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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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On 7/22/2016 at 10:27 AM, Monty said:

Wife is gone for a few weeks, renovations to my entire house, so can only stay in my bedroom when I'm at home. So Netflixing like there is no tomorrow.


Prometheus - 7.5/10


I've seen this 4 times now. I understand why people don't like it, but I enjoy it.



Stranger Things - 8/10


I actually finished the series last Sunday. The only part that didn't seem developed as fully as it should have was that of Matthew Modine and his "organization". Otherwise, good performances all around. And this was the first time since Beetlejuice where Winona Ryder actually seemed liked an actress and not just "there".



The Do-Over - 0/10


I make a point to not watch Adam Sandler films. The last one I watched was PTA's "Punch Drunk Love", and that's because it's a PTA film. Otherwise, hard pass on everything Sandler. However, it was 1am and I wanted to put something on while I tried to fall asleep.


I don't know if I threw up because I'm feeling sick, or because this movie sucked. Either way, it was terrible.

This Century Adam Sandler sucks, but you don't like Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore?

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1 hour ago, Monty said:

When I was 14, maybe. But I'm 34 now. I can't/refuse to watch them now.

you've got a couple years on me, but I really don't understand these dudes our age who go around talking about the "early years" of Sandler as if they're comparing Paul McCartney's work with the Beatles and his recent albums, or something.


i mean, everyone has their own taste in humour. but i just don't understand how an adult could find this stuff funny. it's almost like they're clinging to the memory of when they first saw it as a teenager and thought it was funny then, so they are thinking it must still be funny? idk.





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I know it's a pretty polarizing movie, but I am one of those who absolutely loves The Blair Witch Project. stupid thing scared me as a kid, and still creeps me out as an adult. I just think it's an effective movie. 


So colour me surprised and kinda annoyed when I see they've made a 'sequel' that's about to be released. Naturally, as sequels these days tend to do, it actually just looks like a remake. I feel more annoyed by this than I was at any of the Ghostbusters stuff. 


I'll still see it, idc.



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22 minutes ago, GLASSJAW said:

I know it's a pretty polarizing movie, but I am one of those who absolutely loves The Blair Witch Project. stupid thing scared me as a kid, and still creeps me out as an adult. I just think it's an effective movie. 


So colour me surprised and kinda annoyed when I see they've made a 'sequel' that's about to be released. Naturally, as sequels these days tend to do, it actually just looks like a remake. I feel more annoyed by this than I was at any of the Ghostbusters stuff. 


I'll still see it, idc.



I've never seen the Blair Witch Project. Feel like I should, though.


Clam Ghostbusters looks about of fun as sh*tting glass.

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With all the renos going on and the wife gone for another two weeks, all I can do is Netlfix. Can't  go for walks with dog as I'm getting foot surgery in the next few months.


So, next terrible film:


Terminator Genisys 


I just started, but why is Holywood trying to force Jai Courtney down our throats? I have yet to see a passable performance from him. 

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On 7/23/2016 at 2:14 PM, Monty said:

I've never seen the Blair Witch Project. Feel like I should, though.


Clam Ghostbusters looks about of fun as sh*tting glass.

 One of the first and best of the " found footage " genre  that was released in 1999. Creepy as hell and they even had fake web sites with the history and mythology surrounding the area and the Blair witch herself.For a few hours after i seen it i actually though it was based on  true events....lol .  


If you can waste your time on the  Terminator Genisys  movie ( garbage ) then you'll have no problem watching this.

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Justice League: Dawn of Justice 7/10

I went in with very low expectations (I finally watched it on a flight) and found myself entertained at the very least. Can't say I see Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor though at all. Then again, I wasn't convinced with Gene Hackman's version and he's the man. Casting directors (or directors or film writers) just haven't figured him out for the screen yet.

But to be honest, despite my serious doubts, Ben Affleck was a decent Batman, Jeremy Irons was a passable Alfred, though I never imagined him that way, and I've always liked Henry Cavill.

DC movies have taken a very serious nose dive since Warner Brothers put Christopher Nolan in charge of all the DC movies which is ironic because he made by far the best DC movies if not the best comic movies ever.


On 7/23/2016 at 2:28 PM, Down by the River said:

There are certain movies I will never watch again just because I know that seeing them at a different age will totally ruin my memory of the film. Night of the Roxbury-type movies.

That was never a good movie to begin with. Chris Kattan has to be one of SNL's biggest mistakes ever. It's Pat also sucked when it came out. But I'm gonna say that Wayne's World and some early Sanders' movies simply don't get old. Specifically, Billy Madison. Thank you Chris Farley.


3 hours ago, babych said:

Stranger Things: 6/10


Seems like I've seen everything about in this series - I'd say it's X-Files meets The Goonies.

Exactly. Right down to the Truffle Shuffle. But yes, Wynona's better than she's been in a long time.


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Finished season 2 of Silicon Valley. Good but not great, much like the first season, which is probably why I managed to completely forget about the show for a couple of years. I'm interested enough to follow into another season, and, hey, look at that, it's already out, so my broken system works.


I guess I should qualify - it is great in some aspects. The writing is close to perfect, they don't halfass technical details and such, and the characters definitely grew in this second season to the point where you (or I at least) started to care about them vs. just being plot mechanics. But the story itself moves forward unevenly - sometimes the show gets bogged into a detail that will take up 2 or 3 episodes, and then rushes through other important details. It's also pretty obvious that they tried to introduce more female characters who were then abandoned or pushed to the periphery - way too much annoying douche Russ Hanneman, barely any hilarious engineer-hacker chick whose name I didn't even get. Although it occasionally seems like this part is an ongoing meta-joke on the reality of Silicon Valley. Who knows. See where it goes.


Worth watching for Erlich alone though, dude cracks me up in every scene, even if he's just in the background smoking his bong and looking skeptical. I learned just now from IMDB that he was 'Hud' in Cloverfield.

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6 hours ago, The Bookie said:

Finished season 2 of Silicon Valley. Good but not great, much like the first season, which is probably why I managed to completely forget about the show for a couple of years. I'm interested enough to follow into another season, and, hey, look at that, it's already out, so my broken system works.


I guess I should qualify - it is great in some aspects. The writing is close to perfect, they don't halfass technical details and such, and the characters definitely grew in this second season to the point where you (or I at least) started to care about them vs. just being plot mechanics. But the story itself moves forward unevenly - sometimes the show gets bogged into a detail that will take up 2 or 3 episodes, and then rushes through other important details. It's also pretty obvious that they tried to introduce more female characters who were then abandoned or pushed to the periphery - way too much annoying douche Russ Hanneman, barely any hilarious engineer-hacker chick whose name I didn't even get. Although it occasionally seems like this part is an ongoing meta-joke on the reality of Silicon Valley. Who knows. See where it goes.


Worth watching for Erlich alone though, dude cracks me up in every scene, even if he's just in the background smoking his bong and looking skeptical. I learned just now from IMDB that he was 'Hud' in Cloverfield.

I haven't watched Silicon Valley since season one. Just couldn't get into it.


However, the guy who plays the inventor of "whatever it is they invented", Thomas Middleditch, has some absolutely hilarious moments on the Comedy Bang! Bang! podcast when he's on it with Lauren Lapkus. Check out his appearance on the 2015 one titled "Kid Detectives". Unreal.

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