their bf/husband gang men - this could have easily been a hot mess. And it was. At times - clumsy, awkward, inconsistent, messy. But maybe that's appropriate for the subject. And it was actually entertaining. Sweet choreography, mostly good musical scenes, even a few laugh out loud jokes. I'm glad I watched it, even if I probably wouldn't ever re-watch it. Nice selection of acting cameos - Sam Jackson, Wesley Snipes, Dave Chappelle, John Cusack, Snoop & Clay Davis from The Wire.

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18 hours ago, SILLY GOOSE said:

I'm gonna throw this out there since we seem to have a bunch of dedicated and varied film fans here (which is awesome): what are some of your favorite 'sleeper' films?  Ones which you think sort of fell under the radar, but enjoyed.  Looking to build a new list and wouldn't mind just checking out some recommendations.  

One of my top ten favourite movies is The Proposition. Absolutely badass and brutal Aussie western written by Nick Cave (he also does the great music in it). It stars Guy Pearce, Ray Winestone and Danny Huston, all of them excellent. I think almost everyone in this thread (including the pretentious twat above me that mentioned Deadwood) would love it and I have zero hesitation recommending it.


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1 minute ago, Svengali said:

One of my top ten favourite movies is The Proposition. Absolutely badass and brutal Aussie western written by Nick Cave (he also does the great music in it). It stars Guy Pearce, Ray Winestone and Danny Huston, all of them excellent. I think almost everyone in this thread (including the pretentious twat above me that mentioned Deadwood) would love it and I have zero hesitation recommending it.


Been a long, long time since I watched The Proposition. I remember enjoying it, but I also don't remember a lot about it.

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Just now, Monty said:

Been a long, long time since I watched The Proposition. I remember enjoying it, but I also don't remember a lot about it.

I love it. It's ugly and beautiful at the same time.


Guy has to find and kill his older brother in the outback in order to save his younger brother.


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Also, if TV shows count on Silly Goose's list, and you occasionally like some British MI6 stuff done in a calm manner, The Worricker trilogy (Page Eight, Turks & Caicos, Salting The Battlefield) is something I liked that I guess you could consider a sleeper. Although it's BBC, so maybe 60 million limey bastards saw it.
They star Bill Nighy (one of my fav actors) and Ralph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz and others. In fact a tonne of others, all good except for Winona Ryder who is in Turks & Caicos... geezus she was so bad she almost totally ruined it, but Christopher Walken saved it.  (I've googled about 50 names for the correct spelling in the last two posts alone ...)

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Inside Out: 9.25/10

Loved the complexity of the movie, and not just 'for a cartoon by Pixar'. Liked how each emotion was treated as something necessary/not to be ashamed of. 

Her: 8/10

Not sure what to say about this movie. Scarlett Johansson definitely had the voice for it. Joaquin Phoenix kept reminding me of Leonard from the Big Bang Theory, and I hate that show. I liked the concept, but found that the 'big reveal' at the end should have been something the character understood at the beginning. Also wished there was a bit more backstory about how we ended up in a world where dating an OS was not completely shocking. 

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1 hour ago, Svengali said:

One of my top ten favourite movies is The Proposition. Absolutely badass and brutal Aussie western written by Nick Cave (he also does the great music in it). It stars Guy Pearce, Ray Winestone and Danny Huston, all of them excellent. I think almost everyone in this thread (including the pretentious twat above me that mentioned Deadwood) would love it and I have zero hesitation recommending it.


Thank you for this. I admittedly knew nothing about Nick Cave until last year when I started watching Peaky Blinders and this was the theme song:



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5 minutes ago, Down by the River said:

Thank you for this. I admittedly knew nothing about Nick Cave until last year when I started watching Peaky Blinders and this was the theme song:

If you like Cave you've also got to watch his documentary 20,000 Days on Earth. It's not a "real" documentary, but it's fantastic. I straight up cried during one musical performance and I will fight anyone in here who chuckles at that.


