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The Workout Thread

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when you start lifting, pre-workout and protein shakes are completely useless. Just lift consistently and you'll build muscle. When you come to a point where no matter what you do, you plateau, change up your routine, if that fails, take protein. But remember, you are taking non natural products. It's not always the best for your health.

Uhhh yeah you're talking out of your ass here, about pretty much everything.

Pre-workout isn't necessary, but it can be helpful in providing an energy boost if you're dragging.

To fap or not to fap before workout!?!? QUICK answer please !!

If you do it relatively close to your workout, expect to not have the best session as you'll be down on test.

Haha, actually if you stop fapping your gains will increase and you will have more energy.

The .0003% increase in gains really isn't worth it.

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when you start lifting, pre-workout and protein shakes are completely useless. Just lift consistently and you'll build muscle. When you come to a point where no matter what you do, you plateau, change up your routine, if that fails, take protein. But remember, you are taking non natural products. It's not always the best for your health.

Protein shakes are not useless for anyone. If you want to gain muscle, you absolutely need protein. It doesn't have to be a protein shake, it can be from food as well. But protein shakes are a convenient way to add a good chunk of protein into your day, whether you are Mr. Olympia champ or a total noob.

Also protein powder by itself is a natural product. Protein is protein no matter where it comes from. Sure some companies add stuff for flavouring, but you're making it out to be some borderline steroid.

As for preworkout, I don't think it's worth the money, but it does have benefits.

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God damn roiders at the gym. Impossible to keep up unless you are too. I think our squats were pretty consistent for some time but I don't do them every leg day. Sometimes lunges, split squats, whatever. Anyway, roider is up to 500lbs ass to ground. I'm not even close to that..

The only way you're going to make consistent progress on your squat without any vitamin S is to have a minimum of 2 squat sessions per week, 52 weeks per year. How much are you currently squatting?

Split squats, lunges, BSS are good leg builders, but they don't replace the squat. Can you get big legs without squatting? Yes. What you cannot do, as a natural, is build a big squat by not squatting.

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when you start lifting, pre-workout and protein shakes are completely useless. Just lift consistently and you'll build muscle. When you come to a point where no matter what you do, you plateau, change up your routine, if that fails, take protein. But remember, you are taking non natural products. It's not always the best for your health.

Been going to the gym about 3-times per week since April. Results has been plateauing a bit, partially due to old injuries and doing the same routine.

Can't push harder since I don't want to put too much stress on joints with pain and I don't want to switch to more advanced/complex exercises as I haven't been trained/taught those. Deciding to just "monkey see, monkey do" probably not a good idea and may lead to injuries.

The only thing I can really change in the mean time is diet. Starting taking meal replacements plus fruits (usually just a banana as it's easier to eat, plus for allergenic reasons) for the morning. Lots of vitamins, minerals, etc. Subway for lunch... not 100% the most healthiest, but usually just egg salad or veggie sandwich, all veggies (no iceberg lettuce, but with spinach), fat-free dressings, no salt/pepper and multi-grain bread... eat just 6", save the other half for later. Gym after work, then protein shake afterwards and the rest of the sub. At home for late dinner, maybe a bowl of vector cereal with extra all-bran and skimmed milk. Total calories should be around (800 for sub, 200 for meal replacement, 200 for protein shake and 400 for cereal) 1600.

Always starving before I head to bed. I'm already starving and I just finished my bowl of cereal, lol. Thinking of taking casein or something before bed.

Any thoughts/recommendations?

I go to a gym that does it for me whenever I set up an appointment. If you have a family doctor hey can do it for you.

Or you can go online and give your measurements, it gives you a rough estimate. Sometimes it can be accurate.

And to answer your second question. Go to bodybuilding . Com, I just ordered 5pounds of protein powder, and 2 bottles of creatine for 84$.

Cool. Checked out a few sites... not sure if accurate. Says 15% body fat... but I think that's too low.

Thanks for the website suggestion, I'll have to do some research to see if it's the cheaper option out there.

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God damn roiders at the gym. Impossible to keep up unless you are too. I think our squats were pretty consistent for some time but I don't do them every leg day. Sometimes lunges, split squats, whatever. Anyway, roider is up to 500lbs ass to ground. I'm not even close to that..

I would never compare yourself to a roider or anyone else for that matter. Everybody is different. Doesn't matter how much other ppl are lifting. It's all about self improvement at your own pace.

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Been going to the gym about 3-times per week since April. Results has been plateauing a bit, partially due to old injuries and doing the same routine.

Can't push harder since I don't want to put too much stress on joints with pain and I don't want to switch to more advanced/complex exercises as I haven't been trained/taught those. Deciding to just "monkey see, monkey do" probably not a good idea and may lead to injuries.

The only thing I can really change in the mean time is diet. Starting taking meal replacements plus fruits (usually just a banana as it's easier to eat, plus for allergenic reasons) for the morning. Lots of vitamins, minerals, etc. Subway for lunch... not 100% the most healthiest, but usually just egg salad or veggie sandwich, all veggies (no iceberg lettuce, but with spinach), fat-free dressings, no salt/pepper and multi-grain bread... eat just 6", save the other half for later. Gym after work, then protein shake afterwards and the rest of the sub. At home for late dinner, maybe a bowl of vector cereal with extra all-bran and skimmed milk. Total calories should be around (800 for sub, 200 for meal replacement, 200 for protein shake and 400 for cereal) 1600.

Always starving before I head to bed. I'm already starving and I just finished my bowl of cereal, lol. Thinking of taking casein or something before bed.

