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Sick and tired of your negativity...

Specter's Vengeance

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We are very fortunate to be fans of a rather successful team. This team does more for its fans and this city than most other teams in this league. I value the fact we all have our opinions and because of our passion, when things are looking pretty low, we get upset because that's how it is. We give tough love to our team expecting them to hear our spiteful words. Hoping that they shift gears and become the Stanley Cup Champions we've always wished they would be. However, the garbage I see posted on a regular basis is just overkill.

This player sucks because hes had a bad month of games threads and O NOEZ! DIDZ DEY JUS COLL UP SUM NOE NAYME PLAIR FRUM CHEECAGO?! GIT DA GULFEN SHOOZ REDDY!! threads are so mentally draining... I feel like I'm in a posse of prepubescent girls arguing over who should be cut from One Direction... Step your game up people! Make threads that actually shed light on stuff or if you're going to make a thread regarding someones poor play, make sure to back it up with video or stats that actually show your opinion has validity. Don't just post something stupid about someone because you don't like them. I don't like alot of things with this team also but you don't see me bitching about it on new threads every 2nd day... Oh and if you're one of those who just do it to get a rise out of people then instead, do us a favor, and piss someone off in real life. You'll probably get punched in the face and get the wiring in your head readjusted. So please, trollers and imbeciles need not apply.

Sorry to the rest of you reading this. I needed to rant. Thanks.

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We are very fortunate to be fans of a rather successful team. This team does more for its fans and this city than most other teams in this league. I value the fact we all have our opinions and because of our passion, when things are looking pretty low, we get upset because that's how it is. We give tough love to our team expecting them to hear our spiteful words. Hoping that they shift gears and become the Stanley Cup Champions we've always wished they would be. However, the garbage I see posted on a regular basis is just overkill.

This player sucks because hes had a bad month of games threads and O NOEZ! DIDZ DEY JUS COLL UP SUM NOE NAYME PLAIR FRUM CHEECAGO?! GIT DA GULFEN SHOOZ REDDY!! threads are so mentally draining... I feel like I'm in a posse of prepubescent girls arguing over who should be cut from One Direction... Step your game up people! Make threads that actually shed light on stuff or if you're going to make a thread regarding someones poor play, make sure to back it up with video or stats that actually show your opinion has validity. Don't just post something stupid about someone because you don't like them. I don't like alot of things with this team also but you don't see me bitching about it on new threads every 2nd day... Oh and if you're one of those who just do it to get a rise out of people then instead, do us a favor, and piss someone off in real life. You'll probably get punched in the face and get the wiring in your head readjusted. So please, trollers and imbeciles need not apply.

Sorry to the rest of you reading this. I needed to rant. Thanks.

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me too. Lets here some positive thinking. Even when we win all I hear is nit picking about this or that.

I for one appreciate the hockey team. Criticism of the team is one thing but continual negativity makes my head hurt. The rule I use is, stay positive unless its disingenuous to do so.

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