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2 hours ago, Down by the River said:

 Her: 8/10

Not sure what to say about this movie. Scarlett Johansson definitely had the voice for it. Joaquin Phoenix kept reminding me of Leonard from the Big Bang Theory, and I hate that show. I liked the concept, but found that the 'big reveal' at the end should have been something the character understood at the beginning. Also wished there was a bit more backstory about how we ended up in a world where dating an OS was not completely shocking. 

I remember really enjoying Her; but felt that the ending didn't hold up to the rest of the film. However, I remember thinking that any ending Jonze would have done, that I can think of, would have been a let down.

As far as wishing there was a bit more backstory about how we ended up in a world where this is not shocking? I think we're pretty much there. Not there in the sense that this in particular is happening, but I think when you have a 52 year old man leave his wife and seven kids to self identify as a 6 year old girl, and as a society we're not supposed to question this because "everyone can just do what they want to do and it's ok", then the idea of someone dating an OS in the future shouldn't be shocking at all.


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38 minutes ago, Monty said:

As far as wishing there was a bit more backstory about how we ended up in a world where this is not shocking? I think we're pretty much there. Not there in the sense that this in particular is happening, but I think when you have a 52 year old man leave his wife and seven kids to self identify as a 6 year old girl, and as a society we're not supposed to question this because "everyone can just do what they want to do and it's ok", then the idea of someone dating an OS in the future shouldn't be shocking at all.


Good point. A 70 year old billionaire with no prior experience is going to be the leader of the largest political party of the most powerful nation in the world, and about 50 million people are totally fine with it. I guess I'm just some evolutionary throwback not advanced enough for this new world.

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3 hours ago, Svengali said:

If you like Cave you've also got to watch his documentary 20,000 Days on Earth. It's not a "real" documentary, but it's fantastic. I straight up cried during one musical performance and I will fight anyone in here who chuckles at that.


did you see him in vancouver two years ago?

sh-t was so good. 'push the sky away' is an amazing album

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4 hours ago, Svengali said:

One of my top ten favourite movies is The Proposition. Absolutely badass and brutal Aussie western written by Nick Cave (he also does the great music in it). It stars Guy Pearce, Ray Winestone and Danny Huston, all of them excellent. I think almost everyone in this thread (including the pretentious twat above me that mentioned Deadwood) would love it and I have zero hesitation recommending it.


Already seen it, I really liked it. But like all westerns, it suffers from the "it's good, but it's not Deadwood good" problem

3 hours ago, Svengali said:

I straight up cried during one musical performance 


so sweet. what a nice, albeit pretentious, boy. so in touch with his emotions.

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6 hours ago, Svengali said:

One of my top ten favourite movies is The Proposition. Absolutely badass and brutal Aussie western written by Nick Cave (he also does the great music in it). It stars Guy Pearce, Ray Winestone and Danny Huston, all of them excellent. I think almost everyone in this thread (including the pretentious twat above me that mentioned Deadwood) would love it and I have zero hesitation recommending it.


Funny you mention it because John Hillcoat is one of my favorite directors.  He's CDN too!  I recommend seeing some of his other movies (Lawless/The Road/The Rover) all of which have G Pierce in them (one of my favorite actors to watch as well).  



Since this is somewhat related, my sleeper film to recommend is another Australian film called Animal Kingdom.  It has a very strong aussie cast (including Pierce who is fantastic in it) and features probably one of Ben Mendelsohn's best performances. Anyone who likes dark, gritty, and somewhat depressing crime drama's (films like The Town etc.), I think, will enjoy it.   




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The Big Short - 9/10

I think I'm like the last person who frequents this thread to see this so no point blabbing about the plot, but holy hell did I ever enjoy it. In a miserable, fatalist way of course. But to make something so entertaining yet so basically informative, this is absolutely one of the best of 2015. It worked in all the small ways too - the hyperactive editing, the restless inquisitive camerawork, the unreliable narrator(s), the celebrity digressions, the so subtle you barely realize it's there undercurrent of hopelessness. Realized it's the same director who did Anchorman and Talladega Nights, which, even as a not-huge Will Ferrell fan, I remember thinking had some extra spark to them.

It's poignant too. A movie like this winning a bunch of awards in an election year is the kind of thing that could actually do a little damage. Bonus points.

So, about the water & seeds.....

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