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Oblivion was good, yes. Good Tom Cruise sci-fi. Not nearly as good as Minority Report, but solid. 7/10

Killing Season, starring DeNiro and Travolta, had a decent enough premise, similar to other one-on-one war movies in the woods, but this one fell short many times as the badguy played by Travolta was infuriatingly cliche. DeNiro could've done this movie in his sleep and at times i thought he was. Cheeseball ending too. 3/10

The Smurfs. Bad, even for a kids movie. Not much happens, so let's fill it with... Smurf-all. 1/10

Megamind. Older one, but i enjoy this kids movie every time i watch it. Will Ferrell is great. 'Thighten' not so much, but meh. 7/10

Escape From Planet Earth. Newer kids movie is alright. Not memorable though. 5/10

G.I. Joe Retaliation. Going great until Bruce Willis popped up. The movie didn't require him, at all. Meanwhile, Flint's character was as vacant as the 2-dimensional prettyboy actor who portrayed him. Lady Jaye was eye-poppingly hot. Got that character a bit wrong, and it was shallow, of course, but even she had way more personality than Flint. This was basically Roadblock's movie. Not sure if Roadblock was deserving of one, but whatever, the People's Champ does what he wants. Oh, the action was meh. First one was better. 5/10

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The Conjuring-8/10

I haven't watched a scary movie since the Grudge cause I got really freaked out and I hate horror movies. So yesterday at 3 am in the morning I thought it would be a good idea to watch it and it turns out it was really good. Good story.

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Fast & Furious 6


Enjoyable movie, but as expected the plot, acting and script were awful. The final car chase wasn't as good as the one in Fast 5. Watched it mostly for the sweet cars and Paul Walker who, gorgeous as he is, doesn't seem to be even trying any more. Featured too much Vin Diesel for my liking.

Lol is it me, or was that airplane runway like 250km long, it just kept going and going

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Pitch Perfect - 8/10

It was a funny movie and I like Rebel Wilson.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - 7/10

She was hilarious in that...."Well... sometimes I have the feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, mmm... better not."

The 5 year engagement - 6.5/10 - pretty good for a rom com. Big fan of Jason Segel.

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Last Samurai?

I've never seen it, but lots of people seem to like it

Last Samurai was good, but really slow at times.

Pacific Rim - eleventy thousand out of 1. Giant Robots Fighting Giant Monsters. If you go into it expecting ANYTHING else, you are a fool. the story was much better than expected (it could have had NO story, for all I care), and the effects were amazing. IMAX 3D was DEFINITELY the way to go. soo good.

I can't wait for the sequel, and MORE giant robots fighting giant monsters. - also, there needs to be a Gundam movie in the works, and maybe Evangelion if they ever get that whole chestnut worked out.

Also... Gurren Lagann.

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She was hilarious in that...."Well... sometimes I have the feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, mmm... better not."

The 5 year engagement - 6.5/10 - pretty good for a rom com. Big fan of Jason Segel.

She's funny in everything I've seen her in. Even if she only appears for a few minutes, she's easily one of the most, if not the only, memorable characters in any given movie.

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Pacific Rim - 8/10. Saw it in 3D VIP and it was great!

Searching for Surgar Man - 9/10. Watched on Netflix because I was bored and had nothing better to do and was completely amazed. True stories like that are always better than fiction!

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