Eating and taking protein right after a workout is proven to be useless. It doesn't matter when you get in your calories a day as long as you can get it all. For example, sometimes after I work out, I have to get to class so I don't eat until I get home maybe 6 hours later. I have a 2500 calorie meal then and as long as I get it all, I have seen my strength increasing.

As well, if you want to increase your strength, do lower reps (max 6) but higher working sets ( around 7-8) with max 45 second rest period. Once you go above 6 reps, it's no longer strength workout but cardio

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Eating and taking protein right after a workout is proven to be useless. It doesn't matter when you get in your calories a day as long as you can get it all. For example, sometimes after I work out, I have to get to class so I don't eat until I get home maybe 6 hours later. I have a 2500 calorie meal then and as long as I get it all, I have seen my strength increasing.

As well, if you want to increase your strength, do lower reps (max 6) but higher working sets ( around 7-8) with max 45 second rest period. Once you go above 6 reps, it's no longer strength workout but cardio

I usually take my protein after workout, but I do use the approach of IIFIYM. Like if I'm behind in my calories, I'll just have a bigger meal later at night. With people's busy lives now, it's hard to eat every few hours. Most of the time I have to fit the meals in later at night.

My bulking progress has been good pretty far, but my flu set me back a bit. I was off for a week and a half and didn't eat as much because I didn't have the appetite. This week I went back to the gym and I felt pretty sore, but feels great to be back at it.

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Hit my PR in squats a few weeks ago. 220 for 4 sets of 8.

However, my hip flexors have become really tight and sore. Any body with experience?

189lbs now. Probably at around 18% BF. Should look pretty good at 177-180.

Knees are sliding forward as your reach the bottom of your squat. Shove them out harder and keep them out to prevent them from sliding forward.

Oh. My routine for lower body is:

4 sets of squats.

4 sets of deadlifts.

3 sets of forward lunges.

3 sets of Bulgarian split squats.

1 leg TRX squats.

Calve raises.

Core. TRX fall out. Weighted prone bridges.

Do 1-2 warm up sets per excersize.

You're not strong enough to need all that. Squats, deadlift, and ONE of the single leg exercises should be sufficient.

What's your plan for progression?

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Anyone order off Canadianprotein (dot) com?

Canadian made, shipping is free, comes within days unlike ordering off BB.com with huge shipping charges..

Thinking of buying a 25lb concentrate

BB.com is actually pretty fast, one of their warehouses is located in Canada (I think)

Edited by LeanBeef
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Been going to the gym about 3-times per week since April. Results has been plateauing a bit, partially due to old injuries and doing the same routine.

Can't push harder since I don't want to put too much stress on joints with pain and I don't want to switch to more advanced/complex exercises as I haven't been trained/taught those. Deciding to just "monkey see, monkey do" probably not a good idea and may lead to injuries.

The only thing I can really change in the mean time is diet. Starting taking meal replacements plus fruits (usually just a banana as it's easier to eat, plus for allergenic reasons) for the morning. Lots of vitamins, minerals, etc. Subway for lunch... not 100% the most healthiest, but usually just egg salad or veggie sandwich, all veggies (no iceberg lettuce, but with spinach), fat-free dressings, no salt/pepper and multi-grain bread... eat just 6", save the other half for later. Gym after work, then protein shake afterwards and the rest of the sub. At home for late dinner, maybe a bowl of vector cereal with extra all-bran and skimmed milk. Total calories should be around (800 for sub, 200 for meal replacement, 200 for protein shake and 400 for cereal) 1600.

Always starving before I head to bed. I'm already starving and I just finished my bowl of cereal, lol. Thinking of taking casein or something before bed.

Any thoughts/recommendations?

Cool. Checked out a few sites... not sure if accurate. Says 15% body fat... but I think that's too low.

Thanks for the website suggestion, I'll have to do some research to see if it's the cheaper option out there.

Should have your cereal in the morning, and in the evening stick to meats. Grains will give you energy in the morning, meat will keep you feeling full in the evening. Instead of sandwich, try salad with boiled eggs. Sounds like you're eating a lot of carbs and not enough protein, save for the shake. Should be somewhere around 20-30% proteins, 50-60% carbs, 10-15% fats.

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Been going to the gym about 3-times per week since April. Results has been plateauing a bit, partially due to old injuries and doing the same routine.

Can't push harder since I don't want to put too much stress on joints with pain and I don't want to switch to more advanced/complex exercises as I haven't been trained/taught those. Deciding to just "monkey see, monkey do" probably not a good idea and may lead to injuries.

The only thing I can really change in the mean time is diet. Starting taking meal replacements plus fruits (usually just a banana as it's easier to eat, plus for allergenic reasons) for the morning. Lots of vitamins, minerals, etc. Subway for lunch... not 100% the most healthiest, but usually just egg salad or veggie sandwich, all veggies (no iceberg lettuce, but with spinach), fat-free dressings, no salt/pepper and multi-grain bread... eat just 6", save the other half for later. Gym after work, then protein shake afterwards and the rest of the sub. At home for late dinner, maybe a bowl of vector cereal with extra all-bran and skimmed milk. Total calories should be around (800 for sub, 200 for meal replacement, 200 for protein shake and 400 for cereal) 1600.

Always starving before I head to bed. I'm already starving and I just finished my bowl of cereal, lol. Thinking of taking casein or something before bed.

Any thoughts/recommendations?

Cool. Checked out a few sites... not sure if accurate. Says 15% body fat... but I think that's too low.

Thanks for the website suggestion, I'll have to do some research to see if it's the cheaper option out there.

You're screwing your metabolism only eating 1600 kCal a day.

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