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CDCGML 2013-14


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As a kid you cannot wait to be an adult but few years after getting there you wish you could go back to the care free days of childhood.

I have got the feeling i am the oldest "member" participating in this game.

I do understand that feeling of going back to the carefree days for sure. Turned 34 in May......I would like to think everyday im living the dream though !

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I do understand that feeling of going back to the carefree days for sure. Turned 34 in May......I would like to think everyday im living the dream though !

I'm pretty sure PO and Wilb have you beat.

I dodged responsibility until my mid to late forties , i was a ski-bum living in the back of my car at Mt.hotham {ski-seasons] in my mid to late thirties , "say goodbye to all responsibilty i never wanted it man " :)

Turned 50 at the start of the year - when i was in my late teens i used to say," live fast,die young and make a good looking corpse" , SCREW THAT !

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I just got back from the hospital with my 2 year old (infected mosquito bite of all things...) wish I knew you were there I coulda said hi...

I vote to push it back, as I can't make it due to a dance recital (forgot that it was Saturday night). How do I forget what night my daughters dance recital is???? well Curt....when you have 6 kids a lot of things slip through the cracks---you'll find out one day! Congrats you two!!

The obvious double entendre goes unnoticed until i wake up and make a cup of coffee. :lol:::D:P

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I first felt old when I saw a Playboy centrefold younger than me.

Then I felt really old when I went on a date with a girl who didn't know what the Berlin Wall was.

Now, thinking there are members here who wouldn't remember 9/11 makes me feel positively ancient.

Thank goodness for Wilb, PO and BH to balance that out a bit.

I think I am perfectly well placed in the spacetime continuum. I am old enough to remember Pong and the literal creation of the global computing revolution, and yet young enough to love MMORPG's, XBOX, college chicks, parties, good bands, playing hockey, football, soccer, volleyball..and yet old enough to have had an outstanding career behind me, met all kinds of wild people, and world changers too, and yet young enough to still enjoy a good toke with my buddies and a bottle of wine I made myself.

In short i feel like a 14 year old who owns his own house and whose best friend has boobies. YAY!!...even if I am 41.

Life is GOOOOOOOOOD. Just don't dump boiling oil on your bare chest and you all should turn out to pretty much love life too.

EDIT: I mentioned in another thread the other day I have had lunch with Princess Anne, and a picnic with Queen Elizabeth, where she patted my corgi on the head, and the other day I shared a cup of coffee with an old guy who pushes a garbage can around town collecting bottles so he can get loaded at night (funny thing: he bought the coffee!). I have partied with some pretty scary people in abandoned houses, sat stoned under a bridge, rented a pad, owned a house, had no home and backpacked my way around North/Central America...its been up and down and sideways, and I wouldn't change it for anything.

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Another update:

A few minor changes but nothing that seemed to raise Docs eyebrows. Because she's so early, she's getting some sort of injection every 12 hours to help baby's lungs, just in case she does have baby early.

They told us the survival rate of a baby born at 28 weeks is over 90%, and Jill is at 35 weeks, so like, 99.95% so all should be well, though at the moment she is breach, which is a concern, but ultimately manageable.

They are keeping us here until tomorrow morning so they can run the full course of injections here because they don't trust the Revelstoke Hospital to not screw it up. :lol: But if everything is still calm by that point, we will be heading home tomorrow.

So, as it stands, the draft will proceed as planned tomorrow night at 5pm Pacific time. There are apparently those that would prefer 6pm, and it doesn't matter much to me so you guys can sort that out, whatever works best for the majority I am fine with. I will try to get the new thread up today/tonight from here if things stay calm and I can finish it.

If things pick up today and I won't make it back, we will see what the time frame is and it will either move forward without me, or be delayed until Sunday or Monday night.

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