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Rumour is that Babcock wants out of Detroit.

Throw everything at him.

Yeah...and I see pigs flying. Of course if this rumor were true and he was available, I'd say grab the guy. Or entice Scotty Bowman to come out of coaching retirement.

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The guy is unreal and gets a far too easy ride off these journos.

Put headphones on during the presser.

Botch did ask some tough questions, and was dismissed by MG.

He probably would have been more forthcoming had the trifecta of POS Province Canuck journos had actually been writing op-ed pieces with transparency instead of a lame attempts for sensationalism.

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I know he's a BC boy. In fact, I met him last summer in Telkwa, which is close to his home town.

I think Vancouver was always a preferred destination, but I don't believe that it was the only possible destination.

I'm always skeptical when people try and deflect credit without any concrete evidence to back it up. The fact is, Gillis signed him and deserves credit for doing so. Just like Rutherford deserves credit for acquiring Jordan Staal, Slats deserves credit for Nash and Fletcher deserves credit for Parise and Suter...

Well go find his "Smithers interviews" where I'm sure he said he wanted to come here. Let's not split hairs..........Unless Gillis had offered him peanuts (and that wouldn't be the MG we all know now would it?) he was signing on the bottom line.

He has never grafted to make a trade happen since he got here.............fact!

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By any chance, were you around during KEENAN 1, way back in 1997? You wanna give this old Canucks fan a myocardial infarction? One time was bad enough. That guy knows how to poison a locker room.

Marc Crawford - Steve Moore... 'nuff sed.

LOL. Yeah I was around. He made some difficult decisions at the time. Decisions that seem remarkably similar to what are going to need to be made with this aging group. But the way he treated certain people, especially Trev, will never be forgotton.

I wouldn't be adverse to seeing Crow back here, but I think there's better coaches out there.

Btw, I didn't write this article. The link to Pass It to Bullis is right at the bottom of the post.

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Because he (rightly) wasn't just basing this decision on one season?! He specifically said it was based on the last two seasons where we underperformed in the playoffs and the Canucks needed to evolve. You even point that out in your post!

They were beaten by the damned cup winners. A team that was specifically bolstered and designed to win the Cup...........Something which is totally foreign to MG.

It wasn't some hick team that fell out in the next round.

They steam rollered everyone and the only way we stood a chance that year was if Gillis had learned lessons in 2011 and acted on them.

It was his fault..........The Canucks won a PT that year (how many other coaches of the Canucks had done that 2 years running? But never the less the regular season is not the Playoffs and Gillis should have known that.

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Well go find his "Smithers interviews" where I'm sure he said he wanted to come here. Let's not split hairs..........Unless Gillis had offered him peanuts (and that wouldn't be the MG we all know now would it?) he was signing on the bottom line.

He has never grafted to make a trade happen since he got here.............fact!

Actually, I agree that he wanted to come here. What hockey player doesn't dream of playing close to home?

What I disagreed with is the idea that Gillis deserves no credit for getting it done. As I said earlier, if it was a slam dunk, why make the Ballard trade?

...and I have no idea what you mean with your final sentence...

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Hmmm, I guess all those that have been ragging on this guy for months look a lot less stupid now.

Happy day, happy day.

Depends. Anyone who was talking about "gum chewing" or the fact that Schroeder wasn't playing still looks pretty stupid...

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Actually, I agree that he wanted to come here. What hockey player doesn't dream of playing close to home?

What I disagreed with is the idea that Gillis deserves no credit for getting it done. As I said earlier, if it was a slam dunk, why make the Ballard trade?

...and I have no idea what you mean with your final sentence...

Firstly "getting it done" Are you serious? You invite him in with his agent, put a contract and an obscene amount of money on the table and IT'S DONE. You or I could have done it.

As for my last comment. Can you tell me when we traded for a player in KNOWN COMPETITION and was successful?

All I can remember are players who walked in the opposite direction. And if you say Sestito, I'll get the next flight over there and hunt you down :sadno:

Goodnight, its 12.20 am here and an old guy needs his beauty sleep.

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Firstly "getting it done" Are you serious? You invite him in with his agent, put a contract and an obscene amount of money on the table and IT'S DONE. You or I could have done it.

As for my last comment. Can you tell me when we traded for a player in KNOWN COMPETITION and was successful?

I am serious. Just as I was serious for crediting all of those other GMs for signing guys who wanted to go there anyway.

You'll have to excuse me if I question your objectivity on anything where Mike Gillis is concerned.

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Depends. Anyone who was talking about "gum chewing" or the fact that Schroeder wasn't playing still looks pretty stupid...

Oh I mentioned gum chewing but all in good fun, had much more to say than that.

The one thing most the pro-AV crowd had going for it's side of the argument is that none of us were in the inner-sanctum and smarter hockey people than us that were "in the know" still had trust in AV and who the hell were we to pick him apart.

As it turns out we were right and it just took MG a little longer to get there (and rightly so considering everything).

I do find it rather odd that some of the pro-AV crowd in here are now going against the very wisdom they used, as noted above, about the smarter hockey people that are "in the know" and now questioning management. Great hypocrisy. BTW, don't get defensive on that, not referring to you, just an observation on the thread in general.

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I've been stuck in Toronto for some time, so I don't know if all the good stuff I hear about Eakins is real or echo-chamber propaganda from the so-called "centre of the universe". However, if Eakins is genuinely as good as they say, I'd put him at the top of the list.

Dave Tippett would probably be a good choice, provided he doesn't re-up with Phoenix.

Not sure about Lindy Ruff, simply because he strikes me as pretty much the same as AV, without the sense of humour. Sure, he was in Buffalo for a long, long time but that might also have been because stingy Sabres ownership during that time didn't want to spend money on a more expensive coach.

Boucher? The problem with a "fiery" coach is that they have a very short shelf-life before they lose the room and by the time Boucher was fired from TB, it was pretty clear he'd lost the room there.

Scott Arneil? Do we really want a head coach who wasn't good enough for Columbus?

As for TSN's Craig Button's suggestion of Jacques Martin: gawd NO. We have players who LIKE playing here. If Martin becomes head coach, no one will want to play here. (And this shows why Craig Button has not been hired to be a GM anywhere else after getting fired in Calgary.)

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