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An idea to wake the players up (line suggestions thread-merged)


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Something happened to us recently.

Whether it be Manny leaving for good, bad coaching, or just plain egotistical laziness, we aren't the same as we were a month ago, definitely not the same as we were last season and not even close to what we were on our playoff run. Yes, I know it's early in the season but we need to get something going.

We need to wake our role players up. If we can do that, I feel the rest of the team will follow.

So I'd say try this next game:

Sedin - Sedin - Burrows

Raymond - Shroeder - Hansen

Higgins - Kesler - Booth

Volpatti - Lapierre - Kassian

Bieksa - Tanev

Hamhuis - Garrison

Edler - Ballard


Reason being:

  • Kesler is trying to get back into game shape but he still needs to contribute more than he has (And I'm not just talking about on the score sheet).

  • Booth looks non existent, and since he will be on the second line eventually, why not reunite the AMEX line but get them going on the third line where they can rebuild chemistry without the expected pressure.

  • The speedy line we all watched before Kesler and Booth returned was a huge reason we went on a 6 game win streak. So why not place them on the second line and give them a bigger role. They handled it very well before and plus this could give Kesler the motivation he needs to strive for excellence rather than coast, because frankly I get the impression his ego is taking him over (He needs to realize he is not locked into the second line center position).

  • Leave the fourth line the way it is until Kassian plays smarter with the puck.

Now for defense:

  • Demote Edler and cut down his minutes exponentially. He needs to wake up (They're paying you 5 million for a reason buddy. I used to have so much respect for you, now you're just disappointing me).

  • Play Tanev with Bieksa, I feel this could turn into something beautiful, plus Tanev has been handling top line minutes exceptionally well. If we didn't have this guy, I don't know what we would do.

  • Garrison played better tonight, but still not up to expectations. Try him out with Hamhuis (Who also deserves to be demoted) and see what becomes of it.


  • I don't know what his coaching method is but either him or someone else on the team needs to yell and I mean YELL at the players. I say this because I feel AV is far to lenient both post game and pre game, and he needs to make them understand that they aren't an elite, cup contending team when they're playing to expectations only at certain times of the game.

  • He needs to allow players to build chemistry. It's so frustrating watching him consistently juggle everyone up even when we're leading just because they made a mistake or lost the puck in the neutral zone. Sometimes I'll notice him put together lines that make no sense and don't end up working, yet refuse to put together lines that are the most obvious and expected (Ex. Raymond - Kesler - Weise intstead of Higgins - Kesler - Booth).

I think this is a good idea because the boys need to wake up.

Tired or not tonight, we've been incredibly sloppy in our last 10 games or so, especially on defense.

I'm tired of seeing us coast, and only play our best through the last 30 minutes.

What does everyone else think?

Go Canucks Go :towel:

Edit: Mods, if you feel this doesn't deserve it's own thread, feel free to lock it or transfer it elsewhere.

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I have a crazy wild idea that will get me flamed but you know what ....it will send a message to all players.......split the Sedins up! I know they are scoring a few goals but really compared to what they usually do its nothing...... Put Kesler on the wing, and yeah re-unite the speed line.........

Also get Tanev to teach the D coach how to play D so the goal Coach and can teach the rest of the team because Tanev is awesome and the rest of the D are just brutal.

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Something happened to us recently.

Whether it be Manny leaving for good, bad coaching, or just plain egotistical laziness, we aren't the same as we were a month ago, definitely not the same as we were last season and not even close to what we were on our playoff run. Yes, I know it's early in the season but we need to get something going.

We need to wake our role players up. If we can do that, I feel the rest of the team will follow.

So I'd say try this next game:

Sedin - Sedin - Burrows

Raymond - Shroeder - Hansen

Higgins - Kesler - Booth

Volpatti - Lapierre - Kassian

Bieksa - Tanev

Hamhuis - Garrison

Edler - Ballard


Reason being:

  • Kesler is trying to get back into game shape but he still needs to contribute more than he has (And I'm not just talking about on the score sheet).

  • Booth looks non existent, and since he will be on the second line eventually, why not reunite the AMEX line but get them going on the third line where they can rebuild chemistry without the expected pressure.

  • The speedy line we all watched before Kesler and Booth returned was a huge reason we went on a 6 game win streak. So why not place them on the second line and give them a bigger role. They handled it very well before and plus this could give Kesler the motivation he needs to strive for excellence rather than coast, because frankly I get the impression his ego is taking him over (He needs to realize he is not locked into the second line center position).

  • Leave the fourth line the way it is until Kassian plays smarter with the puck.

Now for defense:

  • Demote Edler and cut down his minutes exponentially. He needs to wake up (They're paying you 5 million for a reason buddy. I used to have so much respect for you, now you're just disappointing me).

  • Play Tanev with Bieksa, I feel this could turn into something beautiful, plus Tanev has been handling top line minutes exceptionally well. If we didn't have this guy, I don't know what we would do.

  • Garrison played better tonight, but still not up to expectations. Try him out with Hamhuis (Who also deserves to be demoted) and see what becomes of it.


  • I don't know what his coaching method is but either him or someone else on the team needs to yell and I mean YELL at the players. I say this because I feel AV is far to lenient both post game and pre game, and he needs to make them understand that they aren't an elite, cup contending team when they're playing to expectations only at certain times of the game.

  • He needs to allow players to build chemistry. It's so frustrating watching him consistently juggle everyone up even when we're leading just because they made a mistake or lost the puck in the neutral zone. Sometimes I'll notice him put together lines that make no sense and don't end up working, yet refuse to put together lines that are the most obvious and expected (Ex. Raymond - Kesler - Weise intstead of Higgins - Kesler - Booth).

I think this is a good idea because the boys need to wake up.

Tired or not tonight, we've been incredibly sloppy in our last 10 games or so, especially on defense.

I'm tired of seeing us coast, and only play our best through the last 30 minutes.

What does everyone else think?

Go Canucks Go :towel:

Edit: Mods, if you feel this doesn't deserve it's own thread, feel free to lock it or transfer it elsewhere.

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While Burrows is great with the Sedins, we really need our second best scorer (after Daniel) to start producing more. I personally think Burrows can be very serviceable as a second line center (or Schroeder).

This doesn’t have to be permanent, I just think Kesler needs to score a few goals to get his game back and what could be better than getting passes from the Sedins? If it works out than we probably have one of the most dangerous 1st line in the league, and our 2nd line center for the time being could be either Schroeder or Burrows. If it doesn’t than we are no worse off than we were before. Our second line before Kesler came back was creating a lot of offence. So do you guys think Kesler would be effective at RW?

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