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CDCGML 2013-14


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Wouldn't be toooooo upset. Romo has done a tremendous job with his group.

He really has. The Blues are going to be tough on your Hawks, I think.

And you would be upset. We all would be. I can tell you that there were no easy moments for the Isles last year. If it wasn't for players like Handzus and Vokoun stepping up BIG time we never would have made it put out of the 2nd round.

Not rooting against you OTTS but the Canuck fan in me makes it hard not to root for the underdog.

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He really has. The Blues are going to be tough on your Hawks, I think.

And you would be upset. We all would be. I can tell you that there were no easy moments for the Isles last year. If it wasn't for players like Handzus and Vokoun stepping up BIG time we never would have made it put out of the 2nd round.

Not rooting against you OTTS but the Canuck fan in me makes it hard not to root for the underdog.

Long live the Hawks.

Obviously I would be but I meant was I could lose to worse people hehe

Don't lie TM everyone is rooting against me around here minus a few.

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Winning one game is fun.

I'll take the team with two cups in 4 years. ;)

That might work for some people, and that's okay.

I'll stick with the team I've loved since I was 4 years old, win or lose. ;)

(Friendly jabs people, no offense meant to OTTS or anyone else cheering for other teams. It's all for fun :) )

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That might work for some people, and that's okay.

I'll stick with the team I've loved since I was 4 years old, win or lose. ;)

hehe fair enough. I use to hate the Hawks as well but I built my team around them so I started to watch more of their games, IMO they play a great brand of hockey and I respect (Saad is probably my favorite forward in hockey :P ) most of their players other than Keith.

always will be a Nucks fan #1 of course but the hawks are probably #3 on my list of teams to cheer for.. hope the Sens and Nucks turn it around next season :(

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hehe fair enough. I use to hate the Hawks as well but I built my team around them so I started to watch more of their games, IMO they play a great brand of hockey and I respect (Saad is probably my favorite forward in hockey :P ) most of their players other than Keith.

always will be a Nucks fan #1 of course but the hawks are probably #3 on my list of teams to cheer for.. hope the Sens and Nucks turn it around next season :(

Yeah, this game has caused me to watch a much broader array of hockey, and teams I normally wouldn't have given a minute on the highlight reels of my time I now watch really closely. You have to like a winning system, or at least respect it. Makes me laugh a lot that Edmonton did the old and often suggested "tank to get better" strategy and really failed at it. Loving it. 4 years from now will they be a power house and I will have to eat my words? Hope so, for hockey's sake!
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I apologize to any of our members who have so patiently been waiting to continue contract talks with agent Mike Vanderhoek. I will be addressing all pm's this afternoon and greatly appreciate your time and patience.

I look forward to working with you guys and nailing down some contracts.

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not playoff related but interesting to take a look at..

Sami Pahlsson is going from 30th place to first, as the Columbus Blue Jackets have traded the veteran checking center to the Vancouver Canucks in exchange for defenseman Taylor Ellington and a pair of fourth-round draft picks.

Remember this trade? The two 4ths ended up being Josh Anderson and Taylor Leier.. two prospects who are key players for their junior teams that has produced numbers and have upside.

After that disappointing season, Pahlsson went overseas...


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Romo ´s Canes are like Pitbulls ...they will fight untill End ..a really nice Matchup there

well there are some close matchup´s too...but it would be kinda funny if the Canes kicks out the Panthers :P

Oh ya totally would be hilarious lol loling right now man Hahahaha oh Germans.

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