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Botchford's take on the Canucks issues: Says AV is definitely a problem

Henrik Kesler

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Did you guys see him in the media scrum the day after he called Edler a dipcrap and all that stuff on Twitter?

AV looked at him and Botch looked away so fast, then AV did it again and Botch turned away again it was pretty funny.

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I do believe a lot of what Botchford said had an element of truth, and yes, Av probably has made some mistakes but some of his opinions are full of holes. Perhaps having the forwards play deeper in our end might curtail some offensive odd man rushes, on the flip side, we should have then been better in our own end, which we weren't. Is that a slap on AV or Bowness who is defensive coach?

Yes Lou played well in first two games, but did give up his patented softies, so, starting your team MVP (Schneider) who was used to playing backup, was not such a bad call. After all, seasonal stats were in Schneider's favour.

I also disagree with his evaluation of the team personnel being good enough to win in the playoffs. As hard as the Canucks worked in the first 3 games, they just aren't big enough or mean enough to play with the Sharks. Blame MG for that one because AV can only play the players he was given.

Lack of team chemistry is a problem, but who can you blame for that? It is what it is.

Injuries are a big part of the equation for a team without a lot of depth. I think we really miss Tanev on the backend, small, but slick and reliable.

I just don't believe AV is the total problem.

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I would feel a lot better if Couture suffers a season ending injury in game 4. That's what you get for beating the Canucks.

This coaching staff / management / team is too 'nice'. Nice guys finish last.

The media can say what they want. I don't care.

EDIT: But he is surely right about Torres 100%. I have been criticizing management for not signing him back after 2011. He was the only nasty player had on our team. He should've been given a medal from Phoenix for knocking out Hossa. He should've been given a medal for knocking out Seabrook and Thornton 2 years ago. Instead, AV says he plays 'outside the box'.

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Hahahahhaha Gallagher's right hand man in the Canuck propaganda ministry is also spouting off. I love it. I bet they had a meeting last night to figure out how to take the heat off the ever incompetent Gillis. I wonder how much the Canucks pay these two clowns. botch knows nothing about hockey and anyone with half a brain can see right through this rhetoric. All the Gillis defenders are looking pretty stupid right now.

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Wow @ the couple people in this thread wishing Couture would get badly injured by the Canucks "to show them that's what they get." :picard:

Yes you idiots, lets injure a young Canadian star who happened to get drafted to a rival team through no fault of his own. THAT will get us in the Refs' good books & improve this team's reputation so we more PP time.

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